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Author Topic: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.  (Read 9581 times)

Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« on: March 06, 2012, 05:23:19 pm »

my suggestion is to remove all types of this ammo at all from game, let people craft new for themself. because:
MFC - was easy to get from enclave at start (was it bug with MFC?)
Small energy cell - was bug at start of session ( 1 alloy=100sec or 1 ep = 100 sec too )
5 mm ap - huge BoS thievery faction.
Rockets - same like 5mm ap.

Comments ? Suggestions ? Modifications ?

My comment - all ca at hub and gr, and all good weapon(spawning 3 times per game day) going to BoS thiefes (5mm, rockets)

Good weapon at sf going to small energy cell bug abusers and etc.
So to end of session alot BoS members can buy stuff at merchants with theyr 5mm and rockets and other steal able/bugged stuff.

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Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2012, 06:20:59 pm »

You're dropping the game and you think it'd be sad to go alone, huh? No, seriously, farming should be the primary source of obtaining supplies, crafting is just too boring unless some seriously funky/powerful stuff is involved. This server used to hold over 500 unique players when getting the popular/necessary items was a simple matter of shooting up a caravan and/or a few dudes engaged in the same activity, implementing suggestions like this one has already brought it down to about 100 and this session a few smaller gangs have stopped playing because it was too hard for them to keep the logistical side of things running. It's a disaster in the making and yet you want to introduce even more mundane grind? God help us all if the devs share this view.
Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2012, 06:28:31 pm »

Huh ?

Is farming 5mm jhp from BoS with thief cool and interactive and great feature from devs ?

God bless devs, they removed BoS encounters. Lets 5mm gonna go away too. 1 hour of BoS farming was 500k 5mm jhp ? and which gang gonna go away from server after theyr stock of 5mm gone ? i dont get point, sorry.
But exploit and stuff from exploits is better be removed.

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Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2012, 06:39:33 pm »

Huh ?

Is farming 5mm jhp from BoS with thief cool and interactive and great feature from devs ?

God bless devs, they removed BoS encounters. Lets 5mm gonna go away too. 1 hour of BoS farming was 500k 5mm jhp ? and which gang gonna go away from server after theyr stock of 5mm gone ? i dont get point, sorry.
But exploit and stuff from exploits is better be removed.

The problem isn't the removal of steal-farming (but wait... why is steal-farming bad again?), it's the fact that the only other viable source of ammunition would be crafting since combat farming is more or less dead by now. Unless this game is supposed to be a simulator of a Chineese factory, this is simply unacceptable and yes, people have already left because of this and many would follow if it happened again. And it's not like there's that many of us left anyway. Heck, even the Mad Max wet dream would die because of this crap, as it'd be quite hard to pretend being Mel Gibson if the only humanoid character you could meet was Enclave Patrolman CritterId#34235.
Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2012, 06:53:22 pm »

^ This.
Farming is getting constantly nerfed. Why?


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Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2012, 06:55:35 pm »

^ This.
Farming is getting constantly nerfed. Why?
devs want us to no life and craft all day for 1 pvp battle thats why......
Roaming the waste again.

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Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2012, 07:31:07 pm »

why is leveling a thief character (a somewhat difficult build to level) and using it to steal ammo wrong? what is the point of a thief then? what exploit? if one were to say going the BoS to steal from them is an exploit, i dont see how. you can join a player faction and rob them with a level 1 alt. isnt it the same concept? except you need 300% skill.


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Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2012, 08:09:26 pm »

I am 100% opposed to your suggestion of wiping those items. So what if some gear was made by other recipes. If they did this, they'd have to wipe all Nuka Cola too since that formula changed. No way would wiping this stuff be fair now - too late. And i think Mel Gibson would agree with me.

Nothing wrong with using a thief to get 5mm ammo from NPCs over boring boring boring crafting it. Last season it took 3 hours to get 33k 5mm rounds of AP ammo from BoS. That was a big time investment but i didn't have to steal any more for a long time and i used my PvP big gunner a lot.
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2012, 08:13:41 pm »

i see that all pvp apes here farming 5mm ammo, then i see no reason to add my opinion.

devs before wipe talked at forum that bos/enclave farming gonna end, so i think this is like abuse - get ammo for 2kk for 5 hours is kinda weird.

even not adding realism to game - oh,  i m bos initiate and i m stealing 5mm ammo from paladins, paladins noticed this few times and killed me, i ressurected at replication point and i m still at BoS, i need steal more ammo. bla bla bla D:

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Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2012, 08:50:17 pm »

even not adding realism to game - oh,  i m bos initiate and i m stealing 5mm ammo from paladins, paladins noticed this few times and killed me, i ressurected at replication point and i m still at BoS, i need steal more ammo. bla bla bla D:

So you're basically saying that getting magically resurrected after having half of your torso blown off is not breaking your suspension of disbelief, while BoS "forgetting" you stole from one of their patrols is totally unacceptable, or have I missed something?

And yeah, stealing ammo is sort of retarded right now because it's the fastest way of getting it. Stealing should be a viable option, but should be a lot slower than fighting for it, while crafting ammo should be the slowest option that you only resort to at the very beginning.

