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Author Topic: Another New FOnline?  (Read 110381 times)

Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2012, 10:35:12 pm »

So as i understand. You stopped developing Desert Europe just because you wanted to make Fonline: Fallout Tactic, which, in my opinion will never be done or complete or whatever?

Thats great  ;)
Nope, nobody stoped developing of Desert Europe, we are still working but in silence, that is much easier...

Than if you did give your opinion on public forum to feel better in your mind, that's ok, it is very important to feel good. Maby many people did wait for opinion like your, becouse are thinking the same :-)

Try to script/create that big world, than you will know that feeling, nothing others is important, that is much more great feeling like wordbattle on any forum.

And wish us good luck :-)

More new servers , hey split the community more ... what's the point ? If i was xenom i would provide help to 2238 developers and make a better server where we already are playing.

In case that the server is going to be good what xenom is making , only a part of players will go play there. In the end lower population in both servers , i have seen things like that happen in other mmo's.
If developers from 2238 will be interested for some solutions, than that will be nothing problem.
I did send some proposition few weeks ego but there was nothing answer from their site.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 10:41:13 pm by xenom »


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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2012, 07:14:46 pm »

Lol I like desert europe but fonline tactics looks promising and awesome. I think it will be sth like 2238 but only for pvp very nice idea :D
Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2012, 07:44:46 pm »

More new servers , hey split the community more ... what's the point ? If i was xenom i would provide help to 2238 developers and make a better server where we already are playing.

In case that the server is going to be good what xenom is making , only a part of players will go play there. In the end lower population in both servers , i have seen things like that happen in other mmo's.

Exactly this. There was already a split, when Fonline divided into 2238 from The Life After.


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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2012, 08:09:07 pm »

Ever since SDK was released it was pretty much called that population was gonna drop drastically... 

And stay there. :(

However this looks promising.  Even if only 50 players played it seems like one of those servers that would have more than enough action at all times between players anyways, so no one is going to get bored any time soon whenever this if/is finally OBT.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2012, 09:15:19 pm »

I didnt fight anyone hm, but thats ok.

And as i saw, it wasnt any easier when you work "louder" ..
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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #20 on: March 24, 2012, 12:00:34 am »

Nope, nobody stoped developing of Desert Europe, we are still working but in silence, that is much easier...

Try harder, or dream's come to nightmare!:)

"We need your help, becouse this project is close to death, and 9last months of hard, hard job can be loose !"-Ras,Xenom.




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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #21 on: March 24, 2012, 12:17:26 am »

Nope, nobody stoped developing of Desert Europe, we are still working but in silence, that is much easier...

Than if you did give your opinion on public forum to feel better in your mind, that's ok, it is very important to feel good. Maby many people did wait for opinion like your, becouse are thinking the same :-)

Try to script/create that big world, than you will know that feeling, nothing others is important, that is much more great feeling like wordbattle on any forum.

And wish us good luck :-)
If developers from 2238 will be interested for some solutions, than that will be nothing problem.
I did send some proposition few weeks ego but there was nothing answer from their site.

This is not an attempt to troll or anything, just a friendly meant advice. ;) :

You *really* should look out for some people proofreading your official announcments (like the link umkillass posted on the wasteland forums) - it's totally ok if someone can't speak english very well, but if you do such posts where you look for potential new recruits for your game you should take care of basic spelling/grammar. Not only does it look more "professional" this way, some people who may be interested in helping you out may think "wat, they can't even speak english, I would want to help but not under this language barrier". ;)


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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #22 on: March 24, 2012, 01:23:53 am »

More new servers , hey split the community more ... what's the point ? If i was xenom i would provide help to 2238 developers and make a better server where we already are playing.

In case that the server is going to be good what xenom is making , only a part of players will go play there. In the end lower population in both servers , i have seen things like that happen in other mmo's.
There are lot of people there who just dont feel like playing on 2238. Where is the rest from 611 players, that were playing on 16th May ? Superb project has the potential to attract lots of old players and even the new ones. Why would you stay on worse server ?

Not to mention, 2238 devs have their own vision of the game and lets be honest, most of us are not satisfied with the current progress. If some team can do better, I will gladly appreciate everything they can provide us with. After all, Im not paying for anything.

Clearly, time has shown, that its not easy to make a successful FOnline server. Its been more than a year (?) since SDK was released and theres no server that is as successful as 2238. Yes, there were UPs and DOWNs, but every wipe, large majority of us comes back to try new features recently added. Game is being polished more and more into its final shape and Im looking forward for big changes ahead.
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing
Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2012, 06:23:09 am »

"We need your help, becouse this project is close to death, and 9last months of hard, hard job can be loose !"-Ras,Xenom.


