"We need your help, becouse this project is close to death, and 9last months of hard, hard job can be loose !"-Ras,Xenom.
Source----> http://wasteland.inxile-entertainment.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=154
We have now few people from there. FOnline Tactics is training center for them, becouse is much easier like for example scripting in fode.
FODE is big machine and need powerfull team to finish this. It nothing personaly to other servers, but FODE has too many news, implementation like every other server - it is really hard to finish, there is nothing from TLA. And i am scripter, not roleplay master, and my english is too bad to make dialogs and things like this -I can do nothing.
I can say, there was idea too finish this toghter with 2238 or TLA MK2 developers, but they was not interested for this.
I was fustrated, becouse i did seen they don't have too many scripting changes for every wipe(on 2238/ TLA MK2 has many changes), there was chance for them to help us with fode and use really good scripting implementation on their server, and have 2 nice worlds for people.
On this wipe 2238 has few changes, but in my opinion are not too powerfull, don't give too many fun for players. Writing scripts for worldmap fighting, capture the flag system, AI talking heads, faction system - i did make this in 1,5 month. 2238 exist more than 3 years... Why they don't want to use something from my solutions, you can ask them...
This engine give many, many possibilities, it is great, becouse you can make on this for example massive players RTS, it is easy, but need time like everything.
And about fode... we are open on 2238 developers, Requiem developers and TLA MK2 developers :-)
People have opposite ideas, but about solutions players can vote.
You can imagine 3-4 great developing teams, who are working togheter on 2 servers in america/europe, or 1 great server with amercia and europe(yes it is possible) - but team don't want cooperate, better for them is making the battle "who will take more players" and this is #$%%#% shit, and destroy all spirit of this game/engine.
Only one great team is a future for this engine fallout servers, other solutions are going to death in close future - that is my opinion.
FODE we can too finish this alone in small group, but that will take time.
Many people sad too me: you have awesome scripting solutions, why do you not work with 2238 to make one good server togheter?
Propably they don't like my person, almost everybody understund this situation, becouse when i am drunked (too many on head), than i am writing stupid things on forum. I can say sorry, and that's all, and not enought for them.
We can make steel silence stupid war "who will have more players" or take all greats developers teams, stick togheter and make togheter best FOnline, who will based on best players ideas by voting. Yes i did start this war, that was stupid, now I am looking on this from other site.
I think you as players need solution like that, not 20 tla servers, but one great world with few great implementations on every wipe.
That game is for you all, and if teams don't want cooperate on one great server, than You can make a "death" days sometimes, and don't playe on any server. But decision is on your site, I can reapat:"nobody want 20 TLA server, players need only one - best solution is that" (-almost like master Yoda
