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Author Topic: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.  (Read 9411 times)

Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2012, 11:36:15 pm »

... it's supposed to be fun and playable, not a boring, mundane affair of swinging the same old virtual hammer into the same old pile of virtual rocks for the upteenth time. bla bla bla

This , i'm tired of this shit. I'm tired explaining that playing this game shouldn't feel like a fuc**ng chore , i don't want to do some ultimate grind all the time , to obtain the simplest items in the game that would suit ones needs.

Boat no offense , it's painful to read what you write even if you have a good point , you do nothing except argue on this forum :)
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 11:40:24 pm by T-888 »
Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2012, 11:41:49 pm »

As i think, problem is: When devs buff farming a bit = a LOT of stuff everywhere.
When they nerf farming a bit = a LOT of (maybe reasonable) complaining.

I just want to see where is that MIGHTY balance beetwen farming/crafting/ammout of stuff and when/how we can make it.

And my opinion about grinding stuff itself. I dont want easy game, but i also dont want stupid time consuming game where you must do the same thing all over just for one thing which have no value anyway.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 11:43:46 pm by Hololasima »
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Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2012, 11:44:07 pm »

Not everyone gathered his ammo just by shady means. Removing all ammo would punish honest people most along with loners. This suggestion seems like butthurt  : "I didnt know how to, or didnt make it in time to gather shitloads of ammo, so no one will have them"
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Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2012, 12:02:15 am »

1 hour of BoS farming was 500k 5mm jhp <----------------------this is insanely

It's not that easy anymore. You have a time limit on each BOS you walk up on and they will kill you.

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Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2012, 12:16:57 am »

yes!!! lets all use only rocks or HH unarmed!

weapons, armors, ammo, drugs they should be readily available. it is fucking game and i dont want to spend 99%f time crafting, farming, questing, in front of pc.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2012, 12:19:52 am by Rage master »
Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2012, 11:32:24 am »

rage rage rage, nonono, left us BoS for farming ammo.
all i see in posts...

thanks for some reasonable posts too.

i see point in remove because this items is like bb's at merchants, even bb's is more hard too get now, because of painfull to get junk.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2012, 11:46:26 am by Who Killed Bambi »

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Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2012, 12:12:08 pm »

I don't even know enough english words to say how totally retarded this idea is.

No, I don't have "BoS Thief" alt, never had any. Yet I consider making the crafting as the one and only way to get boomsticks and other itanz narrow-minded and I don't support it.

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Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #22 on: March 07, 2012, 12:35:24 pm »

I think if you ll have barter alt or character 1forAll you ll see difference in trading, when simply 10min of steal from bos converting to few ca and good guns. I m not supporting thievery, most weak part of game is exploit and nonrealistic features.

Let the Force be with You.
Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #23 on: March 07, 2012, 12:46:49 pm »

And what players which have for example 5000+ of MFC, SEC or 5mmAP by crafting. What they will do? Suffer? And why? Because they spend a lot of time to craft it?

Its just stupid idea and you should let it be
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Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #24 on: March 07, 2012, 12:56:26 pm »

i dont think someone is able to craft sec after bug was closed, and if 100k sec gonna be wiped and this few kk of 5mm too this can make economy better. it is not possible to trade assault rifle or other 2tier stuff to merchants, but they are happy to take 5mm ap.
and merchants dont want to take 223 pistol or 7.62 ammo, but they ll take mfc, which one is too have few kk quantiny at server.
so 1 player simply buying gauss from sf shop for mfc or p90/ca and other stuff for 5mm ap.

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Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2012, 01:11:26 pm »

You didnt answer on my question
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Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #26 on: March 07, 2012, 02:03:03 pm »

i dont think someone is able to craft sec after bug was closed, and if 100k sec gonna be wiped and this few kk of 5mm too this can make economy better.

i have better idea. give us ur nicks and let devs delete them. this will make economy better, 1 less whining "crafter"


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Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #27 on: March 07, 2012, 02:07:30 pm »

We won't wipe stuff away. We were always going to have things go madly wrong with the economy because theres lots of new things to try and balance.

you could get about 10-15000 5mm ap ammo in an hour at 8caps a bullet that's around 80000-120000 caps .... i don't feel like its particularly awful mechanic or overpowered even.

Yeah, 80k caps an hour isn't enough  ???

Lets be conservative and say 50 people on every hour, thats 4 million added to the game an hour, 96 million added every day and 2,880,000,000 added a month. With conservative estimates.
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Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #28 on: March 07, 2012, 02:18:17 pm »

and you forgot solar...there is no caps in traders and most of weapon you can loot from encounters ;]
i have 30k mfc, 20k 5mm, 5k sec and 1k ap rockets and what is wrong with it? nothing i worked hard to get it.
but solar please add ca mk2, ba, ncr ca, ea blue prints and if not just add ca mk2 bp cause ca is to weak, or add random 3rd lvl armor ca mk2 - ba - ea - ncr ca to glow lockers


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Re: Wipe out MFC, SEC, 5mm AP, explosive rockets.
« Reply #29 on: March 07, 2012, 02:20:46 pm »

Lets be conservative and say 50 people on every hour, thats 4 million added to the game an hour, 96 million added every day and 2,880,000,000 added a month. With conservative estimates.
How is that bad given the fact that ammo = gameplay (at least the kind people want anyway)? I'm all for best weapons and top tier 100/100 armors being hard to get, but why ammo and drugs of all things? Having hard to get weapons and armors punishes people for dying and taking damage, making ammo hard or time-consuming to get punishes you for playing in general unless you're a pacifist, and even a pacifist has to defend himself from time to time.
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