Author Topic: 3d models development  (Read 734634 times)

Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2070 on: October 08, 2011, 10:53:27 am »
I messed the mutie a bit will use my photoshop skill to get the proper proportions of arms and legs anyway to show what I messed here is a picture. You can see that the arm and leg is a fail (mostly the leg) will correct it soon.

Offline Graf

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2071 on: October 08, 2011, 02:15:25 pm »
This version is much better than the previous one, Jotisz! I'd even say that it's almost like the sprite already (except the legs part, which you've mentioned already). Keep up the good work.

Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2072 on: October 12, 2011, 11:56:34 pm »
While I was browsing fonline wiki I entered 3d items development section totally by accident and I noticed that most of the items are already converted to 3d models but still there are a few that aren't so I decided to try to make one. Here's the result:

download the model

empty and full water bag which is made of brahmin skin of course ;)

Offline Luther Blissett

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2073 on: October 13, 2011, 12:26:38 am »
Very nice! What's the poly count on it?

Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2074 on: October 13, 2011, 02:59:00 pm »
Thanks :) It's 218 for the full one, and 237 for the empty.

Offline Luther Blissett

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2075 on: October 13, 2011, 03:22:26 pm »
Just looked on the misc item tracker - there's already a water bag on it :( - BUT... yours looks more like a sort of flask (with the stopper and handles), and personally I think it's still a valid model, to be used as an alternative to the V13 flasks. I think the poly count might be a littler higher than needed (as it would be tiny in game), but there's quite a lot of other models on there with similar numbers, so I wouldn't worry about it :)

Anyway, the model is good. If you're feeling inspired to do some more, there's quite a few left - really simple ones like envelopes and maps, then there's a few electronic bits, and then lots of "bits of people".

Though not currently listed on the tracker (as it never existed in FO/FO2), I'm certain there was also mention of animal parts as some sort of PVE trophies i.e. claws, teeth, horns etc (I'm pretty sure Lexx mentioned this at some point, if you have a search for it).
« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 03:24:50 pm by Luther Blissett »

Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2076 on: October 14, 2011, 10:59:36 am »
Didn't see it in the tracker, so I thought I'd make it.

Extended mag.

64 polys after exporting.

I don't know what dimensions or whatever else might need to be done, but this is the model and a texture. UVW Unwrap has the sides placed over each other for better use of space, though I don't think that I'm good enough at texturing to do any good with that.

(Model is .obj format, texture is .tga)

Hopefully this is adequate. If so, I could do a lot of what remains in the Misc items, though I vehemently dislike texturing.

Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2077 on: October 14, 2011, 11:11:41 am »
This one looks real nice I think it should be ok.

Offline Graf

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2078 on: October 14, 2011, 11:19:24 am »
Good to see a new faces here :)

firehand, pretty good work on the water bag. Though, polycount could be lowered a bit. 100-150 for that small thing is an adequate number. Also please note, that we aren't counting polygons, but we're counting triangles (tris) instead.

Imrinfected, everything is just fine, but as you maybe noticed, we are trying to make ammo as low poly as possible, that's why almost all types of ammo have 12 tris in total. I advise you to make it less detailed. For example, these notches on the magazine could be replaced with a pure texture, so the total polycount will be 24 for the whole model.

I could do a lot of what remains in the Misc items, though I vehemently dislike texturing.

Please do. Everyone will be very grateful to you. Just remember to keep the low polycount.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 11:22:59 am by Graf »

Offline Lexx

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2079 on: October 14, 2011, 11:28:59 am »
In fact, the magazine could be one single block. It's so small in the game, you will never see the details.

Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2080 on: October 14, 2011, 11:57:54 am »
Imrinfected, everything is just fine, but as you maybe noticed, we are trying to make ammo as low poly as possible, that's why almost all types of ammo have 12 tris in total. I advise you to make it less detailed. For example, these notches on the magazine could be replaced with a pure texture, so the total polycount will be 24 for the whole model.

I redid it, ended up with 14 quads/polys.

I feel as though I've butchered it, though.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 01:08:24 pm by Graf »

Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2081 on: October 14, 2011, 01:38:04 pm »
Made a speed loader. 26 polys.

I'm having problems with rendering it, but I'm sure that's just because I've messed up some configuration somewhere. Perhaps someone else can try it.

I suppose if it was really necessary to cut down on the polys, the top section could be removed to make it just a cylinder with a texture on it, and as long as that's being done it may as well only have four sides to meet the bare minmum of a circular-like shape.

Remind me again why the poly budget for ammo is so low?

EDIT: I feel as though I should mention that the extended mag and speed loader are not ammunition, but upgrades.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 01:40:46 pm by Imrinfected »

Offline Graf

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2082 on: October 14, 2011, 05:21:40 pm »
Remind me again why the poly budget for ammo is so low?

The initial thought was that since ammunition is very common, and it also very often laying all over the map in huge numbers, it may clutter the map and lower the performance. But back then we didn't decided, whether we want to make every object on the ground in 3D or we may go with a simple 2D sprite and use 3D for items in hands only. Combining 2D and 3D would definitely be good for performance. Still, I think we need to discuss it.

Offline Johnnybravo

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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2083 on: October 14, 2011, 09:52:00 pm »
It's simple, polygon count would be higher than visible pixels even on really high resolutions, so it's useless to create anything complex.
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Re: 3d models development
« Reply #2084 on: October 15, 2011, 04:18:06 am »
The initial thought was that since ammunition is very common, and it also very often laying all over the map in huge numbers, it may clutter the map and lower the performance. But back then we didn't decided, whether we want to make every object on the ground in 3D or we may go with a simple 2D sprite and use 3D for items in hands only. Combining 2D and 3D would definitely be good for performance. Still, I think we need to discuss it.

It's simple, polygon count would be higher than visible pixels even on really high resolutions, so it's useless to create anything complex.
That does make quite a bit of sense actually, I wasn't thinking about that.

I'll keep that in mind while modelling everything else - I'll try to do most of the detail through the texture, factoring in that the camera is only ever going to point at the object in one direction(Wouldn't it be better to delete the bottom-facing polygons, then?)