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Author Topic: EW fast shooter build (+tips and tricks to easy leveling up)  (Read 5264 times)

Re: EW fast shooter build (+tips and tricks to easy leveling up)
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2012, 02:24:14 pm »

please, guys, promote for newbies chars with at least 3ch.
3ch allows to be leader of party, trade with merchants, doo alot quests and have slave/dog/brahmin and if invest some % to speech even companion or merc.

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Re: EW fast shooter build (+tips and tricks to easy leveling up)
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2012, 03:17:18 pm »

@Gob i think my other fast shoter is better because i can shot 7 times and take cover so? also i have 20% crit chance. i just posted simply farmer here.

I deal more than 300 damage with 2x minigun bursts from a considerable range. It will not matter how much hp you got coz you still die. A group of 5-6 players had the misfortune to meet me in TB they all died in 2 turns and they weren't newbies either. But I agree with more carryweight as I farm Unity alone I can't always take all the stuff :( most of it I just science it or leave it there :(
« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 03:18:49 pm by Gob »


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Re: EW fast shooter build (+tips and tricks to easy leveling up)
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2012, 04:56:45 pm »

Guys, please stop this WhoHasTheBiggestDick competition, do it elsewhere.

please, guys, promote for newbies chars with at least 3ch.
3ch allows to be leader of party, trade with merchants, doo alot quests and have slave/dog/brahmin and if invest some % to speech even companion or merc.
For these purposes the best is lumberjack, a.k.a. Mad Max Wannabe char, not lazor spammer, made for pew-pew.
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Re: EW fast shooter build (+tips and tricks to easy leveling up)
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2012, 07:37:08 pm »

I deal more than 300 damage with 2x minigun bursts from a considerable range.

A group of 5-6 players had the misfortune to meet me in TB they all died in 2 turns and they weren't newbies either

Trust me you and your opponents are bad , it's only hard to tell who's worse between you all.

300 damage with 2x minigun bursts , :) :) :) in TB :) :) with minigun :) :)


  • [TLC] Ian.
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Re: EW fast shooter build (+tips and tricks to easy leveling up)
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2012, 08:10:57 pm »

I deal more than 300 damage with 2x minigun bursts from a considerable range. It will not matter how much hp you got coz you still die. A group of 5-6 players had the misfortune to meet me in TB they all died in 2 turns and they weren't newbies either. But I agree with more carryweight as I farm Unity alone I can't always take all the stuff :( most of it I just science it or leave it there :(
yep, my BG can take 2 burst, maybe 3.. i tired of testing this in hinkley, and you cant have to much hp couse you took all 3 BRD so i could take you most of the times
Re: EW fast shooter build (+tips and tricks to easy leveling up)
« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2012, 08:14:28 pm »

I deal more than 300 damage with 2x minigun bursts from a considerable range. It will not matter how much hp you got coz you still die. A group of 5-6 players had the misfortune to meet me in TB they all died in 2 turns and they weren't newbies either. But I agree with more carryweight as I farm Unity alone I can't always take all the stuff :( most of it I just science it or leave it there :(

Good job sport:] I think it was like that:
1.not 5-6 players, but 5-6 peasants NPCs near Den
2. Not 300dmg, but 30dmg (considering one critical miss and weapon drop)

Bonus: youre really great at designing build if you cant count CW for farmer. But then again.. your char is so fuckinunbelievablekickass that you probably encounter 10+ group of muties, so its not shame that you cant pick all those weapons after that instaarmageddon in one round:]

It was not wise to offer PM your badass build. Now all hackers want to get those messages...


