FOnline Development > General Discussion
Size map
Jimmy BoyX:
How can I make size map or make maps smaller, resize it without lost all maps.
If you mean worldMAP
You need to change map pic first, put new map pic in client\data\art\interface\yourmap.png, changew name of map in \data\art\interface\default.ini
if you are using one big picture:
GmapTilesPic = yourmap.png #
GmapTilesX = 1 # Number of pics width
GmapTilesY = 1 # Number of pics height
in config.fos:
__GlobalMapWidth = 28;// Number of squares
__GlobalMapHeight = 30; // Number of squares
__GlobalMapZoneLength = 50; // sqares widht and height in px
#define ZONE_COUNT_X (28)
#define ZONE_COUNT_Y (30)
#define ZONE_LENGTH (50)
at the end of this file you must find line
LoadImage( IMAGE_RELIEF, "relief_tla.png", 1, PT_SERVER_MAPS );
it means relief file - Server\maps\relief_tla.png
Then change coordinates of towns:
If you mean townmaps just use MApper and edit maps*)
Jimmy BoyX:
I mean normal locations maps.
So open maps in mapper and cut them, what a problem?
Mapper has special commands that start with *
Press enter to enable input and type *size <width> <height>, for example:
*size 20 20
Check out ReadMe.txt for more, as usually in case of SDK it's in Russian.
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