I guess it's just possible to get a sampler using texture1 from fo3d, but I have yet no idea how'd it know there is no file available.
It's no problem to skip stuff in HLSL like in C++, but finding out there is not anything might be a problem.
I guess it'll still need some engine mods, because you'd really want to modify power value per material or in fo3d file or whatever.
Alternatively you could just mask everything out (to be honest even stuff like leather and skin should have subtle reflection), but that's not nice solution memory wise.
As for normal maps, I have completly no idea, because one have to switch whole effect in script and that supplies (or at least should supply, not sure if this is working, as I have no textures available for it, and it looks kinda weird without anything) us with tangents and binormals we don't really need for anything else.
However the fact you can switch shaders used for effects is excuse good enough to implement all 3 shading methods, vertex-lighting for loosers, per-pixel-lighting as default, and if possible people with normal mapping for the best results (this would be quite always near 90% close the original, minding of course artist errors)