you making new players think all this game is about is shoveling shit :S
Nonsense, it's just a method to get a few first xp and caps when you don't have anything
and don't know anything about the game nor anyone who could help you.
Actually after update XP for shoveling will drop the higher level you have, so shoveling will
be good only for newbies on levels 1-2, then you have to move on. The formula will be 24/level.
I want to make brahmin in the pen "dangerous" and attack shovelers sporadically (without
enabling real combat), so you get XP, but there is a little bit of danger too (not a big one
though, because brahmin hits you only once or at all if you move away in time). Actually
it's implemented already but it doesn't work smooth enough.
I'm doing things I consider fun because it's not a work but hobby. The moment developing
stops being fun and will start feeling like a regular job, I will stop doing it. For example
if had to do the things that some people tell me to do and I wanted to do other things.
I don't need a regular job where I'm not paid and called stupid by random people from Internet.
So new suggestions are very welcome, but whining about known issues is not motivating.