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Yes, but I would change some things
- 33 (31.4%)
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- 10 (9.5%)
No, idea of getting PA's into fonline is completely wrong
- 34 (32.4%)

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Author Topic: BOS Faction, POWER ARMORS  (Read 21357 times)

« Reply #30 on: March 08, 2010, 11:09:13 pm »

Quote from: vedaras
Well vault city has medical terminal for example, towns love you and vc caravans with vc patrols defend you. So being in vc is good.

According to your way of thinking, we should remove medical terminal (because they would never be implemented because your whining about balance) from vc, patrols that defend vault citizens, and make equal karma to raiders. Then everything would be equal as you want, and nobody would play with npc controlled faction.

Your doing it from backside.
The thing is that developers must increase interest of these factions by adding something special to them ( for example bos PA's) , and then giving some balance features to raiders ( eg. raiding towns for high ammount of money, or taking tribute from raided towns etc. For god sake think of something other than: I give 10 items to them, so to get it balanced I need to give 10 items to others )

Imagine scale and two DIFFRENT cups on the sides of it. How can you mantain the balance when there is no water in these?

When there is nothing to take you simply can't, things have to be first implemented and then balanced.

Quote from: vedaras
I agree that you can get reward for being high ranked member (but i do not agree with 10 power armor limit, that is non-sense, everyone should have same ability to get that reward, not those who start playing earlier or plays more hours per day)

Actually there should be 10 pa's limit to mantain balance ( this is what you were talking about ? ) so bos faction would not be overpowered in comparison to other factions. And personally I think that player who plays longer and spends more of his time with the game, supporting one faction should have better reward than guy who isn't playing that much ( as in real life if you give more - you get more ), and 'bout entering faction earlier is not a problem because if you qualify to 10th place in rank/karma so next PA is for you, as I mentioned about PA rotation when sb looses it his rank/karma drops and there is place for another member.

Quote from: vedaras
... for example you take power armor, and resign from npc faction while being high ranked member (and thus having permission to take good stuff) cause your ex-npc faction to hunt you hard, that would me like 50% encounters are your ex npc factions ecounters where they just fuck you for screwing with them (it should work like childkiller perk in f2 if you dont get idea). Whats more, hitting someone in tc fight for example 5 times, would cause you to be automatically kicked out of that faction, and have same negative sides like from resigning while being high ranked member. Then this system could work

Yes these rules still apply.
If you quit you give your stuff back or get hunted ( another dynamic player quest ) . If you're a member of bos and hit some casual people your karma drops if it drop below defined lvl you get kicked. And npc driven faction aren't about TC so basically it would be breaking faction orders.

Remember bos faction is like army ( it consist of ex soldiers etc. ) if you brake orders you loose ranks and beeing degraded, if you follow orders you get promoted. Everything what people do in this faction would be dependant of gm's/dev's who are really contoling it.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2010, 11:13:04 pm by Neuromancer »
" ... when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you ... " - Friedrich Nietzsche - Nieoficjalne 'Polskie Pustkowia'
« Reply #31 on: March 14, 2010, 05:10:24 pm »

Updated - look first page and give your opinions.
" ... when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you ... " - Friedrich Nietzsche - Nieoficjalne 'Polskie Pustkowia'


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« Reply #32 on: March 14, 2010, 05:20:09 pm »

Whole idea with limited numbers or even rotation system is imho bad. Simply make it almost impossible to get PA and that should be enough to keep it numbers in game low.
« Reply #33 on: March 14, 2010, 05:22:27 pm »

Sorry but without rotation system it would be another TLA :(
" ... when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you ... " - Friedrich Nietzsche - Nieoficjalne 'Polskie Pustkowia'
« Reply #34 on: April 07, 2010, 08:07:45 pm »

Just make PA use energy cells as long as you are wearing it (not just in combat or while you're getting hit).
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« Reply #35 on: April 08, 2010, 01:39:29 am »

I didnt read through the topic, so forgive me if i reapeat someone.

