Author Topic: 3d models development  (Read 734339 times)

Offline Mike Crosser

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2370 on: August 10, 2012, 10:55:10 pm »
Umm the laser pointer thingy should be on the other side.

Offline Haraldx

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2371 on: August 11, 2012, 12:51:49 am »
Not my model. Not like it makes any difference either. I noticed that there are kinda many such stuff that is inverted. Dunno if in-game models are mirrored or not, but whatever.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.

Offline Mike Crosser

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2372 on: August 11, 2012, 01:21:44 am »
The texture doesn't seem to be that bad.

Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2373 on: August 30, 2012, 05:42:13 pm »
Just checked the armor tracker. It isn't even updated and i guess nobody even downloaded the newest stuff to place it in repository.

What a damn shame. It's time for me to get different methods.

Offline Gob

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2374 on: September 16, 2012, 09:25:47 am »
So when will these 3D models be ready? It's been like 2 years almost if I'm not wrong.

Offline barter1113

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2375 on: September 16, 2012, 10:30:55 am »
So when will these 3D models be ready? It's been like 2 years almost if I'm not wrong.

I think they must make only few death animations and "good pixel shaders" and everything would be made. Other models (all fallout critters/body types) can be made later.

Offline Graf

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2376 on: September 16, 2012, 03:38:25 pm »

Seriously, this project is quite close from being finished. Someone just have to lead it throughout the final stage. Just like I did during the earlier stages.

Offline Luther Blissett

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2377 on: September 16, 2012, 05:30:51 pm »
As Graf pretty much said, I think the main thing it needs is a coordinator, which is basically someone with a lot of free time to do the "admin stuff", but who also understands how to assemble everything. There's quite a bit of "code" stuff that needs doing, but it's mostly a matter of collecting all the stuff and putting it in the right place (there are different versions of files in different formats and levels of completeness all over the place).

There's also quite a bit of missing knowledge in places, for example :
- Getting normal maps working.
- How the gory death animations would work with armour (I believe we may have to make a "broken up" version of every armour item, that separates in the same way as the "death body").
- Bit of confusion about the models not quite working in newer revisions of the SDK.
- Stuff to do with linking all the models up to actual in-game objects.
- The problem with the "action" occurring at the start of the animation, so the enemy is shot before the gun is fully raised to fire.

In a sense, those are all things that we either need someone to look at, or a lot of people to help with. At the moment, they're beyond my abilities and beyond my available free time. It's not as much fun as designing and making models, but it's needed to make it all work.

As well as those, there's a lot of background work to be done on fitting everything together - for example, I did a little research and testing on the options in the character selection screen, and trying to understand the game-object>model-object connection, and associated floor and inventory objects, but it's still a mess of text files and bits that don't work. There's a load of other stuff I've not even looked at yet.

Personally, I've not had time to do anything on this for the last month, which is unfortunately how my free time goes. I've certainly not abandoned it, but it's going to be several weeks before I have the chance to sit down and work through some of this stuff. There's still a lot of things I need to learn myself before I can explain to anyone else how they work.

The other issue is one of general morale, or "bottlenecks" in the production - if someone makes a major step forward with one of these areas, suddenly a load of other stuff can get done, and people will find the enthusiasm to do it. When nothing happens for a while, everything slows down and stops (for example, Horatio and others make a load of new models, none are implemented yet, Horatio stops working on models - when someone comes and does all of these, it would probably start again).

p.s. love the "one does not simply" picture :)

Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2378 on: September 21, 2012, 04:20:20 pm »
(for example, Horatio and others make a load of new models, none are implemented yet, Horatio stops working on models - when someone comes and does all of these, it would probably start again).

You speak my mind, Luther.
I have a impression that the project is abandoned by everyone but few persons. This is depressing.

Offline Luther Blissett

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2379 on: September 21, 2012, 06:47:19 pm »
I wouldn't worry too much long term, as said the motivation works like a crowd about to applaud - someone needs to get it started, then everyone joins in. For example, if Karpov reappears with "hey guys, I've just done this stuff", that would probably sort things out.

As for myself, as my "real life work" is also freelance/project based, I've currently got three projects that I need to complete first, which will allow me to eat and pay my rent :( Once my belly is full, and my roof guaranteed, then I can look at this again :)

Once I'm "back on this" again, the first bits I'm doing are trying to finish the 3D bits for Surf's "What Remains" - I'm quite a way through these, but it needs to be finished. The plan is to release a demo as soon as possible - which would be a single player demo including fully usable 3D characters at their current stage of development.

Though this doesn't immediately seem to correspond to the 2238 Fonline stuff, the background work is heavily connected - and should complete my understanding of the basic workflow from designing models to adding them to the game (with linked item/model thing, and NPCs and hair and so on). Ideally, that should put me in the position to be able to combine some of the background files with the 2238 3d dev stuff, and also write some new tutorials for anyone else interested in doing the same.

Half of the problems listed in my previous post (especially gory deaths, normal maps, action/animation) probably won't be solved here, but there should be enough stuff there to test, and it may bring some attention from people who can solve these issues.

Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2380 on: September 22, 2012, 07:03:51 am »
I though death animations use different model although I think alpha channel on textures could do it too but the later probably won't look so good.

Btw I've been trying to put together a new blend file in my freetime for the supermutant with some updated scenes and export all the animations I made to bvh format with a few minor tweaks. All unarmed movements are done for it except gory deaths... but its not so big news

Anyway I'm happy to hear that What Remains is getting closer and closer for a demo. I've been looking forward to that.

Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2381 on: September 29, 2012, 06:10:22 am »
BTW what is the deal with that, do they still need help?
I can make 3d models in truespace, do they have to be made in a certain program?
what do they need left to make?

Offline barter1113

  • New Vegas fanatic =)
Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2382 on: September 29, 2012, 10:28:10 am »
BTW what is the deal with that, do they still need help?
I can make 3d models in truespace, do they have to be made in a certain program?
what do they need left to make?

Left models you can check there but this wiki wasn't updating.

For more info talk others.

Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2383 on: September 29, 2012, 10:54:44 am »
Updated list.

Offline Karpov

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2384 on: November 30, 2012, 09:13:57 pm »
Hello, it's Karpov. After a long talk with Graf, he convinced me to get back on board. I apologize for leaving. Somehow I felt like I have failed "leading" this project, mainly because I'm just an artist, and I never intended to do so. But I'm here, and I want to learn from my mistakes, and make this right. I'm glad to be back.
I have a proposal for the close future.
Let's focus on the key elements of the character that are needed for it to be playable. That means; no body types, no extra armors, no dancing animation. What is it that Fallout had originally? and maybe what it was missing because of it's engine limitations, but only that.
 I propose this because every thing we add needs work, so we need to focus on those things that actually make the playing experience, and we need to correct right away.
If we finish that part, we can then add anything we want.
We need animators that can work on 3dsmax preferably, or anything that loads fbx.
We need someone that can succesfully export static .x meshes with their texture, so that anyone, even without knowledge of 3Dsoftware, can export the items into the game. It's not hard making them, in fact it's fun, but exporting them one by one is a pain in the...ok..  I'll do some research on this.
I need to read a lot in this forum.