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Author Topic: Reminder of what actually needs fixing  (Read 6332 times)


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Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« on: June 23, 2012, 11:26:58 am »

Being tired of correcting false statements in various threads I'll just state here the critical flaws in gameplay that need fixing to bring back players and then be quiet about it in other threads.

It'll be short and extended reasonings will be left out. If someone disagrees we can discuss here.

These issues require fixing asap (apart from server stability):

1. Silent death grenades.
Quick solution could to remove the autocrit and turn it into increased damage bonus of for example +30% dmg. Or normal hit with guaranteed bypass. It could work with smgs again allowing more variety for sneaking.

2. Critbursts for bg and gatling laser.
Too powerful. A helpful fix would be that you simply can't make critbursts with bg, only with rocket. Burst should be for constant reliable damage, not random instakill.

3. Tc. Hopefully there's already a plan how to fix this. Just needed to mention it, but it doesn't need to be discussed. Raises too much racket.
Why tc as third? Because believe me, even with working tc the pvp is going to suck if critbursts and silent death grenades aren't fixed.

Those who care can discuss.

Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2012, 12:03:21 pm »

How about a game that you can actually play?  Just kidding, nobody really wants that.  We want fish!  and battle brahmin!  moar skins......  lots more sis-cuddling rp adventure!  Just ask whatever Jovanka wants, that pretty well sums up what 98% of the current server (when it's up) population (you know, the dozen or so idlers in NCR) wants.  If your idea or concept is inane and basically retarded, rest assured others playing this game will welcome your suggestions.  All the real reasons as to why this current session lick donkey dong ballz was already stated about 3 hours after wipe and have been reposted and committee discussed multiple times.  TBH about half (or three quarters) of the population should just be muted and neutered as their wishes of fallout game design are just retarded.  If in the real world people need to understand why rule by the average isn't optimal, just imagine if every joe sixpack welfare families votes actually equaled the same "voting" power for change in a system as doctors, scholars, businessmen and basically accomplished individuals.  At best, that is the undeniable principle of democracy, thank god there is no such implementation of that on the planet, nor ever has, or ever will be....

Run by retards, for retards!  Join the retard republic of morons...
Now when are we going to get to buy houses and fish?

Now as for Sd-naders and critbursters, boo fucking hoo!
the people that play the bg badasses are all pissy because a guy with 2 plasma nades can kill his immortal bg tank that worked super duper before, let me get you a box of tissues to dry your tears.  Amazingly the "solution" given is merely coincidental to having plasma grenades nerfed just enough so your uber high hp BG tank can survive :)

Critbursters get to get a random crit (around 1 in 5) to maybe blow you into pieces that makes other bg immortal tanks cry because they don't have time to hit their super stim shortcut, pass the tear absobant material, boo hooos again.  The basic BG strategy of rushing in 1 hexxing and hitting health potions (super stims) might not work..... awwww boo hoo butthurtz.  Amazingly the "solution" given is merely coincidental to having crit bursts nerfed just enough so your uber high hp BG tank can survive long enough to pop another super stim :)

Where's the outrage of Snipers being OP this session?  Don't bother answering it, it was a rhetorical question......
Or bombers for that matter.  Or just about any build that happens to kill your build, obviously that one is OP :)  It's true there are tons of sd naders, I don't think it's all that balanced but I don't think 287hp x2 toughness bg tanks are all that balanced either, I can only bet that getting your tank melted by 2 or 3 plasma nades really pisses most PK Apes off, badly....  at best half the PK no lifers are going to end up upset for one reason or another, butthurtz overflowing from defeat.  You all can't be "winners", actually you're all "losers" (I acknowledge my loserdom) but some day maybe you'll figure that out.

TC, is just fucking retarded, that must be why it was approved.  If camping the toilets for hours on end was the devs intentions of TC, my hats off to them, mission accomplished....

Why not throw in to the mix fast relogging your whole army of alts?  One of them has to win, right?

