Other > Closed suggestions

Raise the price of supermutants

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Why would having long fights with multiple landing hits be any better than having it fast and furious like they it to be? What, is getting up, running for cover, getting FA and going back in till one side loses their ammo or scores a burst critical hit that enjoyable?

Let's have a rundown of the most common complaints about weapon and tactical balance right now (I've included a few hypothetical but very much possible ones that are simply bound to happen if the devs don't change the course):

- most guns are worthless for PvP
- critical-based weapons are overpowered
- burst-based weapons are overpowered
- explosion-based weapons are overpowered
- mercenaries are overpowered
- drugs are overpowered

And compare the "now" to "then" (or vanilla F2):

1. Most guns are worthless for PvP
Now - yeah. Everything including criticals is more or less HP based (what's the difference between a Plasma Rifle scoring an x3 critical each time and a Minigun? they each take HP, so it's all about stun vs easier clicking), so only the top tier weapons are useable. Because bigger damage output owns you.
Then - nope. See that dude with a laspistol and a jacket? You've got your avenger and CA, but he's going to blow your brains out with a single hit. Or maybe not. But you can't really ignore him, right?
2. Critical-based weapons are overpowered
Now - oh, they just take your HPs anyway. Who cares. Yeah, you could decrease their damage output, but hey - you're increasing the relative damage output of burst-based stuff.
Then - yeah, they take you down with one shot. But you're still on 0 HP and there's your buddy to get you up. A Minigun with two shots is going to mess you up all the same, but there's no going back into the fight after that. Who's gonna be faster? Who was detected first? What's your relative position, situational awareness etc? There's definitely much more going on than a simple -HP exchange.
3. Burst-based weapons are overpowered
Now - yeah, they definitely take your HPs away. So make them take away less. Or more. You're messing with critical-based relative power while doing that anyway.
Then - they can shred 2 or 3 people, but you better think about approaching that sniper without him seeing you first to utilise the advantage of not having to click twice. Definitely more tactical.
4. Explosion-based weapons are overpowered
Now and Then - same shit again.
5. Mercenaries are overpowered
Now - you could always bring yours. But yeah, it's hard to counter without having your personnal army here. Sorry, can't help you man.
Then - see that mutie, Mr. Scope? One bullet from your rifle and it's all over for him. But hey, Mr. Big is screwed, so I can see why did they bring him here.
6. Drugs are overpowered
Now - yeah, they give an advantage that sometimes seems unfair, but you can still take them out with plasma grenades if they're on psycho so I guess it's ok. But decrease the damage output of anything a bit more and see what happens.
Then - yeah, they give an advantage but that doesn't change the fact that critical hits work. And that unnerfed Minigun was ok too I guess. So yeah, you better have proper distance and act fast, but you can take them out.

See how it goes? The devs dropped the ball when they did the first critical nerf screwing over the entire combat mechanic and eliminating most of the common hard counters and unpredictability from the game. It used to be exciting. Now it mostly comes down to "who's got more HP and better resistance" (armor, drugs, EN, lifegiver) and "who can take their HP faster" (the top gun - everyone's using it, it changes with what's being nerfed right now, lots of AP to shoot it as fast as possible). Is that fun? It sometimes feels like standing in front of your opponent and stabbing him with your fork in the gut in robotic intervals and vice-versa until one of you bleeds out. Oh, and you're both constantly applying plasma packs and painkillers as you go. Nerfing anything at this point is only going to make it worse.

The "balancing" done here (aside from removing sneak as it was) is an endless self-propelling spiral of bullshit. Just scrap it and stick to the old stuff. It'd be way better that way.


--- Quote from: Skycast on March 13, 2010, 06:34:28 pm ---Very funny to me, a few days we were preparing this action: trained mercenaries, craft ammo, develop tactics for each city. And because of this ONE DAY you cry so much.

P.S. Dead Masters Army:

Cry more.

--- End quote ---

lol, rofl and etc.

you forgot to write about your multiwindows cheats when one play 2-3 chars with mutants


remove mutants-merc from game,it turns the game into an extraordinary spectacle

duorden, if you say that "you forgot to write about your multiwindows cheats when one play 2-3 chars with mutants" without any proofs,
then I can say easily: "duorden is gaylady and eat shit" :)

Devs! please remove all range weapons. They are overpowered, and anyone can kill me! Let's stuck with spears and knifes! Oh, yeah, and no drugs, cos I don't know how to use them!


--- Quote from: kusoksna on March 13, 2010, 09:01:07 pm ---Devs! please remove all range weapons. They are overpowered, and anyone can kill me! Let's stuck with spears and knifes!
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--- Quote from: kusoksna on March 13, 2010, 08:16:15 pm ---Lordus, you mean that  NA can't find some money for supermutants. You said that NA have 30+ player, and DMC 3 times less.
I play only 1 week on 2238 (and played fallout series before ), i can make easily couple of thousands in one hour. I don't think money is that difficult in that game.
I'm sure that this was very good example, that game is balanced: number of players is less important than their skills. I don't think that outnumbering should rule in this game. Even in WoW which is very casual, skills play more than gear and quantity.

So, do you mean that NA is completely not-skilled and badly equiped?

--- End quote ---

 We dont want play warcraft here.. we want challenge real players. Not only NPC. It is not problem, if you have one or two supermutants, but when you have five per one, you die and you relog then, it is problem.

 30+ but most of them was unleveled and unequiped. Or they had thir last armors,.. because they did not have manufacture, like big gangs.. And enemy just go, buy with cheap money overpowered supermutants and destroy many hour world of that newbie players.. This is not balance.


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