IMO PA should not be usable by anyone. Imagine big gunners, or even small gunners with those, thats just OP. If you give PA to DPS fighters(BG, EW, SG) that would make them a well rounded fighter dealing high damage, AND have surivability. Instead of making PA extremely rare by limiting the total quantity, limit the users that can wear them.
My idea of implementing PA is to have a fighter that cant do much damage, but can rather take massive damage, so if a bad DPS fighter with good protection faces off a good damage dealer with lesser protection, they have the same changes, thus the system remains balanced. FO3 had a good idea, you needed a perk to be able to use PA. It was a free "perk" that everyone eventually got, but thats good since fo3 is a single-player game. In FOnline, this perk should be chooseable like other perks, so if one wants to use PA, they need to sacrifice a perk "slot". That alone should balance a bit, but the issue would remain: Everybody would gladly sacrifice any perk just to be able to use the armor instead. So the perk requirements would need to exclude those players that can be good damage dealers.
My opinion: You can argue about it all day long, but HtH players dont have, cant have, and never will have such damage output as BG/crit EW/crit SG builds. Giving PA to unarmed would be silly, but what about melee? Thats perfect imho. They could be perfect tanks up front, soaking up all the damage from HtH critters like deathclaws, while big gunners behind them deal damage to the enemy. No need to worry about burst damage, PA would withstand most of it (if the tank goes around the deathclaw so gunners have clear line of sight).
The perk requirements would look like: 8-10 Str, 6-10 Endurance, 120+% melee skill.
Ranged gunners would either sacrifice skill points in melee and be bad gunners, or just give up on PA alltogether, and be best at what they do: Deal serious damage. Not to mention having 8-10 Str would mean lower PE for example which is bad for them.

Give your thoughts about melee builds taking up the role of the tank, the perk requirements, but please...No comments such as "A melee dude killed me even tho i had a minigun." Current state of melee damage means nothing, weapons can be balanced accordingly, so if it turns out the melee+PA is OP, melee weapon damage could be lowered.
It would also eliminate complaints like BGs are costly to maintain because of ammo, and still a bluesuit with knife kills them, because PAs would be costly to maintain too.(Making a PA would be VERY expensive, and repairs for example, btw add repair npcs that repair equipment for caps)
HtH suggestions: Melee: +DR(PA)
Unarmed: +AC(active sneak should boost AC as they are "less visible")
General "class" idea pool in the form of new perks with high skillrequirements:
« Reply #36 on: April 08, 2010, 02:34:10 am »

There are certain things that should not be in game.

It's bad enough they put Gauss pistols and Vindicators into special encounters (At least the ammo's hard to come by) but if Power armor was in game, balance would just be fucked.

On a side note, why NOT add in the gatling laser? It requires energy weapons and not big guns, not many people are willing to do that, it uses micro fusion cells as ammo, very hard to come by, and on top of that, almost ALL armors have huge laser resist. It would make a lot more people play energy weapons, and the combat balance would be a little better, instead of either being a big gunner, or a sniper.
« Reply #37 on: April 08, 2010, 03:37:56 am »

Tanks and dps?

Lets play world of post-nuclear-warcraft!

There are only 10 kinds of people in this world -- Those who understand binary and those who don't.


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« Reply #38 on: April 08, 2010, 04:16:38 pm »

Tanks and dps?

Lets play world of post-nuclear-warcraft!

Bad sarcasm..
Anarchy Online (AO) is a science fiction themed massive multiplayer online roleplaying game - Almost post-apocalyptic! :O Hey, thats just like the SPECIAL system! :O
O look at that, FOnline has the potental of becoming as sophisticated as that!
Enforcer(tank) - melee
Agent - crit SG
Soldier - BG

Im not saying copy them, or copy wow for that matter lol, even tho i still think crafters could make excellent engineers so they can be usefull and not just crafter alts, or the speech skilled beurocrat could recruit mercs for far less money to compensate their lack of combat skills, but lets face it. Either FOnline turns out to be a core MMORPG with the fallout setting, thats balanced so it can live a long life as a fallout MMORPG, or it stays a "true to heart single-player fallout 2" pvp game thats largely unbalanced thats fun for some time, but when you make your 5. SG, BG character with the same builds, and your 10. crafter alt with the same builds, or a more "universal" character that can also craft a bit and be a fighter, but again choose the same perks, the same weapon skill, and face off the same SG, BG build characters in pvp, it will die very quickly imo. I just dont want to see that happen anytime soon, because i see how much effort devs put into this project.
HtH suggestions: Melee: +DR(PA)
Unarmed: +AC(active sneak should boost AC as they are "less visible")
General "class" idea pool in the form of new perks with high skillrequirements:
« Reply #39 on: April 08, 2010, 04:24:56 pm »

you needed a perk to be able to use PA. It was a free "perk" that everyone eventually got, but thats good since fo3 is a single-player game. In FOnline, this perk should be chooseable like other perks, so if one wants to use PA, they need to sacrifice a perk "slot". That alone should balance a bit, but the issue would remain: Everybody would gladly sacrifice any perk just to be able to use the armor instead. So the perk requirements would need to exclude those players that can be good damage dealers.
My opinion: You can argue about it all day long, but HtH players dont have, cant have, and never will have such damage output as BG/crit EW/crit SG builds. Giving PA to unarmed would be silly, but what about melee? Thats perfect imho. They could be perfect tanks up front, soaking up all the damage from HtH critters like deathclaws, while big gunners behind them deal damage to the enemy. No need to worry about burst damage, PA would withstand most of it (if the tank goes around the deathclaw so gunners have clear line of sight).
The perk requirements would look like: 8-10 Str, 6-10 Endurance, 120+% melee skill.
What about nerfing pure PvP chars? ^_^
Perk requirement and description:

