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Private mines - how should they look like? [map]
AFAIK there is no detailed idea for private mines, all we know so far they are not worth to buy.
This is my vision of such mine, "top" level already made:
Map file (.fomap) is here, as usual free to take, remake and what not.
What about the way these mines should work? Depleting resources or not? Limited number of them or not? Random spawn or free to choose, like with DIY bases? Price suggestions? Possibility to buy "faction" mine with faction leader, so any faction members/friends can use it?
Please discuss.
love it, private mine is my favourite thing but cant get any atm =( sense am poor. if it was to looks like this thou i will most likely find a way to raise enough.
I like it very much. I think you should be able to buy faction mines, it might also make them more viable.
Last I had heard, private mines were broken (kept disappearing after purchase). Has this changed? I hadn't heard it had although I wasn't really paying that close of attention either. I like the above picture of what a mine could look like though and I also enjoy the idea of a faction mine. Naturally if I ever bought one I'd share it with my faction regardless...
Gotta absolutely love Wichuras maps. Including it in the faction base system is something awesome just to think about. Should also be a lot easier to implement, considering it would be technicaly just another base.
In my opinion:
Of course resources shall not be depletable; that was stupid back then and will it be stupid right now. Of course, they should be spread to larger areas (deposit having less than in public mines) and regenerate a lot more slowely. Random quantity on purchase (100-200 random type resources, 1:10 spawning hq deposit) would kick ass.
Picking a location for the base is pretty strangled as it is, should not be with mines (draging a guy somewhere and telling him to make you an abandoned mine there?) though it should be at least semi-aviable, e.g. picking a general location for the mine (around what city?) - as it was, i believe, intended before.
Price suggestion (on todays economy) is 30k. Of course, subjectible to inflation (like in cars case).
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