no one takes stonelol. so i toke bonehead instead it acutally does something unlike stonelol. fast shot because with 10pe and sharp you can get alot with ew sg and even bg close to mid range. fast reload is really useless. its not worth the perk. you can just shoot move away for a sec and come back.
I guess most of your faction members and friends so called allies make such builds , no wonder you have such a high chance of failure in actual combat situations , when i go up against such builds , i know that i have nothing to worry about. Seriously , it's shit and before you start annoying me here's some information to digest.
Stonewall is much more efficient than ever. The reason why , it's because with bonehead , 10 endurance , combat helmet bonus and stonewall you will never suffer from knockdowns and knockouts , i mean literally 0% chance (tested and confirmed). It makes you highly reliable against snipers unless someone directs a shot in groin , something that 40 HP cannot provide and from my experience highly recommended.
Indeed , fast reload on normal burster builds is quite useless. Then again that perk is highly efficient on builds that use double RL , have 12 AP and bonus rate of fire. Allowing you to reload both rocket launchers with only 2 action points instead of 6 , doesn't sound much at first but when your shooting multiple times and reloading , those action points add up over time and the more you shoot the efficient the perk in the end becomes. Just an example you shoot 3 times from both RL and reloaded in the end , in comparison with not having fast reload you just lost 12 AP , lost a lot of time taking cover accumulating those extra AP that could have been used much faster allowing you to shoot two more times from both launchers and commit to the fight much faster thus increasing your teams chances of success. Cannot be more precise than this.
Each and every single build with 1 luck that supposed to be used for combat is obsolete. With 1 luck taking that you already got critically hit in the eyes , there's 60% chance to be bypassed , in comparison with 5 luck it's like 31% , same thing is when you get hit in head the chance to be bypassed is roughly cut in half. More than 5 luck doesn't change anything , it's just how it is( only concerning aimed shots , torso shots have different critical hit tables and stuff ). Oh yes , with 1 luck those nasty SD sneaker builds have 70% chance to bypass you when throwing plasma nades at you. Talking about SD , 10 luck ensures 0% percent chance to be bypasses from untargetted critical shots ( those who are not aimed , torso shots ). Do i really need to explain why that is important ?
Perception , no matter what build your using and what weapon , you can't really effectively utilize more than 3 hexes that exceed your weapons maximum range. This stat of course gives good map awareness , but that's not a good reason to pump it to maximum , that's why we have builds called snipers that need that perception whether they like it or not and it's their job to inform the whole team about surroundings. Each build has it's own role , utilize those roles accordingly.
fast shot because with 10pe and sharp you can get alot with ew sg and even bg close to mid range.
I can load avenger with 10 pe because a lot and mid close range no matter ew for sg along fast shot. Did you understand me ? I certainly didn't understand you.
Hey but ... who will listen to me anyway ? I'm the arrogant bitch that don't know shit , new player of fonline and what not

So even after all said above , i'm quite sure nobody will change their mind will keep making useless meat shields.