I've slightly reduced some of the crit modifiers today, though I think uncalled probably needs to come down too, judging by the crits I was getting on CA with jackhammers :/With bonehead and a helmet on you really shouldn't be getting such huge damage all that often. Its pretty hard to read through the hyperbole to judge any decent feedback.
Actually Solar, yes crits are very powerful, but I think the problem lay more in the frequency of bypasses than in multipliers. All those OS crits are pretty much bypassing crits. Drastically reduce those and people will prolly complain less about that issue.
Wasn't it so that luck1 makes you receive alot of bypasses?
I really was only complaining about the damage from a laser rifle crit, I don't know why you are mixing them with pancor crits, I have no problem with weapons like that, they don't do ridiculous damage like a laser rifle crit did.
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
With Bonehead and CA Helmet on it shouldn't be *that* common. You would be giving -20 on the damage table (essentially negating the better criticals)
Yes, with any 2 of those 3 you should be immune to insta death.
Even with 10 endurance + bonhead + MoS + CA helmet you knock down very often.
We tested 2 chars.First : Bonhead + CA helmet + MoSSecond : Bonhead + CA helmetWe shooted in them 50 times in the arms and 50 times in the head; writed effect of that. And similar that in this two cases no different. Even with 10 endurance + bonhead + MoS + CA helmet you knock down very often. Cripling arms with MoS not less that without it. May be 100 shots this is small amount, but 15th lvl for this perk is enough high.
And I was just mentioning what I would be doing, as I was mentioning changing crit modifiers ... what is your problem? :/