Blueprint hunters guild. (not a faction)
« on: June 04, 2012, 09:16:39 pm »
Please keep this in survival guides topics because the guild has bp guide AND its not a faction!!
Feel free to use this topic to orginize small bp members hunting groups
Joining is not free!
(because almost everyone would join then without any real input)
but for now only 200 caps it may be raised later,
Want to join? just reply in topic (keeps topic alive) or PM me. ingame bp hunter name required!
Bye the way, donations to the guild like caps or ammo or leather armor are very welcome (PM or reply please)
get your bp hunter ingame name listed (REQUIRED to join guild). this will reduce the chance you get killed by another bp hunter
members get acces to all known (AND MORE exclusive members only) bp hunting tips and guide without haveing to search forum where you dont get all availible tips.
members get free acces to a base near a bp hunting ground
members get acces to items in base (leather armor found and left for free and other usefull but cheap items)
update:base is now supplied with low tier ; ammo, armor, lockpicks and some tent and campfire making material
members can trade bp for the ones they dont have in base .
a base to group and set out to search in teams
hostile bp hunters can be blacklisted if you have screenschot.
Note: yes it is possible to team up know why? because when the chest is picked you have 1 crouching animation to pick something up you have another one. SO you can actually see if someone steals from the hunting group.
do not kill other bp hunters when encountered especially members.
dont steal chest if its their encounter.
help out trap downed bp hunters
do not store bp in bp hunters base
simply dont be a jerk
Member:MRtrader ingame treasure hunter name: Muffin
guildmaster:boatschift ingame treasure hunter name: haxpicker
Member:Lilian13 ingame name of bp hunter : sawyer
Member:AtomicWrangler ingame name of bp hunter : MamTo
Member:Dendito ingame name of bp hunter :aqueteabro
Member:HertogJan ingame name of bp hunter : Annaleah
Member: Eternauta ingame name of bp hunter :Jake Ibarra
Pending members:
-ronon dex ingame name of bp hunter : Otvirak
-codave ingame name of bp hunter : Nightlock
often encouterd "friendly" treauser hunters. (warning just because they were friendly doesnt mean they wont kill or steal from you)
- M Dibby Love
- manlocker
hostile bp hunters:
-pope (uses mercenaries)
Due to MrTrader not being able to play i am now taking his place in owning the guild
Also the guild is part of my faction if you wanna be apart of that just let me know