FOnline Development > 3D Development
3d models development
Actually, the weapons and misc. items are up-to-date now. I've uploaded and updated stuff in there a couple of weeks ago. Back then I have had some spare time and made a few misc. items, which wasn't announced here, since there's nothing special to show. On the other hand, the armors tracker wasn't updated for a long time already, but it's nearly impossible to update it at the moment. The problem is, that most of the contributed armors are not rigged, and thus not available to use in the game yet. But most of those, which are available in the current repository could be seen on the armors tracker. Other than that, I'm fully agree with post above.
The real problem, that I see now, is that someone have to actually reorganize the work-flow, like I did before. Currently I'm a little busy with the real-life stuff, so if anyone wish to do it instead of me - it would be appreciated. Hopefully soon I will be able to dedicate some time during the work. It's just a matter of a few weeks to buy a laptop, so I could be making models in stuff much more often.
One thing, I'm going to do right away, is to contribute a few more misc. models, which I hope would make other people get back to the development too.
Since I quit 3D modeling for FOnline for a time now (not forever, I will come back some day), and I do believe I won't be able to finish what I started for a long time, I'm just gonna post this all male model robe re-scaling etc. You can get it, altough not completed, here.
I had made a fat man version, but I did the scaling a bit wrong so the texture got distorted, so I removed it completely. The NM_NICE model still needs adjustments for arms and a bit for the chest. Dunno if Super-mutant was needed, so removed the SM model itself from there.
Luther Blissett:
Hi guys - just letting you know I'm in a bit of a busy work period at the moment - I've not disappeared :)
As Lizard said above, if anyone's able to check that basic rigging tutorial and let me know of any problems or bits which aren't clear, I can start on the more advanced ones. If they're understandable, then anyone should be able to get on board with rigging some of the armours and things. As it allows you to reimport and re-edit the .x files, then even if some "first time efforts" aren't perfect, they could be easily adjusted at a later date. Obviously if the existing tutorial stuff I'd written doesn't make any sense, then I need to know before I start putting the more advanced one together.
Other than that, I've been tinkering with a few models and bits for testing stuff, but nothing "new and finished" as such. Should be "back on it" in a few weeks I think.
Still alive too. Though I haven't done much things nowadays. For now I'm trying to move the Supermutant so far with small or zero succes by that I mean it doesn't match the original so I'm always scratching it and moving again. I left some models unfinished like the tire armor I though I concentrate on stuffs that are a bit more vital at least I feel that the animating should have a higher priority over the modelling still when I get to the end with the animations I wish to finish that armor.
Some 2d editing hinders my speed too but it helps me relax a bit although it certainly shows me why 3d is a wise choice. Copy paste frm making is slow even simple recoloring. Gone a bit of topic.
What I got together so far is quite a few thing AA, AL, AK, AN, AQ, AP and a few failed AB animations. For those who don't know the namings iddle, use, picking up, evede, hit from front, hit from back and the last walking.
It's good to know you're doing well, guys.
You know, as Andr3aZ somewhere noted, i often have strange ideas coming to my head and i just had a beer.
One was to take a role as investor and pay a 3d designer/animator from outside to make some stuff and see 3d finally coming faster, but then decided against it, because:
1. It could turn out really expensive for a such comparable small task.
2. Since someone earned money on a non-profit project, it could wake Bethounds. Unless it was a donation.
3. The devs could just swat it away, or think, i would expect something in return - gentle decline.
4. The progress status is vague - but why should a artist make something what's been done?
5. This wouldn't count as a community project anymore.
6. And who would own all the stuff?
So... Well, i desire to contribute, but i'm really not sure if this were a right way to do it. I have right now not very much time and have other project running. Thoughts?
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