Just looked on the misc item tracker - there's already a water bag on it

- BUT... yours looks more like a sort of flask (with the stopper and handles), and personally I think it's still a valid model, to be used as an alternative to the V13 flasks. I think the poly count might be a littler higher than needed (as it would be tiny in game), but there's quite a lot of other models on there with similar numbers, so I wouldn't worry about it

Anyway, the model is good. If you're feeling inspired to do some more, there's quite a few left - really simple ones like envelopes and maps, then there's a few electronic bits, and then lots of "bits of people".
Though not currently listed on the tracker (as it never existed in FO/FO2), I'm certain there was also mention of animal parts as some sort of PVE trophies i.e. claws, teeth, horns etc (I'm pretty sure Lexx mentioned this at some point, if you have a search for it).