I think it would be interesting to have some covert representatives of BoS and NCR engaged in some sort of intrigue with the water merchants. Perhaps on the surface NCR and BoS are allies, or part of the same federation...but behind the scenes some of the BoS are concerned about their group maintaining autonomy and are looking to contact with BoS units from the east.
It's seems like fertile ground for roleplaying, as you would have...
- NCR agents looking to absorb Lost Hills for the Power Armor technology, also to maintain influence with the Water Merchants for farm irrigation.
- BoS members from Lost Hills looking to frustrate NCR's efforts in the west and to link up with advance units from the east--in hopes that the other BoS will stop NCR from taking any overt action.
- Scouts from the Midwest BoS (Fallout Tactics) who aren't really strong enough to commit to one side or another, but are trying to evaluate the political situation for their own benefit.
You could have Lost Hills BoS pose as Raiders and hit some sort of NCR weapons shipment, weapons to equip the local police or forays to the water works. Perhaps the map to use would be a warehouse near the rail line? You could also have controlled assassination missions at the residence of a major business leader...the attackers would have a limited selection of weapons and would have to plan versus the building's layout, whereas the defenders would have to fall back to strong points in order to defend the big man, Mr. Crimson Calhoon.

Get some PvP mixed in with the roleplaying and post the change in the political situation depending on a group's success or failure. Also it might be a good idea for each battle to proceed in a series of steps, with short intervals of "peace" so attackers and defenders can exchange dialogue, eavesdroppers with sneak can overhear conversations through a window, etc. Besides this there'll be some dialog in determining the recruits for the mission and various general tasks for setting up the operation.