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Private mines - how should they look like? [map]
--- Quote from: Wichura on March 09, 2012, 02:39:27 pm ---Well, yeah, price should be much lower than 75k, if there's no HQ resources there. And I think there shouldn't be any HQ, we have three public mines for these already and, what's realy weird, it's the LQ resources that are harder to get.
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--- Quote from: Trokanis on March 08, 2012, 04:18:31 am ---I'm sad to say it seems like you're posting a lot in places just to get your speech % up, but in any case, HQ materials like ore and mineral are not rare, and not even that hard to get. I think that a mine that costs easily SEVEN times the amount of the second best base in the game (if you choose to build your own) Should not deplete, and should have hq materials, but and a lower respawn rate and capacity, to help mitigate the production.
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Or should respawn slowly after initial depletion, but becomes partially visible on map- with visibility/discovery increasing over time.
Also, TC caps/etc. will easily buy these, thus permanently securing any big gang.
Wonderful thread should be moved on suggestion, then on task for dev team.
The 'theory' behind the price of private mines is that they give out well over the value of the mine in ore/minerals. However since the ore can be depleted and apparently won't be high quality anytime soon, it is a bit of a stretch. I think some modifications to the system would be great and slowly replenishing nodes would be cool, that way even if it is ONLY low quality at least it's worth having one, cause for some smaller gangs we don't mine to max every day so it would go a few days filling up then we could go when needed again.
I don't remember starting this thread.
Or do I?
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