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Author Topic: Racist behavior - That kind of takling should be bannish from any places  (Read 3670 times)

I'm not much of a forum guy, kind of killing the rolleplay but they are in this world more serious matter.

Cheers to "Prodigy" for this incredibly racist comment about Jew people.
Please tell me that kind of talking it totally prohibited from this game too!!!
(Screen shoot taken in NCR 20h30 +1GTM)

If I'm trolling or over reacting because of the killing (I shoot him after he steal from me, that's my kind of rolleplay xD ) just let me know.

Thanks for reading.

I like jokes about jews, what wrong with it?
It same like jokes about Chuck Norris  :P


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Why are you being such nigger?  :P

Some humorist tried to make jokes like this... Most ended in front of the justice and most of them lost.
But I might have no sense of humor. Who knows...

Im in support of freedom of speech. Quit being such a nazi (get it? get it!? talk was about jews)

But seriously, I think in-game you have the right to say anything as disgusting as you want. Maybe not on the forum because it's more connected to reality.

And what if I want to roleplay a racist? It's not me, it's my character.

I never heard Judaism was a religion in Fonline... Make joke about Gouls, BoH and so on that is rolleplay.
I'm still not convincing that "Jew jokes" as u seems to call it have any part to play in Fallout universe.

But seriously, I think in-game you have the right to say anything as disgusting as you want. Maybe not on the forum because it's more connected to reality.
Roleplay racism yes, but there are no Jews in FOnline, so obviously he was offending him as a person, not his ingame character :)
I was once a witness of one player in NCR being banned for offending someone else's mother.  Long time ago, but better watch your words.

The way he said it, it's funny though  :)


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I find it unlikely that all religion besides the ones created for the game would suddenly be non-existant just because there was a nuclear war.

Just because it is never mentioned doesn't mean such things (like the idea of Jews and Christians etc) does not exist in the Fallout universe, because it in fact does, as it is based on the real world but set at a later date with a few sci-fi elements added to it.

Though I don't find his taste in humor any good...  Like Chocolate Chip I firmly believe in the right to say anything you want to anyone in game.  (Devs and GMs being the obvious exception, respect necessary for certain authorities).

Who knows, maybe the guy found a holodisk record of the holocaust stemming from the natzi view-point and he gained this point of view from it. ;)  ;D
« Last Edit: March 14, 2012, 10:04:17 pm by Michaelh139 »
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.

It's not cool that he said what he said and I don't support racism or anything but I strongly believe in freedom of speech.

Only communists control what you say. You're not a communist are you?

Maybe next you want to control what god I pray to? And make me hang a big picture of Stalin in my living room.

Racism is about races. Unless Jewish is now an official race along with Chinese and Black, then this is antisemitism. And if people simply ignored stupid comments then the world would have a lot less thought-police going on.

Are you a Jew? If not. Why do you care what he calls you?
<Izual> Let's crash server


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Define "freedom of speech" though and name your source(s).
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.


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I love all of these faulty reasons to allow true racism from players. Your country's(-ies') freedoms of speech do not apply in an international game like this. Also, it's nothing to do with "roleplay".

But really, just ignore the trolls like that, and the problem goes away. FOnline has knack for attracting trolls.
ps: looser = more loose; loser = opposite of winner :>

Unless Jewish is now an official race along with Chinese and Black, then this is antisemitism
It's still a form of racism. And besides, Jewish can be considered an ethnicity, too. Not that that makes it acceptable.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2012, 10:30:35 pm by Dishonest Abe »
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!

Thanks for all the fast answers. From what I understand I have overreacted.

A forum wont change my point of view. I believe in one rule (out of roleplay mostly of course :) ) that is "your freedom stops where other's freedom starts".

I'm still convince that none of you would speak that freely to a total stranger in the streets afraid of facing consequences of your speech.
It's not communism, it's respect (or maybe it's just the way I've been raised).

My last hope was about "Video game content rating system" but all of them rated Fallout 1&2 for mature users only so there is not much I can say to that. Prodigy's comment isn't that strong regarding other contents.

My pride is hurt folks, wasteland really is a f****** b****.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2012, 10:45:25 pm by Lukh »


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No, it's not roleplay it's just stupid kid behind computer screen offending other people.
In most other games such person would be kicked right away.
Here for some reason some people think it's okay because "it's wasteland". No it's not.
Roleplay is just stupid excuse to get away with it.

In fact racism or other hostile speech is against game rules. In extreme cases such person can be banned.
But fighting with every case is pointless. When there is 200 people on server it's impossible to control
every word and GM must be a witness.

I hope some day there will be added an option to mute particular players.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2012, 10:57:41 pm by JovankaB »

Thats cheers me up!

+1 for the feature of ignore trolling.
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