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FOnline as a social game.
--- Quote from: blahblah on March 30, 2012, 04:15:52 pm ---The problem is simple, but huge and unavoidable:
Why do you want to be "social" with players when you can get killed/robbed/both by those players and there is almost 0 reward for being nice and almost 0 punishment for just killing you and taking all your stuff?
Without any rules and "safe zones" there is no way this game will have player interaction other than "me shoot you, haha".
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The satisfaction you get for helping people is good reward enough. You are right that the nonexistent punishment for killing a random player/npc is really bad.
Global karma would be something so nice. If someone wants to play as an evil guy, I don't think he/she would even complain about the negative karma. Negative karma could give you access to things you wouldn't get with positive karma and vice versa.
--- Quote from: Opera on March 30, 2012, 09:05:15 pm ---Global karma would be something so nice. If someone wants to play as an evil guy, I don't think he/she would even complain about the negative karma.
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Own3d VC Patrol's Revenge:
I can't really complain, I hate VC anyway :>
It was said already, but I'll say this again. Its all about exp stuff, and fun.
You can have more fun playing together, but only at PVP, at grinding , better is solo, at farming solo aswell is better (because you don't need to share stuff ).
If Devs could make somethig with shared exp and more loot for wandering together, then it would make game more social, and PLAYABLE.
--- Quote from: avv on March 30, 2012, 12:13:56 pm ---Good people aren't in towns. They are on worldmap, encounters or anywhere else grinding or just waiting for something to happen. When good person has to go to town, he enters it, gets what he needs and leaves instantly. There is no profit idling inside.
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Well that is true but good people aren't in the wastes either, I've had 26 encounters with other players in the wasteland and only 2 of them were someone not trying to kill me.
As far as the going it alone, dog eat dog mentality someone spoke of being the post apoc way of life, that only works for the very basic essentials of life. If you go it alone you find a place, you set up some food source, a way to defend yourself and that's basically it, unless you're crazy you don't go willy nilly around looking for old tech and diving into caves, you tend to yourself and you survive. This isn't Wasteland Sims. If you truly want to get anywhere or achieve anything in the wastes you have to have like minded people, and the more the better. The distrust is something that is true to the wastes, but in the end you have to find people you can trust or achieve next to nothing and die alone.
Edited the OP title. Each thread title in questionable english will be deleted from now on.
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