P.S. Thanks Jovanka, I love my mutant skin!
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 12:40:20 pm by TKs-KaBoom »
It's all really about suppression of dissension, consensus through censorship.  Whether through extermination of those who have different or conflicting viewpoints or subtle spin of available media.  If there is only one opinion left, it must be right, right?


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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2012, 12:30:01 pm »

Good points avv.
I would only add some solution against fast relogs in PvP.


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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2012, 12:48:51 pm »

TC is unfixable broken. We changed the system so often over the past years and people always complained about it. If it would be me, I would just remove it and be done. It just doesn't work, players will never do what this system was supposed to lead them to: Defend a town from attackers and attackers alone, leaving "peaceful folks" doing their stuff. But you can't force players into such behavior. It can and will always be abused or workarounded, simply because players can. It is as broken as DayZ's "work in a team!"-survival mechanic is broken and won't ever work.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 12:50:52 pm by Lexx »


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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2012, 01:25:44 pm »

Why not have 'TC' in places where you got nothing else to do anyway?
Like randomly spawned base-like locations. Purpose is the 'TC' locker of course.

And just by the way, here's something to SD thing - the perk should be compared to other perks, so that everyone would see how broken is it. As it is now, this is the only perk that entirely changes the balance of single approach, and possibly dictates game style. Other perks allow you to do something better, but it's never day/night difference. This should be changed.
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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2012, 01:26:16 pm »

Actually crit bursters are not soo bad just compare to shitty resistance againist bypass its op :)
Stop making chars with 1 lk and invest into man of steel ;)


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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2012, 01:28:28 pm »

Now as for Sd-naders and critbursters, boo fucking hoo!
the people that play the bg badasses are all pissy because a guy with 2 plasma nades can kill his immortal bg tank that worked super duper before, let me get you a box of tissues to dry your tears.  Amazingly the "solution" given is merely coincidental to having plasma grenades nerfed just enough so your uber high hp BG tank can survive :)

The point is balance. In last session sneak vs bg balance was leaned towards the fact that bg can't see the sneak but sneak can't kill the bg just like that. But now a sneak without hardly any equipment can take out a bg just fine with minimal risk.
When the situation is like that, it simply isn't worthwhile to enter anywhere as a bg because enemy can just send sd sneaks forever. At the moment players almost have to agree with the enemy team not to use such builds to have fun with other builds.
You talk about muting people because their wishes are so far fetched, yet you don't seem to understand yourself how badly sd has affected the general pvp. But we can talk this through, there's not much else to do than talk anyway.

Critbursters get to get a random crit (around 1 in 5) to maybe blow you into pieces that makes other bg immortal tanks cry because they don't have time to hit their super stim shortcut, pass the tear absobant material, boo hooos again.  The basic BG strategy of rushing in 1 hexxing and hitting health potions (super stims) might not work..... awwww boo hoo butthurtz.  Amazingly the "solution" given is merely coincidental to having crit bursts nerfed just enough so your uber high hp BG tank can survive long enough to pop another super stim :)

All critbursts do is that they provide randomness in area where randomness doesn't belong, which is competitive scene.
Besides, basic bg strategy in hinkley might be onehexing and doing rambo but in wasteland it's working as team, maintaining consistency and focus firing single targets. You can try to take superstims when you're being blasted by 3 guys at the same time.

I don't think it's all that balanced but I don't think 287hp x2 toughness bg tanks are all that balanced either

Yes they are rather unbalanced. One good gatling laser, m60 or avenger crit and it's dead. Plus if you take 2x toughness you won't be critburster or have to trade away some very good perks.

TC is unfixable broken.

Unfortunate if you think so. In the end all it needs to do is to encourage players to enter and remain inside an unsafe location. Otherwise we will all camp worldmap forever.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2012, 03:21:12 pm »

We changed the system so often over the past years and people always complained about it.

Previous TC system needed improvements, countless steps of progression were provided by players, instead of doing just that, your re-inventing a wheel each time. I can't tell that TC is in a working state this session, it would be a false statement if i did and your saying the concept of TC just doesn't work?

