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Author Topic: Fatigue//effort gauge  (Read 5582 times)

Fatigue//effort gauge
« on: February 24, 2010, 11:49:06 pm »

Fatigue//effort gauge.

Every player of the Fallout series knows everything about the AP bar, and how it already emulates the concept of concentration or exhaustion.
But how about running?
Why would we be allowed to run indefinitly without getting tired?

The idea here is to refine the gameplay by introducing an emulation of a classic action game feature: the sprint.
By adding another gauge on top of the AP and setting decent rules for it, it must be possible to bring this interesting concept of sprinting into Fonline.
The managment of effort (moving from cover a to b for example) might also appear as an fine addition to pvp and would also give a certain balance between defense and attack.

On a larger scale, beginners or merchants or whatever get a chance to flee from big ugly full stuffed lvl 21 mean guys, Combat Armor becomes even more a Holy Grail, HtH and Melee get a chance to finally hit something .
And probably char builds would have to be optimised differently. (although I have to admit that it’s actually getting pretty balanced right now.)

Details and a concrete proposition:

An example of equation that would be used to calculate the total number of Fatigue Point (FP):

St (x2)
En (x10)
Ag (x8)

In this example, we reach a total max of 200 FP.
One FP for one hex running.
Plus another FP for every ten kilos you wear. (Don’t know what it represents in lbs)

Regeneration of these points would be identical for everybody, let’s say 4 FP per second while walking and 8 FP per second while at stop.

Big Guns:

1 metal armor MK II : 15875 g
1 rocket launcher : 6800 g
6 rockets : 8160 g

30835 g of stuff or 3 points per hex (sprinting).

For a build :
Fo 7
En 10
Ag 6

(7x2)+(10x10)+(6x8)= 154 FP
154/(3+1)=38 hex running

Small Guns :

1 sniper rifle : 3628 g
1 combat armor MKII : 11339 g
30 223 FMJ : 540 g

15507 g of stuff or 1 point per hex (sprinting).

For a build :
Fo 5
En 6
Ag 6

==>94 Pf
118/(1+1)= 59 hexes running

HtH :

1 combat armor MKII : 11339 g
1 ripper : 908 g ou 1 super marteau : 5443 g
30 small energy cells : 1140

13387g ou 16782 g of stuff or 1 point per hex (sprinting).

For a build :
Fo 6
En 10
Ag 8

==> 176 FP
176/(1+1)=88 hexes running

Remember this is only a fully changeable example of equations.
Now people what do you think about that, big guns, small guns, hth, pvp or not, what does it suggest to you?
Do you have ideas to get this better or do you even think it’s useless or bad?
« Last Edit: February 24, 2010, 11:56:03 pm by Huitzilin »

Only for HtH...
I wait you.


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Re: Fatigue//effort gauge
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2010, 05:55:53 am »

As for me, idea is great - I can imagine that fully armored big gunner can't run as far (and as fast) as HtH character.
Calculations you made are fine for me.
Good idea, should be in the game :)
Re: Fatigue//effort gauge
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2010, 06:36:03 am »

I like this idea,but how long would it actually take to implement this?
Re: Fatigue//effort gauge
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2010, 07:04:12 am »

This is an engine feature so all servers will be affected by it. And FOnline guys won't be able to do it themselves, so it's up to a group of engine developers.
Not very likely.

This will also get a lot of whining and being called gay unless a low-ST low-EN character capable of running with 50kg can get from NCR gates to the workbench running.
<Izual> Let's crash server
Re: Fatigue//effort gauge
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2010, 07:04:32 am »

Well there is something like overweight state in the game... Furthermore I see no reason to punish people with much more expensive equipment just to 'balance' with pajama hth fighter.

Secound thought. How about adding pee indicator? That would be really punishing for guys drinking tons of iNuka-Cola for every action, ye why not -_-'
But being seriously, that indicator is realistic but would be a pain in the ass which would lead to fighting with spears and rocks. Who really wants that to happen?


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Re: Fatigue//effort gauge
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2010, 09:00:57 am »

Well... It's Wasteland, you know - and no one said it has to be nice place to live...
If we want it to be a bit more realistic, we should consider fighting with spears and rocks only - how many pieces of advanced technology would remain after the war? In my opinion not that much, and Combat Armor should be something like a Holy Grail - obtainable, but not without MUCH effort.

