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Do you like the idea?

Yeah, gimme fuckin skin
Yeah, but i personaly dont need skin
I want skins but in other way then author is suggesting
No, im skinhater gm

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Author Topic: Be aware: OI-doctor can change your life forever!  (Read 3101 times)

Re: Be aware: OI-doctor can change your life forever!
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2010, 01:17:34 am »

As useful as flippant comments are, I'd like to know why the devs actually don't ever want this ingame.


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Re: Be aware: OI-doctor can change your life forever!
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2010, 01:52:55 am »

Because, right now, it's waste of time and workpower.


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Re: Be aware: OI-doctor can change your life forever!
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2010, 01:58:38 am »

I bet we would.

well, you can only guess about that.

But it would have many upsides already clear, redding would become a perfect pvp place, cause everybody would want to loot 20k,  vault city i think the current second biggest city in the wasteland (by players count) would attract even more people, maybe you could start buying selling stuff in VC as in ncr, and SF, who ever goes to sf now? Skin changing system would be something more 21 level characters could try, cause there is only town control for them and if you are solo player you lose this ability and have pretty much nothing to do except creating new character :>
« Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 02:00:19 am by vedaras »
Re: Be aware: OI-doctor can change your life forever!
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2010, 05:01:29 am »

Basically, I would like in end game ( near final version ) to choose from 3 complete skins ( normal, long hair, bald ) for men, and long hair, very long hair, and punked ( for women ).
All others should not be used by players, only for gm's etc.because they can be misleading for other players.
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Re: Be aware: OI-doctor can change your life forever!
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2010, 09:43:12 am »

Please, all, stop thinking that devs never had the idea of giving out skins. Long Hair Dude is already freely available on TLA, and I bet it will be on 2238. As said in this topic, feel free to create new full character sets that we would import. Just saying "I would like to be able to choose between these skins : [...] " is just irrelevant, unless you paint yourself the 20.000 pictures needed. Plus, as said on the same topic that I linked above, something is going on that will obviously make skins choice easy. If it's not yet in game, it's because 1) It's a beta-test (Everybody keeps forgetting it), 2) Developers have a job and a life ; 3) It requires a lot of work since it will be a great change.
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