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Let the players be heard!

C'mon Devs! Get your a$$es in gear!
- 41 (59.4%)
Let the game die. It was stupid anyways.
- 11 (15.9%)
I really dont care, I only played when I was bored anyways.
- 17 (24.6%)

Total Members Voted: 68

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Author Topic: Devs Please Read!  (Read 6042 times)


  • ǝdopʎʇndǝp
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Re: Devs Please Read!
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2012, 11:23:40 am »

Really, I don't get you, thats just whinning on a game quality, sorray, but you CANNOT change anything there, because devs work on it, not players (well they just raport bugs, make mods etc.).
And making another thread like this won't change anything, but just bring more useless disscusions.
Still its FREE, and its my main argument, there if you just whine on anything in this game, you'll just became "failer" in this diss.

when did you see me whine in this game, except VERY annoying server crashes, and some very fucked up game mechanics compared to previous session? hell, i still play this game, but me AND the rest of the whiners are making a point saying that "THIS IS NOT THE DIRECTION THE GAME SHOULD BE HEADING". all i'm trying to say to you and all the "anti-whine" posters is that sometimes you should be the ones shutting up, not the whiners.

you know what else is free? OpenTTD, it's a transport simulator, it gets updated EVERY month with new features and new bug fixes.
you know what else is free? Blender3D. it gets updated regularly and maintains relatively top-notch quality.
Open Arena is another example, and i could go on FOREVER with examples of free stuff that is good.
so your "game is free" argument just fails in this discussion.

and you're WRONG on the "devs are working, players aren't". it's true that devs are doing more work than the players who are only having fun. BUT, most GOOD suggestions that are made by players (not that spore plant merc crap and shuriken star crap), aren't taken into consideration.

and me, and other players feel like this session is a downgrade from previous session.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2012, 11:25:41 am by DeputyDope »


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Re: Devs Please Read!
« Reply #16 on: May 20, 2012, 12:19:26 pm »

I think (I know) players just want some sort of feedback as to the status of development, just to hear from the devs would squelch some of the negative chatter.   I truly loved this game last session, I still have a thimble full of hope that this isn't the grand fair well huray.  Please let us validate our hopes and dreams for a brighter more magnificent 2238!
It's all really about suppression of dissension, consensus through censorship.  Whether through extermination of those who have different or conflicting viewpoints or subtle spin of available media.  If there is only one opinion left, it must be right, right?


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Re: Devs Please Read!
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2012, 12:51:14 pm »

you know what else is free? OpenTTD, it's a transport simulator, it gets updated EVERY month with new features and new bug fixes.
you know what else is free? Blender3D. it gets updated regularly and maintains relatively top-notch quality.
Open Arena is another example, and i could go on FOREVER with examples of free stuff that is good.
so your "game is free" argument just fails in this discussion.
Those are not just free, they are OPEN, which Fonline is not.
"What is this, I don't even"
"This is your forum."


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Re: Devs Please Read!
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2012, 12:57:35 pm »

...some very fucked up game mechanics compared to previous session?....."THIS IS NOT THE DIRECTION THE GAME SHOULD BE HEADING".....and other players feel like this session is a downgrade from previous session.

I agree with dope on these points. The game has seen a steady decline of players over the years. I used to be addicted to the point where I would do 16 hr fonline marathon runs, but now I get bored within 5 min of playing. Everything feels broken.

TC is fked. I remember crying a few sessions back about crappy TC system, but now I'd love to have any of the old TC systems back. Heck, a total removal of the TC system would be an improvment over the current system.

General PvP is fked. Everytime I go levelling or PvE farming, I gotta move my PvP chars along in case I run into somebody. If Im gonna go into unprotected towns I gotta be ready to send all my PvP chars to back up my trader chars or whatever Im doing. Sometimes it feels like the winner in any situation is the person able to summon the most alts, quantity over quality. Alting is promoted.

Blueprint hunting was actually my favorite new thing of this session, loved the skirmishes with SoT and others over the lockers early on. Now its just annoying and tedious.

I gotta say though, I am pleased with the new quests and progression in that area. Still havent done all, but really enjoyed the gunrunners mutiequest, the first 5 times anyways. Kinda boring now. The new perks also feels like a step in the right direction, but doesnt feel like its creating diversity among chars. All the good snipers for example is nearly identical.

The new mining system blows, either I can collect tons of ore in 1 run, or nada. Still have not used any of the advanced workbenches, no need to, plenty of ways to get equipment, which is a good thing.

Gonna end rant, possibly went off topic as well, had to get it out, miss my old fun fonline.
"Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil."
- Niccolo Machiavelli -


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Re: Devs Please Read!
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2012, 01:33:19 pm »

Everything feels broken

I have to agree here. Basically everything that you can do ingame has the "normal way" to do it and then there's the abuse way which powergamers use. It has gone so far that the abuse ways are linked and go hand in hand. I'll give an example:

- Level enclave thief that steals mfc
- Level silent death hand crippler
- Shoot enclave in the hands in tb, loot guns with thief using dual log
- Level more abuse-alts with gatling lasers and mfc you steal from enclave

It has to do with doing things fast. Normal ways are slow, abuse is fast.
I can't think of any activity or feature where dual log, fastrelogs or one-purpose-only alts didn't pay a role.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Devs Please Read!
« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2012, 01:42:11 pm »

If there was enough players, you wouldn`t have to make so many alts. The fastest way would be to group with thief, hand crippler and it would not be an abuse at all.

