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Author Topic: Gorgon Enterprises (Active and Crafting)  (Read 39325 times)

Re: Gorgon Enterprises (Open Employment)
« Reply #60 on: May 01, 2012, 04:09:41 pm »

I'll give you 5 minutes in NRC before you get a troll.


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Re: Gorgon Enterprises (Open Employment)
« Reply #61 on: May 01, 2012, 04:49:42 pm »

I said 'guarded' towns :P I don't consider NCR guarded. If you would like to buy things from our Caravan, you'll have to take your caps elsewhere.


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Re: Gorgon Enterprises (New Faction-Interest Check)
« Reply #62 on: May 01, 2012, 10:35:04 pm »

It seems your caravan business is doing all right. Would be nice to give you a hand one day.

Exactly, if I could still play, i would be trading with that faction a lot :P

May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won't.


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Re: Gorgon Enterprises (Open Employment)
« Reply #63 on: May 16, 2012, 06:50:48 pm »

I'll likely be doing some business with you and your faction once I get situated and my characters leveled up.

May even tag along for one of those caravan runs once I get a decent combat oriented character leveled up, if you'll have me that is.

Currently vacationing at Chernarus! Where the zombies are hungry, and everyone shoots you for beans!
Re: Gorgon Enterprises (Open Employment)
« Reply #64 on: May 16, 2012, 07:59:11 pm »

BenKain, your inbox is full. I have something to send to you.


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Re: Gorgon Enterprises (Open Employment)
« Reply #65 on: May 22, 2012, 03:29:13 pm »

BenKain, your inbox is full. I have something to send to you.

Ben Kain is having some problems with his internet. So he is off this week.


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Re: Gorgon Enterprises (Open Employment)
« Reply #66 on: June 15, 2012, 08:46:59 am »

Might as well say it here, good a place as any.

I've grown impossibly tired with this game, and can no longer bring myself to play it. I love Fallout and I love what the developers were trying to do here, but it has grown very stale.

I want to give a special shout out to Gob, Codave, and Eternata. 
I just wanted to say thank you guys, for making this game a lot of fun for me, and may your travels be safe.

(P.S. If any Company members would like to lay claim to my holdings, post here and I'll transfer the stuff)
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 08:51:15 am by BenKain »


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Re: Gorgon Enterprises (Faction Closed By Leader)
« Reply #67 on: June 15, 2012, 09:28:37 am »

sorry to see you leave, but tbh im not surprised, many have had the same intentions as you before.  It has always started out with a bang and ended with a whimper, this server just doesn't really promote "traveling wasteland adventures".  God knows I've tried.  In the end it always resolves in the same predictable manner, "pew pew bam boom, lol your dead what a nub!"
It's all really about suppression of dissension, consensus through censorship.  Whether through extermination of those who have different or conflicting viewpoints or subtle spin of available media.  If there is only one opinion left, it must be right, right?
Re: Gorgon Enterprises (Faction Closed By Leader)
« Reply #68 on: June 15, 2012, 10:49:21 am »

hey are you coming back for the RP event when it happens?


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Re: Gorgon Enterprises (Faction Closed By Leader)
« Reply #69 on: June 15, 2012, 05:08:15 pm »

Ben, I really hope you come back soon. I understand the server does not exactly encourage the kind of gameplay you were looking for, but the only way to make a difference is to have more guys like you and groups like GE around :P

Anyway best of luck for you, mate!
Re: Gorgon Enterprises (Faction Closed By Leader)
« Reply #70 on: June 15, 2012, 06:51:04 pm »

yeah you missed out on my 8 dog/5 cow cattle herder


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Re: Gorgon Enterprises (Faction Closed By Leader)
« Reply #71 on: June 15, 2012, 08:16:14 pm »

Later Ben. It was fun.

Xisingr Will

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Re: Gorgon Enterprises (Open Employment)
« Reply #72 on: June 15, 2012, 10:36:23 pm »

Might as well say it here, good a place as any.

I've grown impossibly tired with this game, and can no longer bring myself to play it. I love Fallout and I love what the developers were trying to do here, but it has grown very stale.

I want to give a special shout out to Gob, Codave, and Eternata. 
I just wanted to say thank you guys, for making this game a lot of fun for me, and may your travels be safe.

(P.S. If any Company members would like to lay claim to my holdings, post here and I'll transfer the stuff)
Ben I know that there isn't much left of Gorgon or the members but i was wondering if i could try and start it back up, I know i wasn't in Gorgon for that long, but i don't want to quit Gorgon and will try my best to start it up again, i plan on still playing this game no matter how many players quit, also, if any veteran Gorgon members would like to try and restart it that would be better but if none do i would like to try, i plan on staying in Gorgon no matter what..... See you Ben.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 11:36:44 pm by Xisingr Will »
I am a Medic NonCombat Carebear APK Gorgon, get over it.


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Re: Gorgon Enterprises (Open Employment)
« Reply #73 on: June 17, 2012, 07:13:27 am »

Thanks everyone, almost a funeral level turnout  :P

But I'm not gone forever, I've just fallen in love with a new game.  2238 has merely been put in the dark closet for the time being. I still intend to troll the forums and hand out leather jackets to new players on occasion. As far as the Hub RP project, I am eagerly awaiting it, and definitely intend to participate as much as humanly possible.   

Ben I know that there isn't much left of Gorgon or the members but i was wondering if i could try and start it back up, I know i wasn't in Gorgon for that long, but i don't want to quit Gorgon and will try my best to start it up again, i plan on still playing this game no matter how many players quit, also, if any veteran Gorgon members would like to try and restart it that would be better but if none do i would like to try, i plan on staying in Gorgon no matter what..... See you Ben.

I can actually think of no better person to take the reigns.
All of the other players in Gorgon had came from other places, other projects, or moved on the bigger, bloodier things after we had given them a foothold, but you are a true child of the company, My Noob  :P
I'll hit you up via irc (if the channel is still up) or pm me within the next couple of days (i'll check it frequently) and i'll get everything signed over.

P.S. - If Creep is still wandering the wastes, tell him he's a baus and can have my car.  :P

<<<If anyone is into DDO, my Guild there is "The Horizon Syndicate" on the Cannith server>>>
« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 07:17:13 am by BenKain »

Xisingr Will

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Re: Gorgon Enterprises (Open Employment)
« Reply #74 on: June 17, 2012, 07:45:15 am »

Thanks everyone, almost a funeral level turnout  :P

But I'm not gone forever, I've just fallen in love with a new game.  2238 has merely been put in the dark closet for the time being. I still intend to troll the forums and hand out leather jackets to new players on occasion. As far as the Hub RP project, I am eagerly awaiting it, and definitely intend to participate as much as humanly possible.   

I can actually think of no better person to take the reigns.
All of the other players in Gorgon had came from other places, other projects, or moved on the bigger, bloodier things after we had given them a foothold, but you are a true child of the company, My Noob  :P
I'll hit you up via irc (if the channel is still up) or pm me within the next couple of days (i'll check it frequently) and i'll get everything signed over.

P.S. - If Creep is still wandering the wastes, tell him he's a baus and can have my car.  :P

<<<If anyone is into DDO, my Guild there is "The Horizon Syndicate" on the Cannith server>>>
Thanks Ben, i am going to try my best on starting up Gorgon again, first order of business will be stocking the base with equipment and what not than from than on, The Irc channel is also still up so that would be the best place to talk.....and creep will get his car :P
Hope you come back soon and as soon as you do, Everything goes back to you, I Cant wait till the RP project either :D
« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 07:46:49 am by Xisingr Will »
I am a Medic NonCombat Carebear APK Gorgon, get over it.
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