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Author Topic: Reminder of what actually needs fixing  (Read 6322 times)


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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2012, 07:30:18 pm »

maybe lexx missed the part when tsar,bh and tlc guarding redding and bh like guards. now that cant be done. now if I want to guard I really do have to kill everyone. they are .001 from taking the town so I don't know who is who so all die just in cause. kinda makes rp factions fucked. I was looking forward to doing rp based projects but this new tc shit fucked that up. lexx do us all a favour and go back to old tc and leave it. also don't know what noobs told you this current idea was good but you should from now on actually listen to real tc and pvp players about tc and pvp related issues.
for example don't ask jovanka/any gm/bambi/eter or anyone else that crafts and does pve/idleing all day about pvp.
ask manero,kelin,kilgore,lemark even ask me if you want. now please just wipe this server now and if you can go back to old era if you cant take your time and rebuild but let us know so we at least know you devs are doing something. last era I stayed till the very end this one I already quit a month ago only coming on to kill in reno when there is action.
Roaming the waste again.


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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2012, 02:42:55 am »

@Lexx - Problem with every season and particularly TC is, that every new feature is more or less bugged. That wouldnt be a big deal if we didnt have to wait for a quickfix for eternity.
Moreover, balancing features is a lengthy process, you need to polish this TC gem for more years if you want something funny, reasonable and addictive. The whole process would be a lot faster if we didnt have to wait for results (=better TC) of our input (=suggestions) for months.
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing


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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2012, 04:12:19 am »

Every TC change was pretty much based on suggestions by players, if I remember correct.

It was not working and I am very sure that it wasn't working "perfect" the last time, because then we wouldn't have changed it. Players are meaned to be the guards of the town. But they guarded the town so well that nobody else except their faction members had been allowed to enter- everyone else had to die. That's not what TC was originally made for.
Wait, EVERYONE (and I mean, quite literally everyone from what I saw) kind of demanded  that the previous namecolorization be re-implemented.

Otherwise, this shit occurs.  If you don't know who is  the enemy, how can you trust anybody but people you closely know?  Whether or not there were even any existing incentives to allow players to come and go who were not enemies, not knowing forced people to kill everyone on sight.


Even though some players suggestions implied such a system, they specifically state something that they feel is necessary and they are ignored.  This isn't backwards?

Also, if you want a good idea of the system the player suggested for TC, you should look to what was fallout online tactics, where there were three flags (areas) that you must hold onto long enough to fully control all of flags to take it, but it was not based on a timer, it was based on players literally battling each other for the areas, holding each area until they had full "control" but it couldn't be taken back by a matter of 1 point within 1 second.

And so, if you didn't meant TC to be anything like "that" then why was it made specifically to be like "that"?   being, players killing everyone.
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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2012, 06:41:03 am »

Wait, EVERYONE (and I mean, quite literally everyone from what I saw) kind of demanded  that the previous namecolorization be re-implemented.

You are wrong. To refresh your memory:,11015.0.html

Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2012, 09:14:36 am »

You are wrong. To refresh your memory:,11015.0.html

From what I see it seems the pvpers liked having a name list and the gm's removed it in a misguided attempt to make players not act like dicks. Tagging people is slow, awkward and inefficient to the point where I stopped using it. Fonline isn't a democracy so you can't expect the devs to listen when they have a terrible idea, the new tc system is proof of that. I'm not sure why they want to discourage pvp when that is the main/only mechanic that makes the game worth playing.

Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2012, 10:20:32 am »

Why not making a separate PvP TC dedicated server for a closed beta test between chosen factions? Maybe this way the TC issues could be solved.

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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #21 on: June 24, 2012, 04:00:53 pm »

armors need fixing they detorate way too fast


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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #22 on: June 24, 2012, 06:55:54 pm »

All critbursts do is that they provide randomness in area where randomness doesn't belong, which is competitive scene.
Then this game simply cannot ever be competitive, because it was not moved single inch from RNG model in SP. If you exclude crit burst it's crit from sniping, if you exclude that it's random encounters when you travel to place, and several other RNG effects around.
Still balancing mass PvP in this game is actually much easier than doing it in some very complex roleplaying games, because the randomness is smashed by race attacks - if there's some solid chance to do something, you do it several times, and it'll simply happen ( like line of snipers ).
I don't think there'll ever be fair 1v1, because the game is still relatively simple and in that case random will play huge role compared to the control.