Honestly, having an endgame-level player who has numerous level 24 characters do basic farming for basic ammo that is spent by the hundreds on a normal day is pretty bad, but having the same player click some rocks and then go f->5mm AP->done about 40 times at the workbench is absolutely ridiculous, doesn't even matter whether you do PvP or PvE - actually the latter is a much greater ammo sink and a reason PvP oriented players generally avoid it like plague.
Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2012, 09:48:49 pm »

Tell me why not, stop telling me why you dont understand
me or trying to tell me i m wrong. I dont give a fuck to make
posts where i need to make long-long bla bla about 5mm ammo and sec from
1 ep is good. Read lawyer doctrines about possible use or man for making usefull
ammo and thief which imagine himself brotherhood member. And i ll add this.
Shall I yet say more? If Oxylus, the son of Orius, had begotten this plant
upon his sister Hamadryas, he had taken more delight in the value and
perfection of it alone than in all his eight children, so highly renowned
by our ablest mythologians that they have sedulously recommended their
names to the never-failing tuition of an eternal remembrance. The eldest
child was a daughter, whose name was Vine; the next born was a boy, and his
name was Fig-tree; the third was called Walnut-tree; the fourth Oak; the
fifth Sorbapple-tree; the sixth Ash; the seventh Poplar, and the last had
the name of Elm, who was the greatest surgeon in his time. I shall forbear
to tell you how the juice or sap thereof, being poured and distilled within
the ears, killeth every kind of vermin that by any manner of putrefaction
cometh to be bred and engendered there, and destroyeth also any whatsoever
other animal that shall have entered in thereat. If, likewise, you put a
little of the said juice within a pail or bucket full of water, you shall
see the water instantly turn and grow thick therewith as if it were milk-
curds, whereof the virtue is so great that the water thus curded is a
present remedy for horses subject to the colic, and such as strike at their
own flanks. The root thereof well boiled mollifieth the joints, softeneth
the hardness of shrunk-in sinews, is every way comfortable to the nerves,
and good against all cramps and convulsions, as likewise all cold and
knotty gouts. If you would speedily heal a burning, whether occasioned by
water or fire, apply thereto a little raw Pantagruelion, that is to say,
take it so as it cometh out of the ground, without bestowing any other
preparation or composition upon it; but have a special care to change it
for some fresher in lieu thereof as soon as you shall find it waxing dry
upon the sore.

This is retarded trader willing to sell you CA for few 5mm bullets instead of 5 assault rifles or 7.62 ammo, which you get from angry raider or finelly crafted.

This - 20kk ammo stock of 5mm ammo - impossible in post war california, but possible at FOnline, then why not remove all this ammo and rockets. Let players get stuff by robbing poor citizens and players or crafting or from encounter, using 1 alt for scouting, 2 for fight and 3rd for carry stuff.

Enjoy farming 300k ammo for 5 hours and few k rockets. Yeh, it post atomic war america, get your stock of ammo for small army in 1 game play day.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 09:54:26 pm by Who Killed Bambi »

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Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2012, 10:21:53 pm »

Enjoy farming 300k ammo for 5 hours and few k rockets. Yeh, it post atomic war america, get your stock of ammo for small army in 1 game play day.

Oh god, you just went full retard. First of all, it's a game, it's supposed to be fun and playable, not a boring, mundane affair of swinging the same old virtual hammer into the same old pile of virtual rocks for the upteenth time. Secondly - yeah, ammo is easy to make in pre-war America, Europe or actually any other place in the world, even with some pretty basic tools - so I don't see why obtaining it should be such a problem in a post-war America where every second dude is walking around with a gun in his hands and a lot of people use guns for hunting, even in shitholes such as Klamath.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 10:36:39 pm by Nice_Boat »
Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2012, 10:36:06 pm »

Waaaahh!! Waaaahhh!!! Goo goo gaga! Boo boo bee boo, my boo boo hurts. Waaaagghhh! Waaagghhh!!!"

That's all I'm seeing in your post. Quit your little girl lolly gagging and play the game.

I am one of those people who thieves from BOS and it's actually fun, its like gambling you never know if your gonna get away sometimes I can have up to 1000 5mm and next thing you know BAM! it's gone in a flash -800 dmg by a bos gunner. It's tough stealing and it's not easy. It makes for some serious rage quits.

In the wise words of Forest Gump, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

So STFU and play FOnline like a MAN! Cry baby.



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Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2012, 10:50:19 pm »

Normally i dont agree with boat, but on this matter i have to say hes right. what would be the point of playing a thief in game if the game itself has no reason to be one, its a different way of playing. instead of making a crafting farmer you just make a thief farmer, the concept is the same except your saving hours upon hours of pointless farming to get what you want. why would people resort to crafting when they could do this, if you wanted to make crafting more viable remove the time outs on the piles of rocks, its frustrating when you can literally walk from mine to mine and every pile is depleted, makes stealing from BoS way more attractive.
plasma nade your face off!
Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2012, 11:06:00 pm »

1 hour of BoS farming was 500k 5mm jhp <----------------------this is insanely over-exaggerated, ive done this myself in the previous age(haven't bothered to do so this age, as i find it very boring) but in reality you could get about 10-15000 5mm ap ammo in an hour at 8caps a bullet that's around 80000-120000 caps....( if you were pretty fast and had maxed out skill and correct perks. that sounds like alot but really its not if you think about it, if you bought a car/gear/CA or BA/ammo/drugs or faction related things(bases, gear for teammates, etc....) that's not going to really do much for you, so with that being said, i don't feel like its particularly awful mechanic or overpowered even.
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