Ok so after reading many butthurt and bickering about this wipe I decided to make a thread with some tips for noobs. Sure we all know there alot of things that suck, I suggest the piece of shit game thread to write how much the game sucks for new comers. No bitching, no complaining just advice for noobs and other players to get started.
Here is my suggestion for starting:
Ok so you are level 1 blue suit no items just made your build but have no tent no items. People are mean and tell you to piss off when you ask for caps and brahmin hides in towns what do you do?
I suggest clicking on random squares and picking up a some flint and craft into primitive tools. Then I suggest start looking for fruit plants and forests for wood. City squares have wood and fruit plants in same location at times. Find a still in any town and make rot gut. Then take the rot gut go to workbench and make moltav cocktails. Then go into small easy critter encounters and blow them up with moltavs to get a few levels. Throwing moltovs does not require any skill points and can be done with the lowest skill, you may miss a few times but for most part you can hit any small critter. You can also go do this on brahmins but draw back is you can blow up the brahmins and not get hides.
Also now we can fast log nice feature! If you are quick to get a tent make a heavy handed character, and punch small critters until level 2 then go for brahmins and hide the hides behind walls and various spots in town where there isn't a lot of player traffic depending where you start. Then you can grab the hides and go make your character of choice.
I don't suggest starting with a laser build they are not easy to start unless you have an alt to farm the weapons and ammo for them.
After establishing the tent, you can try doing what some players call gun running, where you find npcs vs npcs enocunters and loot weapons. If you do not want to die a billion times doing this wait until the NPCs are done fighting then loot the bodies they don't loot.
Power leveling:
1 - 8 moltavs vs mantis, dogs, geckos and scorpions, molerats
8-15 mutated mole rats, or floaters cenataurs vs alien encounters
15+ floaters centaurs vs aliens
Farming and caps:
Caps make a slaver alt do quests or farm spear wielding npcs
Suggest making an alt dedicated to killing town patrols if you do not want to limit what cities you can go into.
Good luck the wasteland is harsh that is all I can think of for starter advice.