Other > Closed suggestions


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I'm all for PA because it'll make fights last longer and make the minigun less OP while increasing the usefulness of targeted shots.


--- Quote from: Roachor on March 08, 2010, 05:46:36 pm ---I'm all for PA because it'll make fights last longer and make the minigun less OP while increasing the usefulness of targeted shots.

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psycho adds 30% to ressitance pa will add 0% more resistance from ba, just 4 threshold, in balance thing against miniguns it would do very little (even 2 toughness perks are adding more). And if you will be able to get your pa, you will be in bos faction not in human, so that balance against miniguns wont be so important to you neither. Removing perk accuracy from miniguns would give balance, since miniguns are the least not the most accurate weapons in war.

Not everyone uses psycho as it requires you to take 4 other drugs just to be able to hit anything and its expensive and time consuming to produce.


--- Quote from: Roachor on March 08, 2010, 06:09:38 pm ---Not everyone uses psycho as it requires you to take 4 other drugs just to be able to hit anything and its expensive and time consuming to produce.

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and pa must be very cheap...

Imho PA/APA's and other armors like that should be acquireable only by:
a) Quests for people who RP and stuff like that
b) gathering+PvE to acquire very rare certaing parts + lvl 21 armorer. But it should take time and be so g'damn rare that bigger factions would have about 1-2 people in detoriated power armors until next one is created ;] Absolutely expensive piece of equipment. = It will encourage people to make other things instead of PvP, PvP, PvP, Craft, PvP, PvP. Raids for parts and other things. Personally - I would love to see it.

This way everyone will be happy I think. With coming 3d changes it will be easier because Enclave/BoS armors can have different models/textures so player-made-PA can look different too.

Some day I will post the whole idea with more points, not so "general". ;)


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