We have now few people from there. FOnline Tactics is training center for them, becouse is much easier like for example scripting in fode.
FODE is big machine and need powerfull team to finish this. It nothing personaly to other servers, but FODE has too many news, implementation like every other server - it is really hard to finish, there is nothing from TLA. And i am scripter, not roleplay master, and my english is too bad to make dialogs and things like this -I can do nothing.

I can say, there was idea too finish this toghter with 2238 or TLA MK2 developers, but they was not interested for this.
I was fustrated, becouse i did seen they  don't have too many scripting changes for every wipe(on 2238/ TLA MK2 has many changes), there was chance for them to help us with fode and use really good  scripting implementation on their server, and have 2 nice worlds for people.
On this wipe 2238 has few changes, but in my opinion are not too powerfull, don't give too many fun for players. Writing scripts for worldmap fighting, capture the flag system, AI talking heads, faction system - i did make this in 1,5 month. 2238 exist more than 3 years... Why they don't want to use something from my solutions, you can ask them...
This engine give many, many possibilities, it is great, becouse you can make on this for example massive players RTS, it is easy, but need time like everything.

And about fode... we are open on 2238 developers, Requiem developers and TLA MK2 developers :-)
People have opposite ideas, but about solutions players can vote.
You can imagine 3-4 great developing teams, who are working togheter on 2 servers in america/europe, or 1 great server with amercia and europe(yes it is possible) - but team don't want cooperate, better for them is making the battle "who will take more players" and this is #$%%#% shit, and destroy all spirit of this game/engine.
Only one great team is a future for this engine fallout servers, other solutions are going to death in close future - that is my opinion.

FODE we can too finish this alone in small group, but that will take time.

Many people sad too me: you have awesome scripting solutions, why do you not work with 2238 to make one good server togheter?

Propably they don't like my person, almost everybody understund this situation, becouse when i am drunked (too many on head), than i am writing stupid things on forum. I can say sorry, and that's all, and not enought for them.
We can make steel silence stupid war "who will have more players" or take all greats developers teams, stick togheter and make togheter best FOnline, who will based on best players ideas by voting. Yes i did start this war, that was stupid, now I am looking on this from other site.

I think you as players need solution like that, not 20 tla servers, but one great world with few great implementations on every wipe.
That game is for you all, and if teams don't want cooperate on one great server, than You can make a "death" days sometimes, and don't playe on any server. But decision is on your site, I can reapat:"nobody want 20 TLA server, players need only one - best solution is that" (-almost like master Yoda :P)
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 07:40:49 am by xenom »


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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #24 on: March 24, 2012, 08:37:12 am »

Nice diptych you got there xenom.... but you see most people like to change the "air" most of the time, well what I mean is they like changing server's for example I was playing on TLA mk2 months back because 2238 was borring. What I want to say is if there is going to be 1 big server, people sooner or later will get borred or will want to try something else or you know get angry about some new feature :D and they will want to go somewhere else. Making one big server for everyone is not the solution. And if nobody wants to help you well they maybe have a reason or they are too lazy or they have their own problems.  :-\


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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #25 on: March 24, 2012, 08:55:39 am »

On this wipe 2238 has few changes, but in my opinion are not too powerfull, don't give too many fun for players.
You forgot, that 2238 is making this engine with cvet which in you are scripting. It's not same like writing scripts to sdk..
You don't have to know OpenGL and Direct3D, they do, you don't even have to know perfectly AngelScript, they do. As well as knowing basic/advanced encryption methods to not allow to break FOnline network protocol, as well to don't allow unfair server administrators to steal passwords from .client :)
Everything is time consuming and they are doing it in their free time (as well as you do), so appreciate it.
Maybe I know nothing about what they do, but it's easy to guess - it's much more, than you have to do, trust me :)

Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2012, 09:11:33 am »

You forgot, that 2238 is making this engine with cvet which in you are scripting. It's not same like writing scripts to sdk..
You don't have to know OpenGL and Direct3D, they do, you don't even have to know perfectly AngelScript, they do. As well as knowing basic/advanced encryption methods to not allow to break FOnline network protocol, as well to don't allow unfair server administrators to steal passwords from .client :)
Everything is time consuming and they are doing it in their free time (as well as you do), so appreciate it.
Maybe I know nothing about what they do, but it's easy to guess - it's much more, than you have to do, trust me :)
That's ok, but what that give for players. For me as scripter it is very helpfull, and i thank them.
Players don't wonna better engine but playable game.

"but it's easy to guess - it's much more, than you have to do, trust me" - maby yes, maby not, becouse you don't have any knowedle about programming/scripting without making hotkays for fonline :P
I am writing code with many 1000 lines in scripts - it is easier/harder? There is nothing difference between scripting AS or programming Engine, but in secodary thing you must know/use more libraries, have better quality of code style/optimisation, and have more people for this. Easier, or harder that are bad categories, becouse we are making difference things, they are makin engine, I playable solutions by using engine.
If you have for example Unreal Engine, than making game on this is not easier like making engine.


