Please don't send general questions by PMs so I don't have to answer them 100 times.
so would you like be able too own a store or something or just solely for rp??
In theory you could acquire and do anything with any building in Hub. But buildings in Hub would be
for rp characters running interesting projects, active roleplayers with well written characters etc.
For people who bring some VALUE to the town project. Still, anyone would be able to acquire them.
How would it work:
In the beginning all buildings would belong to characters controlled by GMs. The best rp characters
with their own projects in town could get a chance to have something tiny relatively soon, eg a tent.
It would be extremely unlikely to become owner of bank building for example. Player would have to
pull off something incredibly impressive roleplay-wise and project-wise in Hub to get a slim chance
for such building.
This comes with interesting problem what with NPCs. I wrote on wiki that they are supposed to be
employees of owner but this is bad if building could be closed for example. So perhaps they would be
just renting the building for their business and pay owner a fee like once / week. Player could decide
to send them to hell anytime, then GM would have to find them another place in Hub. But renting
space by the NPCs could come with regular profits so probably player would prefer to keep them.
NPCs could even move to whoever offer the smallest fee

Once acquired by a player from character run by GM, the building can be sold to anyone, however:
owners of buildings in Hub would be required to be active citizens in the town that do something
(not just idle in room with multibox). If it would be some taxi alt that does nothing, building would
be marked as abandoned (maybe GM would spawn some homeless people there

) and soon
taken over by the estate agent or a completely new character run by GM.