FOnline Development > General Discussion

Size map

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Jimmy BoyX:
I know, know but I dont know how big is map and dont see any "end of map when I is block". The problem is because I make map use 500x500 but I want to cut it because there are so many free places.


--- Quote from: Jimmy BoyX on June 22, 2012, 03:34:38 pm ---I know, know but I dont know how big is map and dont see any "end of map when I is block". The problem is because I make map use 500x500 but I want to cut it because there are so many free places.

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For this you can use show/hide hex squares - F10 then slowly cut map.

Jimmy BoyX:
I have the problems cut map because when I use command size it cut my map scenery and elements. Here is small pic what my map is

I wanna something like it:
1.RED is map's hexs
2.BLACK is my maps
3.GREEN is blocker hexs for view (white hexs block called s)
4.BLUE is what I want to have size of my map.

How to make that? I think all maps must be square because in game your screen can get block or bugged. So how to fix that problem?


--- Quote from: Jimmy BoyX on June 22, 2012, 07:35:56 pm ---4.BLUE is what I want to have size of my map.

--- End quote ---
You cant do this.

Jimmy BoyX:
So bad :(


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