I'm sorry and no offense, but something here doesn't a ring a bell for me.

It just doesn't work, players will never do what this system was supposed to lead them to: Defend a town from attackers and attackers alone, leaving "peaceful folks" doing their stuff.

That was working perfect last session, leave peaceful folks doing there stuff? What are you talking about? There are guarded towns for that, in north players must be aware of the danger. Most towns aren't guarded, TC or not it is free to roam the cities and kill everything that moves, how is TC responsible for that?
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 03:29:12 pm by T-888 »


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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2012, 04:40:01 pm »

Server needs fixing, constant lag spikes, crashes, and some new Blueprints need to come in.

Good points avv.
I would only add some solution against fast relogs in PvP.
and how will you do that? by banning that IP address or by banning the characters? that will just cause people to leave.
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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2012, 04:53:01 pm »

countless steps of progression were provided by players, instead of doing just that

Every TC change was pretty much based on suggestions by players, if I remember correct.

That was working perfect last session, leave peaceful folks doing there stuff? What are you talking about? There are guarded towns for that, in north players must be aware of the danger. Most towns aren't guarded, TC or not it is free to roam the cities and kill everything that moves, how is TC responsible for that?

It was not working and I am very sure that it wasn't working "perfect" the last time, because then we wouldn't have changed it. Players are meaned to be the guards of the town. But they guarded the town so well that nobody else except their faction members had been allowed to enter- everyone else had to die. That's not what TC was originally made for.

Players will never be able to replace NPC guards, you can't enforce this with game mechanics. The only solution I see is to strip out TC from all towns, add normal guards to them like everywhere else, and then instead use stuff like the planned domination mode. That's pretty much the same thing as TC currently, just with maps / locations exactly designed for pvp.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 04:55:11 pm by Lexx »


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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2012, 05:16:28 pm »

It was not working and I am very sure that it wasn't working "perfect" the last time, because then we wouldn't have changed it. Players are meaned to be the guards of the town. But they guarded the town so well that nobody else except their faction members had been allowed to enter- everyone else had to die. That's not what TC was originally made for.

But there never was an encouragement to let the random players enter and do their bussiness, or that encouragement wasn't good enough. We players do what's profitable in terms of items and whatever else can be achieved in this game, if something isn't profitable it sure as hell won't be done for the sake of goodwill.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2012, 05:28:16 pm »

But there never was an encouragement to let the random players enter and do their bussiness, or that encouragement wasn't good enough. We players do what's profitable in terms of items and whatever else can be achieved in this game, if something isn't profitable it sure as hell won't be done for the sake of goodwill.
I just can agree that post, its said but hell true.
Only buisnesses in North Towns were:
- professions
- trading with npcs
- mining hq minerals/ore (BH, Redding)
- standing near barrel and rolzplaying
- killing those who stay near barrels
- TC

All of those things now were killed by not "rethinked" ideas about silent death, new TC system aka "toilet control" 100% afk.
Just hoping things got fixed or changed by Domination mode - placed in cities, or in specific locations (dunno, maybe some factory, which would bring ammo/weapons/drugs).


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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2012, 05:31:57 pm »

- mining hq minerals/ore (BH, Redding)

thats what needs fix too, I farm my ammo now since every time I go, its always depleted
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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2012, 05:47:32 pm »

thats what needs fix too, I farm my ammo now since every time I go, its always depleted

I can assure that this isn't nowhere near one of the top reasons why the game is so un-fun. You can always find new things to fix for sure, but when situation is dire the fixes must be done in order of importance.

This might sounds like pvp-ape ramblings but pvp puts things rolling. When players lose stuff they start farming and maybe even trading again.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2012, 06:01:32 pm »

"Every TC change was pretty much based on suggestions by players, if I remember correct."

What players? ones that have never done tc? I find it hard to believe anyone would suggest something as stupid as camping toilets for days afk and get taken seriously.
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