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--- Quote ---Coz: 5 big gangs armed and dangereous, leveled 21lvl killers
Rest: neverending 5lvl story, killed on sight each time, exp decrease, exp decrease, exp decrease..
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And now what?
5 big gangs armed and dangereous, leveled 21lvl killers
Rest: killed on sight each time, stuff loss, stuff loss, stuff loss, and the understanding that you can't do ANYTHING: even if you manage to kill one of them, the rest will just take his stuff, wait for him to come, doc+fa and so he's back again and you "courage" turns into brahmin excrements. Till you finally reach 21lvl, then creating a new char. That's why i left FO 4 months ago.

--- Quote from: Sarakin on March 09, 2010, 05:46:57 pm ---losing equipment is enough.
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As it's already said, loosing equipment is enough ONLY for (newbie) lone players and very weak gangs. I used to have tons on stuff, never mind how devs were trying to make the getting the stuff harder. It's when i was a lone player, then when i became a member of not the strongest gangs in a game, and stopped worrying about the stuff completely, so i stopped worrying about death, so i could do whatever i wanted to, chew bubble gum without ever running out of gum and so on.

--- Quote from: Sius on March 08, 2010, 10:03:42 pm ---I can't image MMO which could be running with this
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I can't image comercial MMO wich could be running with this.
Obvious fix. 'Cause there were and there are lots of such MMO's and no one have died yet.

Xcuse my english


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