"BoS Knight Training"
Requirements: 15 lvl, Science 80%, Repair 80%, IN 7, CH 3, Be member of BoS (membership need only in time you pick this perk, then you can leave BoS, if you want).
"You obtained training from paladins of Brotherhood of Steel, <bla bla bla, many clever words>, now you can use power armors."
« Reply #40 on: April 08, 2010, 07:07:32 pm »

The perk requirements would look like: 8-10 Str, 6-10 Endurance, 120+% melee skill.
What about nerfing pure PvP chars? ^_^
Perk requirement and description:

"BoS Knight Training"
Requirements: 15 lvl, Science 80%, Repair 80%, IN 7, CH 3, Be member of BoS (membership need only in time you pick this perk, then you can leave BoS, if you want).
"You obtained training from paladins of Brotherhood of Steel, <bla bla bla, many clever words>, now you can use power armors."

The PA requirements are retarded, why would you need melee? Also 8-10 str is stupid considering it adds 3 str to your char. It's mechanized to make you stronger, it's not like a medieval suit of armour. Also just claiming that melee is better than hth is based on absolutely nothing, if anything the mega power fist is better than the end game melee options. For ravenous's suggestion you're forcing a very strict build requirement by having unnecessary crafter skills in there. 80 science 80 repair is like half of your total points if you don't have them tagged, and neither skill is useful at those levels.
« Reply #41 on: April 08, 2010, 10:00:35 pm »

For ravenous's suggestion you're forcing a very strict build requirement by having unnecessary crafter skills in there. 80 science 80 repair is like half of your total points if you don't have them tagged, and neither skill is useful at those levels.
That's it, to make "1 CH 5 IN able only to shoot and FA" a bit less usable, and make crafters/fighters to have advantage. But, really, "No, idea of getting PA's into fonline is completely wrong" is the right answer, I just wanted to show, how is it possible to implement PA to not totally make PvP character even stronger - make it possible only for crafters-builds!
« Reply #42 on: April 08, 2010, 11:06:30 pm »

Crafter builds suck for a reason, making them armoured won't change that. It's like saying the only people allowed to drive Ferrari's have to be blind.
« Reply #43 on: April 08, 2010, 11:20:10 pm »

Crafter builds suck for a reason, making them armoured won't change that. It's like saying the only people allowed to drive Ferrari's have to be blind.
Yes, crafters have less HP, and... less HP. So, armor will make them a bit more look like PvP chars. ;p


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« Reply #44 on: April 09, 2010, 12:50:20 am »

At least Rat got the idea right: BGs cant have PA because thats OP!
Its not a single player game you cant have supersoldiers running around causing mayhem and havoc. BG+PA is as close to cheating as it can be, but still cant be considered it to be because: "the armor was laying on the ground i just picked it up, im innocent!"
Neither should crafters get it tho...
But Roachor, you didnt even bother reading through what i wrote i guess...
HtH = Unarmed and Melee. I said, HtH fighters(unarmed and melee) dont have, and should not have the damage of a ranged fighter, therefore -like crafters- could take on the role of a tank, still have a well balanced system.
The requirements have good reasons:
STR 8: BG characters take 7 STR to use big guns. Taking that extra 1 STR which equals 1 point of melee damage is a waste for them.
High END: Every fighter needs high endurance. But again, to prevent OTHER classes from using PA they need to invest extra points in endurance. High STR+END requirements prevents for example doctor builds that have PA, prevent crit builds because they cant have high luck, etc.
Melee 120? See above, or read my first post again.......
The idea is to PREVENT BGs from abusing the PA, not to buff up non-combat or HtH characters. But why NOT melee? Isnt the BoS made Super Sledge the weapon of choice for Star Paladin Cross for example(from fo3)?
PA gives STR. STR gives melee damage. I dont have anything else to say :S
« Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 01:03:59 am by FischiPiSti »
HtH suggestions: Melee: +DR(PA)
Unarmed: +AC(active sneak should boost AC as they are "less visible")
General "class" idea pool in the form of new perks with high skillrequirements:
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