I don't really understand what's this anti-alt campaign all about.
I do. Many people have main characters that can fight, and crafter alts that can craft equipment for his main. If the main needs eqipment, he logs on his alt, crafts the necessary gear, then sends that character back to sleep because what else can he do without combat skills? The devs wanted crafting to be a secondary thing, but high level items needing "useless" skills like repair and science killed the idea, and introduced teh alt. They wanted characters like you, that can fight, and still craft, but players want only the best items, and for that, they need alts. Alts also consume resources (in 1 way or another) even when they arent logged in as i can well imagine.
I had a crazy idea about utilizing characters that have a high science/repair skill, but no combat skills, and introduce new gameplay elements. Ofc as this is a small project it likely wont happen but what the heck..
Why not let crafter toons with a high reapir/science skill choose a new perk. A new perk that lets them build robots to defend them, or turrets to defend a base! Behold my brethren, teh
Engineer class is born!(Anarchy Online reference) They arent good at handling a gun(repair and science consuming most skill points), but hey, i would not recommend touching the guy if he has a f****g sentry bot on his side with mounted miniguns and hellfire rockets

And while im at it, a character with a high charisma is a good troop transport, but other then that, they are like crafter alts, useless. He can hire mercs, but why does it cost money?? How about another perk for peeps with a high speech skill and charisma, to be able to gather followers, like mercs to defend him? Behold, teh
Beurocrat class!(another Anarchy Online reference which is a scifi mmorpg btw)
Hmm how about utilizing the outdoorsmen skill, so the group has a
Scout? High outdoorsmen, but little to no combat skills? No problem! Just choose the animal friend perk, that lets you tame wild beasts not just brahmin, duh... Again, the higher the outdoorsmen(and PE), the more and/or deadlyer beasts can be tamed, at the expense of not beeing able to hold a minigun properly..
What about the melee class? How about a high level perk that turns them into a
Tank? With a high enough skill in melee, he can choose a perk that lets him wear Power Armor! Yeah thats right, PA, and want to know how this wont imbalance the game? Well simple! He cant choose perks that boost his DPS. High endurance, but low damage output.
Lets not forget about the
Grenadier ofc. High throwing/traps skill enables a perk that boost the radius of grenades, or maybe not the blast radius, only add an extra effect to the explosion that knocks back/down mobs in a higher vicinity.
Doctor needs a revamp...
Snipers and Support gunners would get there own perks that can be chosen at 200+ skill.
If you read carefully, most of the fictional characters ive brought up in my post are allready in the game, but only in the form of crafter alts. IMO giving them tools to be effective in a group situation, and letting them actually defend themselves would help the economy in more then 1 way...