Other > Tierra de Nadie
Need small help in translation from spanish.
No, i suppose that he took the text from a scanned version of the book (i believe this):
this version has many errors, I suppose Adobe Reader wasnt created to read the book's typography because the version is from a hundred years ago (also being a Spain version it has many old forms wich i cant understand at all, or perhaps more scanning errors). I remember my mom actually had a more recent copy of this book, but its far from were am i (8 hours of travel) and probably lost.
I CAN make the traduction for you, but it'll cost you something, maybe ingame, lets say 10K? (i want a personal base ;D). Also as you can see my english isnt perfect, but it may be a funny thing to try and learn a bit more english in the process.
PD: BTW im really busy right now at school and this is my last year, but i REALLY hate the school, and i surprise myself more interested in this stuff that in my own homework :P. So yeah i can do it this weekend
PD: Eter: It never hurts to try, but yes it was inmature.
I will try to work on this but I'm quite busy preparing final exams for university (by the way I study literature :D)
Anyway if you have patience I might translate it *soon*. My English is not perfect but I will do my best.
I won't ask for anything in return, it's quite cool that you're interested in this, and expecting payment inside a MMORPG for this sounds kinda immature (sorry Reiniat, just being honest here).
yep, i can try, but we need the original text, if you want.. hehe ::)
PD: i just have attention problems and search this instead of my homework.
Who Killed Bambi:
Thank you all guys, there is also alot faust editions and few writters at archive.org, that interpritated faust. The introduction is really great, and thisis original text :D I remember my first Faust trip at low age, and marlowe's faust from 1604 book and other books at old english is funny to read :D I was really wondered when see that 90 pages of text by Marlowe got different amount of x3 pages by other authors. And different translations and different books got different introductions and ... oh, i just cant describe my feelings :D My english is kinda poor and weird, but i ll be glad to see what does this introduction contain.
Glad you all find something interesting in this book.
:D cheers.
Also different english was seen by me in different ages of print, so faximile of 1604 and 1700+ 1800+ 1900+ books was different, even when them all was done by marlowe and editions modified old language :D
It is kinda funny to know that Faust was a living man in 1400+++ years. I was thinking that he was living in 1500+ and some books have different story about book and Faust at all in preface and comments.
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