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of all the things that could be done to improve FOnline 2238, is this worth anyone's time?

- 5 (16.1%)
No, its stupid/too woo-ish/barely canonical/not true to the spirit of "the wasteland"/etc...
- 14 (45.2%)
No, it upsets game mechanics/too cumbersome to implement/too overpowered
- 6 (19.4%)
Maybe, if X, Y, and Z...
- 6 (19.4%)

Total Members Voted: 28

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Author Topic: Psykers/Psychic Powers? (edited)  (Read 10385 times)

Psykers/Psychic Powers? (edited)
« on: March 22, 2012, 12:31:13 am »

First, some background:

I know the board rules are to post as much detail as possible, but there seems to be an inverse relationship between the amount of work put into a post and how seriously its taken. I kinda want to be intentionally vague with this post too feel out other players opinions. Details like "replace gambling skill with-", "require taking a psyker trait", or  "base it off of luck+intel+percep" seem like a waste of time if general consensus is against the whole concept. If you think its a dumb idea, please tell why.

Possible crafting:
psychic nullifier
psychic amplifier
tinfoil hat?

Adding some sort of psychic resistance rating to conventional helmets

possible abilities:
electrokinetic - some sort of medium range electric attack? "force lightning"?
photokinetic - generic energy weapon-esq pew-pew, sans weapon/ammo?
telekinetic - forced dropping weapons, some variant on throwing? Pick up items on the ground to your inventory from a distance?
pyrokinetic - flamer type attack? or some sort of explosive? Melee or unarmed attacks count as fire damage?
telepathic - listening in on characters from far away? instant radio? Enhanced perception for purposes of field of view? perhaps the ability to tame non-humanoid creatures?

3/23/12 - More modest, detailed abilities:
A single psyker skill (perhaps accessible through the skilldex), that reduces the luck and perception of a single target by 5 total, randomly distributed between both Stats (could be -5L0P, -4L1P, ... , -0L5P). The duration of the skill would be dependent on skill point investiture (1second/3%pt ?), and the AP cost could be fixed, or preferably a reduction in the rate of AP refill during the duration of the skill's activation.

Direct consequences to target:
Luck + Perception reduced by 5 total, If target has Mental Block support perk; only 2 total
Increased risk of critical failures, weapon drops, falling
Decreased hit chance, critical chance
Reduced field of view
messages similar to REVULSE.MSG

Direct consequences to psyker:
reduce perception by # while activated (3 if psyker skill% under 100%, 2 if under 200%, 1 if >=200%)
reduce AP regeneration rate while active
wears off after (psyker skill%) / 3 seconds
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 03:35:31 am by Rosmy Sundr »
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Re: Psykers/Psychic Powers?
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2012, 12:40:34 am »

to much work , balancing

and i dont really feel its falloutish :-\
dlaczego muzyka black metalowa jest szybka?  bo gdy sie czlowiek spieszy to sie diabel cieszy :)


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Re: Psykers/Psychic Powers?
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2012, 12:57:39 am »

lol wtf magic powers in fo? you make me laugh hard.
Roaming the waste again.


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Re: Psykers/Psychic Powers?
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2012, 01:01:28 am »

lol wtf magic powers in fo? you make me laugh hard.
First Aid and Doctor :p
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!


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Re: Psykers/Psychic Powers?
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2012, 01:03:52 am »

First Aid and Doctor :p

yea but first aid and doctor things are humanly possible. throwing lighting out of you arse is well not so much.
Roaming the waste again.


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Re: Psykers/Psychic Powers?
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2012, 01:04:37 am »

It is canon....
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: Psykers/Psychic Powers?
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2012, 01:27:32 am »

"FEV + radiation" is just as hand-wavy as any other magic. Even if we throw away all the dreaded hocus pocus in F2 with hakunin's and melchior's magic, there are plenty of "pure fallout" tropes that are unrealistic from a hard-scifi standpoint, and markedly un-post-nuclear-apocalyptic.

But just because we're uncomfortable with post-nuke jedis, that doesn't mean we cant have some toned-down fun with "FEV + radiation"
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Re: Psykers/Psychic Powers?
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2012, 02:00:44 am »

Pokemons ? No thanks.
Re: Psykers/Psychic Powers?
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2012, 02:26:42 am »

Pokemons ? No thanks.
If you're saying that in regards to taming critters, how is it any different than mercs/slaves/companions/dogs?

If you're saying that in regards to kinda "elemental" sounding attacks... would you prefer rock/paper/scissors? Fallout already has varying attack types and armors to address them.
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Re: Psykers/Psychic Powers?
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2012, 02:39:46 am »

My 10 int char should be able to implode heads just by concentrating


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Re: Psykers/Psychic Powers?
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2012, 09:23:45 am »

lol wtf magic powers in fo? you make me laugh hard.

"This magic" is in the game since Fallout 1.


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Re: Psykers/Psychic Powers?
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2012, 09:30:36 am »

Meh, i wouldnt wanna enhance luck anyway as it is on 10 always, because luck makes me the wizard of california!

I also think jinxed is magic enough.
But when I think again, mages wouldn't need weapons, so we have another "unarmed" trollbuild type that won't loose shit if he dies.


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Re: Psykers/Psychic Powers?
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2012, 09:56:37 am »

What next....?

KAMEHAMEHA *-----------------------((o))
FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg
Re: Psykers/Psychic Powers?
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2012, 10:05:50 am »

It's already implemented with Perks.

Why else would you be able to raise stats like Perception or Luck? A perk increasing such stats by 3 instead of 1 on higher levels would make more sense, though.
Wasteland is a tricky business.


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Re: Psykers/Psychic Powers?
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2012, 10:52:58 am »

I also think jinxed is magic enough.
But when I think again, mages wouldn't need weapons, so we have another "unarmed" trollbuild type that won't loose shit if he dies.

Only if you stick to FOnline(s) style and assume that such ability is available for player from the start (trait/skill) or can be found during character "life" (perk/quest/special encounter/whatever). If you leave decision to the game and won't add huge YOU WIZARD info, you have much more freedom in adding stuff that may create some disbalance. Example: get low chance for adding X during level up, and roll on which one during character registration. Make this chance 0 for all, but Y characters every Z registered. Build set of rules and let the game randomly pick one every day :P Such thing could work not only for this sugg (which has low chance as i see), but many threads around, and even stuff already included ingame, but that's another story.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 10:54:51 am by Wipe »
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