9/10 says a gm placed a blocker because they dont want players to have fun with making ncr rangers,slavers and ncr fight. you know normal things that gms do that make this game even less fun.dont get why they would do it anyway. pissing off slavers just makes npcs spawn and rarely does a player die in all this. only npcs.but they know what is more of a troll move a guess.tubad sorry dope seems gms are making you go to den to slave. dont let them know thou they might block there too. lol
FYI, Vortis is reopened. Apparently he made a shady deal with some NCR Rangers (the ones that guard him now won't shoot slavers).
because "fun" = runnign in NCR with 3 FPS because of bugged guards.thanks jovanka!
HOW dare any ranger make a deal with vortis? they are worst enemies! damn it..
Still i dont understand why there are guards at bazaar-its outside NCR
also to make sneakers not enter