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FOnline as a social game.

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--- Quote from: Trokanis on March 30, 2012, 10:37:22 am ---Sadly there will be no good social in this game without large changes.  Because truthfully it doesn't rely on how you act, but on how others act, and the majority of 'others' is a much a lulz seeking power build punks with nothing better to do than blow you away (or steal your shit, or grief you at a vender) rather than talk to you.  I honestly miss meeting good people in towns.

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Good people aren't in towns. They are on worldmap, encounters or anywhere else grinding or just waiting for something to happen. When good person has to go to town, he enters it, gets what he needs and leaves instantly. There is no profit idling inside.

The problem is simple, but huge and unavoidable:
Why do you want to be "social" with players when you can get killed/robbed/both by those players and there is almost 0 reward for being nice and almost 0 punishment for just killing you and taking all your stuff?
Without any rules and "safe zones" there is no way this game will have player interaction other than "me shoot you, haha".


--- Quote from: blahblah on March 30, 2012, 04:15:52 pm ---there is almost 0 reward for being nice
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There is satisfaction you've helped some noobs not to ragequit immediately.

However pwning them for teh lulz roleplaying a raider is much easier of course.


--- Quote from: blahblah on March 30, 2012, 04:15:52 pm ---The problem is simple, but huge and unavoidable:
Why do you want to be "social" with players when you can get killed/robbed/both by those players and there is almost 0 reward for being nice and almost 0 punishment for just killing you and taking all your stuff?
Without any rules and "safe zones" there is no way this game will have player interaction other than "me shoot you, haha".
--- End quote ---

This is talk of loner who hasn't met people to trust. There's plenty of people to trust but they sure as hell aren't in ncr or randomly encounter you anywhere. Most recruiting happens through irc and forums.

The every man for himself atmosphere is what makes this game feel post apocalyptic


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