taking a guarded town and useing it for a rp and taking it away from newbies is over kill. do you guys really think this lvl 5 thing will stop trolls? it wont at all. any player can get lvl 5 in under 20 min. so what if you ban the troll alt. what's that going to do? nothing at all ,so what if you ban 1 alt there is 500000 more on there way. also jov wont be there all the time so when she is offline it will be troll heaven. you can try and have a non troll rp and it might work now with the low numbers but if you want this to be a big rp when and if server numbers come up you will be looking at alot of trolls coming. you also need trolls and pvpers for a project to work, without them its just boring, its just alot of nerds afking and /e. so i suggest add player guards and remove the hub reinforcement script. let pvper come so you can have some "raiders" to fight from time to time. maybe a couple times a day there could be a time were pvpers could come and fight the rpers and guards. this way it wont be random and those that don't want to fight don't need too. they can just leave for the time being and come back after the "raid" time is over.