Farming/stealing from strong encounters have been nerfed few times already, mobs drop deteriorated items, you have only few seconds to steal from them (with hard-as-fuck-to-level-up character with 300% Steal skill, less is not effective enough), and it's still considered an "exploit"? Why, in Cthulhu's name?
Only actual problem here is that enclave was designed to be hardass pve encounter that only powerful squads of players are able to defeat in face to face combat. Instead of squads, players just take the abuse way. So we're talking about failed feature. The fact that someone can solo enclave is not a problem, because some just want to do that no matter what.
It doesnt sound easy A lot of work...
Though i don't how to prevent this ... i was laughing with my teammates that the only way would be if you just couldn't find enclave ( they don't exist ) , as there plenty more ways how to farm them.
If you nerf it, it will affect non-gang members. Not pvp gangers. Atm we have around 100 players, 50 of them play this game for evening pvp and other 50 play for farming and crafting stuff. Pvp gang will always find the way, single player not. Guess who will quit? This server need more players, not less.Start thinking kurwa.January: ~230 playersFebruary: ~150March: ~115
SolarLast Active:March 09, 2012, 05:52:11 pm
besides, at prime time it is 200 players still, I see it plenty, though maybe it is my imagination trying to give me hope .
prime time means that gangs are fighting and one player got at least 3 alts offline jeez... wake up man