Kuroi - it's not punishing. It's common sense - some maths:
Combat Armor - about 9 kgs
Minigun - about 13 kgs
ammo (100 pcs.) - about 1 kg

So it makes about 23 kgs of equipment (not to mention other stuff in inventory). Try to wear something like this and then run. How far you'll go before you'll be tired? I'm quite sure it would be about 500-600 METERS. You don't believe me? Just try...


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Re: Fatigue//effort gauge
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2010, 09:05:39 am »

Secound thought. How about adding pee indicator?

I am sure sure that there are some players out there dreaming about this kinda shit.
I may even be one of them...
Maybe not pissing, but the need for food and water seems pretty appropriate and classical in the post nuke genre. (do I have to remind you of the first Fallout "plot")
Economy is just about guns right now, no surprise it is fucked up (adding to the fact that it is npc driven- npcs that almost never have money because a few players can take all caps out of the wasteland in a few minutes.)
Yes Fallout solo is about guns but there is no such thing as economy in solo Fallout.

Forcing solo players and beginners to find food and drink in Fonline is stupid -the game is hard enough for them- but giving that kind of challenge to teams by creating all sorts of costs of maintenance for bases would probably bring a lot of interest.
By interest I mean something else than mining and killing random npcs.
And by random I mean Frisco Caravans once an hour and Redding/Reno thugs.
Setting needs for food or repair, according to the number of chars in the database, need to get contracts with npcs, hire caravans and such.
Nothing that needs visual, just dialogs, numbers and penalties on players if needs ain't fullfilled.

Ok now thats off-board, I will rewrite it somewhere else....

About realism, I d say this idea is more about refining the gameplay by adding a new dimension to it than really focusing on realism.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 09:07:54 am by Zeck »
Wannabe smuggler.


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Re: Fatigue//effort gauge
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2010, 01:31:58 pm »

Yes, we wanted to add some kind of AP deterioration for running a while ago, but the engine doesn't support anything other than uniform decreasing for every player (regardless of SPECIAL stats).

So it is currently impossible.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Fatigue//effort gauge
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2010, 03:56:27 pm »

It would only be accepted without much whinning if the old running remains and an additional sprint ability is added.


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Re: Fatigue//effort gauge
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2010, 07:04:48 pm »

It would only be accepted without much whinning if the old running remains and an additional sprint ability is added.

And why whining of players should be the main "yes-or-no" factor when it comes to adding anything to the game?
I may not like some changes made since last wipe, but I made a choice - I play the game "as it is". If anyone doesn't like changes that were (or will be) made, then he/she doesn't have to play the game. There is so much other games to play, or even other activities (like real life, for instance). There is always a choice...
Re: Fatigue//effort gauge
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2010, 09:05:43 pm »

And why whining of players should be the main "yes-or-no" factor when it comes to adding anything to the game?
I may not like some changes made since last wipe, but I made a choice - I play the game "as it is". If anyone doesn't like changes that were (or will be) made, then he/she doesn't have to play the game. There is so much other games to play, or even other activities (like real life, for instance). There is always a choice...

Perhaps, but this change is rather big.
Even the original fallout games didn't have it. So it wouldn't make to much sense. There are currently cooldowns, now imagine if you  also have to rest every 30 seconds. That's not gonna make the game anymore popular.


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Re: Fatigue//effort gauge
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2010, 09:36:20 pm »

Perhaps, but this change is rather big.
Even the original fallout games didn't have it. So it wouldn't make to much sense. There are currently cooldowns, now imagine if you  also have to rest every 30 seconds. That's not gonna make the game anymore popular.

All right, I can imagine that :)
I can also imagine that some of PK would stop playing if they couldn't run around with their CA, Avengers and full of ammo anymore, 'cause they would be easy prey for others :D
Besides - you don't have to run, you can just walk. In most cases (like TB combat) it doesn't matter. And in RT combat fatigue could change just everything, and players would have to PLAN combat, to think more strategically - and that's why I'd like that "fatigue" should be implemented.

But, as Solar said -
the engine doesn't support anything other than uniform decreasing for every player (regardless of SPECIAL stats).
Too bad :(
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