This might sounds like pvp-ape ramblings but pvp puts things rolling. When players lose stuff they start farming and maybe even trading again.
It's the part of game that kills the game for quite a lot of players. Still quite relevant to RNG and stuff - player can get very easily in circle: need to have weapon to get stuff, but he can't get weapon because he can't get stuff.
I'm sure this will likely happen to people who have no idea that encounter X provides them with relatively easy stuff.
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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #23 on: June 24, 2012, 07:48:08 pm »

Then this game simply cannot ever be competitive, because it was not moved single inch from RNG model in SP. If you exclude crit burst it's crit from sniping, if you exclude that it's random encounters when you travel to place, and several other RNG effects around.

Doesn't matter what it can or can't be. It's players job to point out flaws and keep pointing them out if it seems they become forgotten. If the game can't be comptetitive, then competitive features need to be removed, not left around to annoy and confuse players.
Why critbursts are suddenly so nasty is the fact that they instakill people and they are also the best non-sneak builds overall, no sense fielding other. Critburst builds pretty much surpassed all medium-close range builds.
Sniper crits were annoying last session because one could do KO or instakill with mauser and generally randomly defeat geared enemies by using crap equipment.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #24 on: June 24, 2012, 09:25:54 pm »

crit bursters were always powerful, especially in previous sessions. mostly during 2nd-4th sessions. I don't really know what is your moaning about. There are really much more important things there to fix. So, maybe get over it.

Randomness is a part of FOnline as it was a part of any Fallout game. You don't like it because it makes it not competitive, go play quake or something.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 09:28:51 pm by Kilgore »


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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #25 on: June 24, 2012, 09:43:27 pm »

crit bursters were always powerful, especially in previous sessions. mostly during 2nd-4th sessions. I don't really know what is your moaning about. There are really much more important things there to fix. So, maybe get over it.

Randomness is a part of FOnline as it was a part of any Fallout game. You don't like it because it makes it not competitive, go play quake or something.

You tell me to play quake? How about you play fonline. This thread is based on experiences gained ingame and what's worst in this whole community are people who stick their noses in matters they haven't been involved. These new builds appeared later in this session because it took time to fabricate the best builds. Did you play actively at that time anymore? If you didn't you don't know what's it like to play with and against these builds. How about you ask your pals who still do pvp about critbursts.

Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #26 on: June 24, 2012, 11:56:50 pm »

What if i'm bored with quake?

You are wrong. To refresh your memory:,11015.0.html

Epic times from what i hear, don't like it, it spoils your fun? Don't use it.( like what difference does it make, " TDM " players will shoot you no matter color ) Players still aren't goin to admit that 2/3 of whole fonline community are just hur-durr apes that aren't even visiting this forum, therefore can't respond to nonsense. Small example of SOT, 20~ members in TS when active, doing TC, ocassionally only 2 members or one is giving some opinion about ingame features on forum. Good feature to have, whether someone likes it or not.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2012, 12:09:43 am by T-888 »


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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #27 on: June 25, 2012, 12:39:25 am »

Doesn't matter what it can or can't be. It's players job to point out flaws and keep pointing them out if it seems they become forgotten. If the game can't be comptetitive, then competitive features need to be removed, not left around to annoy and confuse players.
I agree, but I also believe that the current level of randomness is quite acceptable for TC style competition.

Of course if some build is way too good it should be nerfed to bring some variety and thus more fun, that's no science, but I do not think the game is broken that much so it cannot host any competitive play - but only in conditions where effects of random can be statistically defeated - which is pretty much always happening in mass pvp.
But than again, if randomness was fixed on more levels (understand solo play for example), this game would be so much attractive for me and possibly many others.
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Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #28 on: June 25, 2012, 01:02:20 am »

I have the solution!
Rock, paper & scissors!
It is the ultimately balanced game!
Ofc, then you'll all begin to bitch about the OP of sneak rocks or crit scissors.
It's all really about suppression of dissension, consensus through censorship.  Whether through extermination of those who have different or conflicting viewpoints or subtle spin of available media.  If there is only one opinion left, it must be right, right?
Re: Reminder of what actually needs fixing
« Reply #29 on: June 25, 2012, 11:14:09 am »

You tell me to play quake? How about you play fonline.
Surprisingly, I did played FOnline actively for about 2-3 months in this session.

This thread is based on experiences gained ingame and what's worst in this whole community are people who stick their noses in matters they haven't been involved.
That's what you've been doing for a long time here.

These new builds appeared later in this session because it took time to fabricate the best builds. Did you play actively at that time anymore? If you didn't you don't know what's it like to play with and against these builds. How about you ask your pals who still do pvp about critbursts.
They never mentioned anything about crit builds being OP or sth. It seems that there are more important things to fix than few builds that you personally don't like.
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