Other > Closed suggestions

Rework Merc System

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These were just fast brainstormed ideas and I think they are pretty usable ingame. They don't need to be mercs but simply interactive NPCs who will profit on their skills. So there wont be only npc trader, there could be also npc gunsmith who will craft you guns from materials for some fee, same goes for healing/repairing stuff etc... but thats a bit offtopic.

Anyway mercs are now stupid figurines good only in static defense. This could refresh them a bit and help them to be useful in PvE too.

A big problem is how they behave in fights. I bought a laser rifle and a rocket launcher merc yesterday just to see how long they'd last if I actually used them to travel with. The first hostile encounter got them killed. I think it was a Reno gang and some civilians. And that cost 18k or so and was lost in less than 10 minutes.

I think a 'Run if you get below X health' option would make a lot of difference. As well as an 'Attack whoever I attack'. I know the alt menu exists, but an automatic system would be a lot more manageable and stop you having to constantly check your merc's health mid fight to see if they're nearly dead.

I think for 10k, a merc that costs that much should be a lot more durable. Maybe even with more HP than a player of equivalent level to compensate for the fact they're AI, and are never going to be as smart as human beings.

Even with all these tweaks, I still think people are going to be scared of risking the cash they paid for combat mercs to use them in PvE. Is allowing them to respawn something you would never consider?


--- Quote from: Sius on March 08, 2010, 02:00:11 pm ---These were just fast brainstormed ideas and I think they are pretty usable ingame. They don't need to be mercs but simply interactive NPCs who will profit on their skills. So there wont be only npc trader, there could be also npc gunsmith who will craft you guns from materials for some fee, same goes for healing/repairing stuff etc... but thats a bit offtopic.

Anyway mercs are now stupid figurines good only in static defense. This could refresh them a bit and help them to be useful in PvE too.

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Do you realise that it would be another way to hurt non-combat chars? Like they haven't got enough disadvantages already.

or, we might be allowed to control the followers directly when in combat, would give a more tactical feel to the entire game.


--- Quote from: gordulan on March 08, 2010, 03:13:16 pm ---or, we might be allowed to control the followers directly when in combat, would give a more tactical feel to the entire game.

--- End quote ---

Do mean improve the alt menu, or are you unaware of it?


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