1) Punchers should not be able to knock people down 100% of the time. 50% maybe.
1) This will be changed and will be a maximum of 50% for Str 10 guys (if they don't use the unarmed weapons)
I would love to see this change in the next update if it's possible, i'm wondering what are the odds of that happening?

Anyway, in building the next bit of the spreadsheet, to test bursts and their criticals, I learnt that I had applied the critical damage modifier in error (its applied before DT, not after). So slight amendments to the single shot damages:
- Adjusted critical hit tables.
Heh, i dig up something interesting concerning critical bursts. Though i'm not sure if that's the change, quite important. He is hinting to a change of damage to single shot damages, maybe the same problem exists for burst and maybe it isn't fixed, maybe he forgot, hard to tell from what he wrote, very ambiguous. That would explain the high critical damage on bursts or maybe i'm talking in the wrong direction.
What if the damage multipliers weren't touched for torso shots, as far as i know they have a different critical table and this is cousing the imbalance to them. Whenever critical tables are changed it's so confusing to tell what exactly, that's why my idea is based on pure speculation and theory. I'm just saying it's worth to check.
For some reason I was sure I changed it on the perk reworking to ignoring the 30DR after any critical, not just bypasses. This must be one of the things I didn't get to do because the little boy arrived and interrupted me.
Before the Wipe:
3 MC, 10 Luck, Better Criticals, Targetting Eyes
After Wipe:
2 MC, 10 Luck, Better Criticals, RBtE, Targetting Eyes, Finesse
No change about fineese appeared on these two updates, absence of this change causes balance issues for snipers at the moment.
CA helmet was 10% crit chance modifier, 10% crit power modfier before changes of 2 latest updates. Solar doubled all helmet critical chance modifier to make helmets more useful, buffing RBtE to ignore 50% instead of 25% crit chance modifier at the same moment enhancing the viability of the perk. Fineese was meant to balance out these changes for snipers, because even with the buffed RBtE it results as nerf, the critical chance modifier being the same with the perk for helmets before these changes, forcing players to just sacrifice another perk they didn't have to before for the same critical chance.
Unless of course Fineese get's changed, then it actually converts to a slight buff.
Actually, traders aren't fixed yet 
Crafting is way too fast because the timeout is infinite instead of cumulative for 1 or 2 hours.
But let's not get too focussed on availability, we all know this isn't right at the moment.
Crafting cooldown should be fixed, literally like fixed, fixed, not infinitive.

Bug, nothing on the drugs should have changed.
Using jet doesn't decrease normal DR by -15% unless it's a bonus achieved only from psycho/toughness/beer.
Ehh, next time i will use the bug section.

totally forgot such a thing exists.