Gob, you have right, becouse always players can be borred of server, question is: in what time? 1 great team is able to make playable server for long, long time opossition to small teams, when you have X TLAs who can borred in 2 weeks :/ Question only, what is better solution?
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 09:27:59 am by xenom »


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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2012, 09:54:22 am »

Fonline games are boring for more people because they are 2D, hard (you will die everywhere) and you must think what to do. Fonline never been popular like LoL, Minecraft because our community is small and lot of people dont know about "Fallout 2 Online" (2 because "I only know 2 and 3" - somebody). Sorry but fonline will die like other games, 5-10 years so thats sad but true :(
1 big server - no! I prefer have 5-10 servers to choose which play it, example

TLA - sdk for developers (not server)
2238 - crafting server/pvp
Desert Europe - pve, pvp, crafting server bigger and in europe
TLA mk2 - TLA but playable server
Wasteland 2155 - role playing server
Tactic - only pvp, 2238 world (show us worldmap :D)
Requiem - pvp server
3D server - only 3D models and 3D maps (buildings, scenery)

On each server players ~500 so 4000 players will nice :D

Single player:
Whats Remains
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 09:56:59 am by barter1113 »


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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2012, 11:45:55 am »

That's ok, but what that give for players. For me as scripter it is very helpfull, and i thank them.
Players don't wonna better engine but playable game.

"but it's easy to guess - it's much more, than you have to do, trust me" - maby yes, maby not, becouse you don't have any knowedle about programming/scripting without making hotkays for fonline :P
I am writing code with many 1000 lines in scripts - it is easier/harder? There is nothing difference between scripting AS or programming Engine, but in secodary thing you must know/use more libraries, have better quality of code style/optimisation, and have more people for this. Easier, or harder that are bad categories, becouse we are making difference things, they are makin engine, I playable solutions by using engine.
If you have for example Unreal Engine, than making game on this is not easier like making engine.
Yey, you blame me again (I don't want to even count how many.. hundred time now?) for touching one time our repo, thanks, one time again I can just laugh from it and never write anything, because why had I make another reason for you to blame me? How long are you talking about it, one year? More? ;D

If you don't see difference between scripting in some released SDK to some engine and programming from zero (not exactly from zero, there is plenty of libraries used as well), then I'm so sorry...
If you are saying, that there is no difference between making engine and writing in some prebased scripting language, then write something totally simple in D3D and OGL from nothing and show us :)
"Having better optimising" - are you kidding me? You've nerer seen "optimised' FOnline, in old times when FOnline didn't had 3D support it was running at least 150% faster.
And about better quality, it is false as well, even cvet can make some thing in way "tries and fails", as we see it in FOnline OpenGL version, it's going still better and better.
And about last part, if writing in UnrealEngine is harder than making own engine, so why so many developers are still buying licence for that? Please, if you have no idea what you know what are you talking about, just don't do this...

Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2012, 12:07:54 pm »

Yey, you blame me again (I don't want to even count how many.. hundred time now?) for touching one time our repo, thanks, one time again I can just laugh from it and never write anything, because why had I make another reason for you to blame me? How long are you talking about it, one year? More? ;D

If you don't see difference between scripting in some released SDK to some engine and programming from zero (not exactly from zero, there is plenty of libraries used as well), then I'm so sorry...
If you are saying, that there is no difference between making engine and writing in some prebased scripting language, then write something totally simple in D3D and OGL from nothing and show us :)
"Having better optimising" - are you kidding me? You've nerer seen "optimised' FOnline, in old times when FOnline didn't had 3D support it was running at least 150% faster.
And about better quality, it is false as well, even cvet can make some thing in way "tries and fails", as we see it in FOnline OpenGL version, it's going still better and better.
And about last part, if writing in UnrealEngine is harder than making own engine, so why so many developers are still buying licence for that? Please, if you have no idea what you know what are you talking about, just don't do this...
"If you have for example Unreal Engine, than making game on this is not easier like making engine. "-that was a text

not this: "writing in UnrealEngine is harder than making own engine, "

my answer was:"Easier, or harder that are bad categories"-learn to read with understanding Janosik.

Yeah you are proffessional becouse have 17 years old and using using debian as system(ok, is not that a shame.) and know everything, and dont like miscrosoft.

Sorry, but you are young, have nothing knowedle, and you was in project always this person who did make almost nothing, and always attacked leader of this project on public forum - me. You did steal private pass people and developers from fode forum - you not respect anyone IMAO.

I will not speak with you, becouse it is nonsense. At first you must learn read understanding, and respect people who are more adult like you.

I wish you find good job with that behaviorus, becouse nobody will respect this young man :(
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 12:19:07 pm by xenom »
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