Yes, the reason LSW is lower is because we are experimenting with the M60/LSW and if boosting damage at the cost of running is practicable. It won't be changing until something comes of that.
Incidentally, this is the order of burst damage if you have 2BRD, BRoF (expressed in terms of Tommy Gun damage ) against CAGatling Minigun 3.024459655Avenger AP 2.795314642HPFA 2.539285919Minigun AP 2.466454096PID_M60 2.443721395PID_PANCOR_JACKHAMMER 2.404258973PID_HK_CAWS 2.23743284p90c AP 2.216156083PID_FN_FAL 2.096958694PID_LIGHT_SUPPORT_WEAPON 2.095068407XL 70 Ap 1.98623957PID_SAWED_OFF_SHOTGUN 1.72714114AR AP 1.718472723PID_HK_P90C 1.69586124PID_AVENGER_MINIGUN 1.661611181SMG AP 1.645000006PID_MINIGUN 1.453909783PID_COMBAT_SHOTGUN 1.354235666PID_GREASE_GUN 1.333333333PID_SHOTGUN 1.295355855PID_10MM_SMG 1.228686735xl70 1.215868109PID_ASSAULT_RIFLE 1.033667803PID_TOMMY_GUN 1
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.