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Re: EW fast shooter build (+tips and tricks to easy leveling up)
« Reply #21 on: May 02, 2012, 09:00:36 pm »

cool story bro. but is the truth.
Re: EW fast shooter build (+tips and tricks to easy leveling up)
« Reply #22 on: May 02, 2012, 09:14:43 pm »

I deal more than 300 damage with 2x minigun bursts from a considerable range. It will not matter how much hp you got coz you still die. A group of 5-6 players had the misfortune to meet me in TB they all died in 2 turns and they weren't newbies either. But I agree with more carryweight as I farm Unity alone I can't always take all the stuff :( most of it I just science it or leave it there :(

Mother of god,hahahah.
2 turns makes 4 hit for a well made big gunner,am i right..?this makes 4 dead guy with your pwnzor uber damage.. *they all had less than 120 hp,yeah.* so 4 hit that kills 6 people,yeah.So your big guneer had higher sequence than those build,all of those,yeah.10 per bonus seq big gunners are very widespread...Can you tell me character name,so i can feel the pleasure of being owned by you and post some screen..?
Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
For death or for life, whichever my fate
Re: EW fast shooter build (+tips and tricks to easy leveling up)
« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2012, 11:45:17 am »

guys, cant we all agree that having 12ap and brof is not that much of a deal and that it is possible to burst unarmored muties with jhp rounds? guys?

I love how everyone is arguing about this build. Everyone who has enough experience with builds and the game shouldnt even have the need to argue about something trivial as that.

Also, I didnt know that you could possibly make builds with less than 12ap.
Re: EW fast shooter build (+tips and tricks to easy leveling up)
« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2012, 10:08:11 pm »

1 point in ch is to play with someone and to be able to have companion/merc. also 5 int is to talk in normal way. 7pe with sharpshooter is enough

Is enough for being pwned by anyone in tb.
Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
For death or for life, whichever my fate


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Re: EW fast shooter build (+tips and tricks to easy leveling up)
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2012, 10:13:43 pm »

Is enough for being pwned by anyone in tb.
yeah, if you are going to use a laser rifle you would need at least 8 and sharpshooter or you will get sniped and you will be in big gunners range also
Re: EW fast shooter build (+tips and tricks to easy leveling up)
« Reply #26 on: May 26, 2012, 02:19:05 pm »

yeah, if you are going to use a laser rifle you would need at least 8 and sharpshooter or you will get sniped and you will be in big gunners range also

10 plus cautious nature plus bonus sequence,or nothing.Luck can wait.*sad moments with 1 luck,be prepared*
Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
For death or for life, whichever my fate
Re: EW fast shooter build (+tips and tricks to easy leveling up)
« Reply #27 on: May 26, 2012, 07:13:18 pm »

I love how this thread for a fast shot EW noobie got hijacked and turned into a BG dick measuring contest. Seriously guys, I'm also interested in tips for EW fast shot builds for newbies.
Re: EW fast shooter build (+tips and tricks to easy leveling up)
« Reply #28 on: May 27, 2012, 03:51:37 am »

I love how this thread for a fast shot EW noobie got hijacked and turned into a BG dick measuring contest. Seriously guys, I'm also interested in tips for EW fast shot builds for newbies.

I see many good tips in this thread.
My advice,but there are many other good-better options are.
p from 8 to 10.
e from 8 to 10
c 1-3 (3 is newbie reccomendation)
i 3-5
a 10 or 9 plus nuka.In case of newbie,go for ten.
l 1,sadly.Some more would reduce fails,but hard to save those points for a newbie (ofc drugless)

small frame fast shot.
big guns 150-180
ew 150-180
out 100
fa 100
(with 5 int.You must give up out and fa with 3 int)
weapon handling
lifegiver x2
action boy x2
bonus movement
those are top priority.I would adivse sharpshooter for serious tb stuff.

newbie variant: 3 str plus wpn handling and small guns instead of bg guns,and you can level up-get gear easier.
I would avoid small frame in this case otherwise too little we have:6 laser shots per turn with high priority,or 2  rifle burst,or 2 minigun burst...
243-45 hp,14 ap.
eats muties and non dedicated builds for breaksfast.

(Try in nitue,could be mistakes,i m sleepy!)

Indeed, perhaps one day we shall meet
Out in the country, or maybe on the street
Until that day here shall I wait
For death or for life, whichever my fate
Re: EW fast shooter build (+tips and tricks to easy leveling up)
« Reply #29 on: May 27, 2012, 07:54:19 am »

c 1-3 (3 is newbie reccomendation)

Unless he wants to have companions I really don't see a point in having 3 CH.

Anyone can go to some random shop and trade some mentats for a bunch of broc flower and fruit.
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