And to the topic:
Wipe, noone informed us that the game development is still in progress and that the game is updated frequently - no changelogs => no information for players.

And concerning the server crashes and lags:
I have noticed that lag is happening when the state of game is being saved. And it sometimes crashed at the point of this saving.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2012, 01:45:28 pm by Mike Wall »


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Re: Devs Please Read!
« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2012, 02:01:49 pm »

If there was enough players, you wouldn`t have to make so many alts. The fastest way would be to group with thief, hand crippler and it would not be an abuse at all.

Wrong. Doing stuff with other people is slow and unreliable because you have to adjust to their time schedule, meaning you can't do stuff unless they are around. In addition people perform tasks at varying speed, meaning that you have to wait for each other. When you have all your personal alts and dual log, you can accomplish any task that doesn't involve pvp alone at your own maximum speed.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Devs Please Read!
« Reply #22 on: May 20, 2012, 02:02:04 pm »

i'v chosen the option 'dont care' but only becouse i dont play too much and for this small amount of time spent i really dont give a shit if its perfect or crap ;)

i dont treat it so serious you know...
dlaczego muzyka black metalowa jest szybka?  bo gdy sie czlowiek spieszy to sie diabel cieszy :)


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Re: Devs Please Read!
« Reply #23 on: May 20, 2012, 05:25:58 pm »

Wrong. Doing stuff with other people is slow and unreliable because you have to adjust to their time schedule, meaning you can't do stuff unless they are around. In addition people perform tasks at varying speed, meaning that you have to wait for each other. When you have all your personal alts and dual log, you can accomplish any task that doesn't involve pvp alone at your own maximum speed.
I will repeat myself. If there was enough[1] players, you would not have to make alts.

[1] so many people, that you can meet many different characters everywhere (>=743 players)
Re: Devs Please Read!
« Reply #24 on: May 20, 2012, 05:42:25 pm »

Really, I don't get you, thats just whinning on a game quality, sorray, but you CANNOT change anything there, because devs work on it, not players (well they just raport bugs, make mods etc.).
Not even considering that bug reporting is work in some shape or form, this is incorrect. You'd hope every new feature is considered a potentially good one by the devs, just as you'd hope the resulting, more hands-on feedback from the playerbase will be taken into account when it comes to reevaluation of said feature. You could certainly argue about the tone in which it's presented, though.

I will repeat myself. If there was enough[1] players, you would not have to make alts.

[1] so many people, that you can meet many different characters everywhere (>=743 players)
You don't have to right now for good chunks of the game, that doesn't mean it isn't or won't be the most effective way from a time investment viewpoint.
Re: Devs Please Read!
« Reply #25 on: May 20, 2012, 06:18:45 pm »

Repeating yourself doesn't make your statement true, higher server population has nothing to do with alts. People make alts because the game only allows for specialist builds and if you want to play the whole game you need an alt for almost every task. I have an alt for collecting ammo, an alt to use the ammo to slave, an alt to spend the caps from slaving and that's just the chars to supply my combat alts. The claims that hybrids are viable is a joke, they suck at everything.


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Re: Devs Please Read!
« Reply #26 on: May 20, 2012, 06:35:12 pm »

You don't have to right now for good chunks of the game, that doesn't mean it isn't or won't be the most effective way from a time investment viewpoint.

Well, in this case, that's still not enough players.


  • Wicked&Ugly
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Re: Devs Please Read!
« Reply #27 on: May 20, 2012, 06:41:08 pm »

This game will never have "enough" players because of stone age level of advertisement and other basics.


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Re: Devs Please Read!
« Reply #28 on: May 20, 2012, 06:42:59 pm »

This game will never have "enough" players because of stone age level of advertisement and other basics.
But that is another story, right?

Repeating yourself doesn't make your statement true, higher server population has nothing to do with alts. People make alts because the game only allows for specialist builds and if you want to play the whole game you need an alt for almost every task. I have an alt for collecting ammo, an alt to use the ammo to slave, an alt to spend the caps from slaving and that's just the chars to supply my combat alts.
Look, at how world society have alts everywhere, but that does not mean it must be the same person.

The claims that hybrids are viable is a joke, they suck at everything.
My char is hybrid and it is so awesome that the awesomness can't be described here ;D
No, really, my char makes guns, makes armors, makes some healing stuff, trades, farms in TB, RT and it is decent PvP character, too. So, please...


  • Wicked&Ugly
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Re: Devs Please Read!
« Reply #29 on: May 20, 2012, 06:44:20 pm »

But that is another story, right?
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