Other > Closed suggestions

Rework Merc System

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What about "Speech" skill? May be this skill will affect how many mercs/slaves you can have? ;p
Really, this skill can be useful.

Extra Mercs from Speech isn't a bad idea at all. Change it to (Ch/2)-2 and an extra merc per 50% of Speech.

Ch 1+2 = No Mercs, cant talk to Merc traders either (So no mercs even with good speech)
Ch 3+4 = No Mercs
Ch 5+6 = 1 Merc
Ch 7+8 = 2 Mercs
Ch 9 + 10 = 3 Mercs

50% = +1
100% = +2
150% = +3
200% + 4
250% + 5
300% + 6

Perhaps would could have a few "free" mercs in encounters, so that you don't count the first two mercs for scaling purposes.

I also think we will probably see Merc use more in the new TC system too.

And what about special mercs such as docs, medics, scouts, drivers? Each of them could have unique statistics and abilities so they will be helpful in other ways than combat.

Doctor - high doc skill and ability to fix broken bones once every X minutes, not a field guy = medium small gun skill, low hp, 0 armor, can use FA to heal 60-90 hp every Y min (X>Y)
Medic - high FA, can heal 140-250 hp once every X min, if healing over max HP he can add +30hp over maximum for short period of time, better with gun than doctor
Scout - child of the desert, very high outdoorsman skill, ability to track animals (makes you choose what kind of creature you are after and you will encounter them more likely), better position when entering encounter
Driver - +X% travel speed while traveling by car and reduce fuel consumption

These mercs could have more types. Like amateur nurse/self-taught doctor/doctor ; medic/field medic ; tracer/scout/ranger ; driver/road warrior ;). Each type with different pros and cons but generally self-taught doctor would be better than nurse and doctor would be better then self-taught doc.


--- Quote from: Sius on March 08, 2010, 01:33:14 pm ---And what about special mercs such as docs, medics, scouts, drivers? Each of them could have unique statistics and abilities so they will be helpful in other ways than combat.

Doctor - high doc skill and ability to fix broken bones once every X minutes, not a field guy = medium small gun skill, low hp, 0 armor, can use FA to heal 60-90 hp every Y min (X>Y)
Medic - high FA, can heal 140-250 hp once every X min, if healing over max HP he can add +30hp over maximum for short period of time, better with gun than doctor
Scout - child of the desert, very high outdoorsman skill, ability to track animals (makes you choose what kind of creature you are after and you will encounter them more likely), better position when entering encounter
Driver - +X% travel speed while traveling by car and reduce fuel consumption

These mercs could have more types. Like amateur nurse/self-taught doctor/doctor ; medic/field medic ; tracer/scout/ranger ; driver/road warrior ;). Each type with different pros and cons but generally self-taught doctor would be better than nurse and doctor would be better then self-taught doc.

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And what about cute slaves? They must have special abilities too, so you don't need to go to Cat's Paw at New Reno.
Also kids can clean your boots for 1 cap or something...

Bad idea about mers professions...

Hm, I don't think a Merc Scout is bad at all.

--- Quote from: Scypiorz ---Maybe counting their outdoorsman instead of the player (if higher)...wait, I've just realized it's already in. Wonder if it is useful, as I'm not sure how skilled they are.

If you've got any thoughts on that, shoot.
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