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Author Topic: The announcement from mayor of BH  (Read 12700 times)

Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #45 on: March 23, 2012, 03:34:06 pm »

i think their not organized enough for such things.
Yea, counting a lot of militia, that we have killed + lags of server (it was a lag time when we were killing militia ,and it was not very good to see white screen while guards shot their weapons in to our eyes...  But it was only 1 time,and we have killed all the militia 3 times, if i am not mistaken).
And count a number of us and number of SoT: it equals, as you see but as you know the power of caps?
(did you saw a Supermutant with rocketlauncher on that screen? O_o SoT camping behind mercs lol)
We had max Metallarmor mark2 and miniguns... And what can i talk about full set drugged warriors of SoT equipped in Gauss pistols, Avengers, CA.... Plasma nades? No problem - they have all uranium ore on this server (and dont forget about dinamyte - they have few doubleleoged suicide bombers  :o ....)
And thats not all....
Thats what i heard from my friends:
SosoT camping militia... SosoT use plasma nades.... waiting on WM untill pple get mad and drugs will not works... SoT are..... SoT...
Guys. Using so much things....i have only 1 thing, that i want to say. Shame on you, that you won without flawless victory! Maybe we will die 100500 times, we will lose all fights. But we are going to win the war. We have more people with every day. We have more skill. We have no butthurt, we count these fights fun and almost lucky.Good luck to you. Make screens,while it is possible ! ;D
« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 03:47:41 pm by Iceman »


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Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #46 on: March 23, 2012, 03:42:23 pm »

Do you guys even sleep or do anything except play this game and watch bh like a bunch of fat security guards?

ahahahah swarm you sometimes kill me with these posts


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Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #47 on: March 23, 2012, 04:10:50 pm »

only reason sot wins is many caps for mercs/millita. plasma naders that are so fuken op, good gear from well having millions of caps , bombers that should not be used in fucking pvp(because they cant stand loseing they use bombers fuck off losers) , countless proxys owm(dont say we are not oranized we just dont want to have to bring 5 pvp alts over a town just to have a fun fight)
truth is sot are the least skilled players on 2238 server. we have less numbers and killl all there numbers and they have to use second and third waves and bombers. they cant stand to lose some loot so they send in bombers. waves after waves its actually really really sad. sore losers it all.
Roaming the waste again.


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Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #48 on: March 23, 2012, 04:24:15 pm »

That's so funny butthurts  ;D

My pleasure has no limits  :)  :) :)


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Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #49 on: March 23, 2012, 04:42:58 pm »

hehehe sot is fucking sot and they play how they can. they will use very single dirty move to win.


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Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #50 on: March 23, 2012, 05:42:44 pm »

Your E-dick and stupidity has no limit.


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Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #51 on: March 23, 2012, 06:54:48 pm »

That's so funny butthurts  ;D

My pleasure has no limits  :)  :) :)

I never see you do anything all you do is go in blue suit sneaker and get all your members banned and troll.

I think iceman said it best they had militia, use guass pistols, fast logging with c4 bombers. And they killed us in a really bad position that is only good for killing militia and not players. And of course they can craft combat armor, and if you didn't get the blue print early wipe now nobody else can. We have to use metal armor mk2 which sucks vs ap rockets.

We had snipers and big gunners, no lasers. Also in this battle I was so happy that my rocket launcher destroyed in middle of fight and I was blinded by a sniper and couldnt see anything and had to run around corner doctor myself then the reamining 2 of us gets killed by one of their c4 trolls.

Any side that keeps adding militia and has a decent amount of players with a squad is bound to win a few times.

We know why we lost we really don't give a shit about gear. But we did kill all the super mutants :P

You may have won battle but you did not win the war.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 07:00:46 pm by Swarm »


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Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #52 on: March 23, 2012, 07:08:46 pm »

Hey kids! Today we will learn something about Forum Rules!

Ok! Let's take a look at this specific part:

2. Discussion is allowed, everything else will get you banned. This includes flaming, sniping, double posting, offending, insulting and similar. There will be no warnings. Read once again: no warnings.

Ok, we all understood that part, except for the banning part, I'll be a kind scholar now and skip that part (warnings given though).

Next one!

5. Any post that looks like crap will be your one-way ticket outta here. Respect others and expect to be respected. If you're insulted, offended or similar, do not reply. Moderation tornado will clean the nonsense, sooner or later.

I'm quite sure that some of you skipped this part (and probably the first one also), you should read it again thoroughly, and remember it next time!

Hey, what's this in my pocket?

Yep, that certainly is what it is. Let's make some use for it!

As for the topic authors, feel free to make another topic, this time the persons who haven't read the rules will be more heavily punished.
“And we passed through the cavern of rats.

And we passed through the path of streaming flamethrowers.

And we passed through the faction of the blind.

And we passed through the slough of swarm.

And we passed through the vale of tears.

And we came, finally, to the ice caverns.
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