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Author Topic: 10 tips for Gaining Experience in a Post Wipe Appocalptic MMORPG  (Read 8061 times)

Re: 10 tips for Gaining Experience in a Post Wipe Appocalptic MMORPG
« Reply #30 on: February 06, 2012, 10:14:18 pm »

Anyone mind posting a more detailed guide on how to do deathclaws?  The information is great, but I tried them as a level 18 bluesuit with about the same perks and keep dying.  I tried RT and TB, I go in and crit eyes but die really fast to the others, as they generally come in a pack of 3-4.  Are these packs just not doable solo or am I missing something?

I am 10/1/8/3/2/10/10 with bruiser and heavy handed, and all unarmed perks as well as even tougher.  I kind of regret getting heavy handed (I still 1 shot mutant mole rats though). 

Thanks for any help, getting bored of just hunting molerats because I'm noob =D
Re: 10 tips for Gaining Experience in a Post Wipe Appocalptic MMORPG
« Reply #31 on: February 06, 2012, 10:38:57 pm »

Anyone mind posting a more detailed guide on how to do deathclaws?  The information is great, but I tried them as a level 18 bluesuit with about the same perks and keep dying.  I tried RT and TB, I go in and crit eyes but die really fast to the others, as they generally come in a pack of 3-4.  Are these packs just not doable solo or am I missing something?

I am 10/1/8/3/2/10/10 with bruiser and heavy handed, and all unarmed perks as well as even tougher.  I kind of regret getting heavy handed (I still 1 shot mutant mole rats though). 

Thanks for any help, getting bored of just hunting molerats because I'm noob =D
My lvl 23 Hth with 300 HtH skill can't take on packs of deathclaws either when I'm in low armor and just spiked knuckles, haven't yet tried with power fist and combat armor.

Re: 10 tips for Gaining Experience in a Post Wipe Appocalptic MMORPG
« Reply #32 on: February 06, 2012, 10:43:13 pm »

The guy a few posts up said he was doing it as bluesuit.  Was just wondering if theres a secret tactic or something haha  ;D
Re: 10 tips for Gaining Experience in a Post Wipe Appocalptic MMORPG
« Reply #33 on: February 06, 2012, 10:49:28 pm »

It is possible to beat 2 tough deathclaws at the same time, you hit one once and then another one once and repeat. Knocking them down will force them to stay idle for a while when they get up to recover their APs. You will get hit a few times, though. Doing 3 deathclaws at the same time seems impossible, IMO.
Re: 10 tips for Gaining Experience in a Post Wipe Appocalptic MMORPG
« Reply #34 on: February 07, 2012, 12:01:58 am »

Having high FA skill helps in RT.
Taking on 2 deathclaws is very doable for hth bluesuit, but 3 is (at least for me) certain death.
Re: 10 tips for Gaining Experience in a Post Wipe Appocalptic MMORPG
« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2012, 10:49:27 am »

Can someone link the encounter finder link? Cant find it anywhere.

Also there were some encounters before wipe that the Raiders were frozen and not attacking you. It was a good place to farm 7.62 bullets. Can someone tell me where that was?

I also here there is a frozen hunting party somewhere but also cant recall coordinates.


I managed to kill 3 small deathclaws in boneyard encounter but when big ones show up they do a party over my dead body.


Fear the white ghouls for their bring their EXPERT SNIPER ASSASSIN brothers with them with the HUNTING RIFLES OF DOOM.
Strength through unity,
unity through Faith.
Re: 10 tips for Gaining Experience in a Post Wipe Appocalptic MMORPG
« Reply #36 on: February 07, 2012, 03:45:48 pm »

Here is my fast XP advice:

You can throw molotow coctails at mantis. I did it this way:

Go near redding. There you can farm some wood and apples (4 wood and 8 apples for 30 molotovs)

once you've gathered wood and apples go to redding. In upper right conner you will find a stil. You put wood and apples inside (4 and 8, or 8 and 16, you see the idea...) and use sience.

After few minutes you will be able to take out rot gut.

Bring rot gut to work bench (north entrance in redding mines) and craft molotov.

After you got molotovs go to farm rats and mantis around square 7:11

P.s. this is doable with ANY build on any level but requiers some practice to avoid suicide molotow throw.
Re: 10 tips for Gaining Experience in a Post Wipe Appocalptic MMORPG
« Reply #37 on: February 07, 2012, 09:09:54 pm »

Can someone link the encounter finder link? Cant find it anywhere.
Same page as the FCP:

Not sure if it's up to date or not.
Re: 10 tips for Gaining Experience in a Post Wipe Appocalptic MMORPG
« Reply #38 on: February 07, 2012, 10:44:31 pm »

Its up to date, I've added over 130 encounters myself. It was wiped with wipe so every encounter except for those changed/removed with updates are where they are stated, there might be more in those locations.

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