well, i would suggest that he keep the 3 charisma so he can communicate with traders adn maybe if it is going to be a solo npc killer you may want to up your barter skill to about 70 or so, also, 9 agility and small frame ought to be a good idea of aquiring and maybe boost your intelligence to 7 with the extra point you get, and maybe add one lifegiver, that 4 extra hp per level after 12 is a great addition to a survivor, worked for me thus far with my main, even if getting armour may be a great pain in the side for you.
but if you keep to the south areas you may not need more than 80% outdoorsman'
(note to self: sucks that they didn't add the gifted trait, if they did i would have used my ultimate 10 agi, 10 int build)
Do you know that all "normal" traders (with good prices) communicate with you even with 1 CH, and these ones, who has bad prices,
I don't want to communicate with them, so CH 3 - point wasting. And also... best caps sources are players, you can sell them almost everything you can craft, and they don't look at your charisma and barter skill.
Also 80% outdoorsman? omg, don't waste points. Or don't raise it at all, or, better, raise it to 100-120.
About armor... make an alt with 10 IN 10 AGI 10 ST and other attributes as you want. Tag Unarmed, Repair, Outdoorsman. Fast Shot, Skilled. Or just complete briefcase quest. 3rd level char with 10 IN easy can have 120% repair to get 2nd level armored prof, so you'll be always in metal armor.