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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: Quiting game forever cause was killed for no reason numerous times  (Read 11712 times)

Re: Quiting game forever cause was killed for no reason numerous times
« Reply #60 on: January 18, 2012, 12:04:02 am »

What about a Karma System?

Been suggested before.
I'd like to have a Karma System, but it should be subtle- like Magic Realism.

NOT as a magical Reputation system that grants onmiscience to PCs and NPCs.

How would everyone know if you were naughty or nice?
Unless there were witnesses.
(And that would be remediable.)

I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.
Re: Quiting game forever cause was killed for no reason numerous times
« Reply #61 on: January 18, 2012, 12:43:36 am »

Been suggested before.
I'd like to have a Karma System, but it should be subtle- like Magic Realism.

NOT as a magical Reputation system that grants onmiscience to PCs and NPCs.

How would everyone know if you were naughty or nice?
Unless there were witnesses.
(And that would be remediable.)

Well considering if you kill every person in a Farmer and one is a child you suddenly are child killer forever and no one lived to tell?  You jump everyone in a Hub Patrol encounter and you can't get into Hub cause magically no witnesses told everyone you killed Hub guards? 

Ok let's sort some of this out, one you can't bring real life into a game and expect it to mesh completely.  The Harsh of this game is one of the appealing things yes, but it is still a G A M E.  And in every good game that people really enjoy to play and watch there is some sort of reasonable balance or rule system.  I do not believe that a level 1 bluestuit should be able to take out a level 24 powerarmored character.  But something should be worked out, the least of which with loading times.

Now I know a lot of you guys who take your jollies out on weak people by SD bursting, or Bombing, or Thieving, or Load killing them, are scared of losing out on that, and maybe having to face targets that can fight back, and all I can say to that is, The Wasteland is Harsh.  Maybe it's time it happened.

Comparing this game to something like Mad Max, or other post Apoc movies isn't a good analogy.  In those things real life mechanics come into play more so than this game.  The simplest being the load in to encounter thing wouldn't exist, maybe unless you were driving, cause I'm sorry if you're walking around and you hear people shooting you're probably gonna avoid them right?  So yeah we're here to look beyond just our own petty enjoyment to help bring to light things about this game that don't work, could work better, or need to be modified.
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Re: Quiting game forever cause was killed for no reason numerous times
« Reply #62 on: January 18, 2012, 10:24:03 pm »

I think developers should implement hugs in the game. Like new feature. Newbies can only be huged and snuggled. Maybe some kisses and cuddle. And if they have really really low health, they can be knocked down for a while because of the strong grip of hugs ;D Then everybody will live happilly ever after... :P


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Re: Quiting game forever cause was killed for no reason numerous times
« Reply #63 on: January 19, 2012, 08:17:47 am »

Kisses and other things can be easily done with /e
got on last season virtualfuck from teen.. I mean from young woman :D
Re: Quiting game forever cause was killed for no reason numerous times
« Reply #64 on: January 19, 2012, 11:32:22 am »

Kisses and other things can be easily done with /e
got on last season virtualfuck from teen.. I mean from young woman :D

Thanks for sharing, this goes to my notebook.  :-*
We’ve died a million times but we are not the walking dead
Re: Quiting game forever cause was killed for no reason numerous times
« Reply #65 on: January 24, 2012, 08:55:01 pm »

This thread is maybe old but have to share this. A moment ago I ran on some encounter. And there were two (i suppose newbies) with 80 - 90 hp fighting some pigrats. I remember the time when i was noob, i allways go to hunt in pair. And frustration when someone kills you in that period is enormous. I told them, I dont want to fight I`ll leave. Instead of letting me go, stupid (idk his name) bursted me! So i killed them. In their inventory were crafted guns and armours, allmost new. They lost i dont know how much time to prepare for hunt, and then they have lost everything because they didnt calculate situation well, in this case acted stupid.

Newbies need to die a LOT, at the begining. So they can learn! I have died, and everybody here have died.

Those two, or someone like them do that, and then come here and open threads like, "i was killing mantis and some stupid PK killed me for no reason. This game is too hard, and stupid, so I quit!"
If there arent newbies that shot on sight there wouldnt be so much high lvl PKs that kills newbies. Or oposite.

This cant be solved. Even with protected areas. Imagine different system with protected areas. Every beginner have time to safe exp to 3rd lvl, and 10 hides. What do you think it will happened after that? Someone will kill them! Because it is what the game is like. But instead of whinning on 1st lvl, they will whine on 3rd.  :-\
Re: Quiting game forever cause was killed for no reason numerous times
« Reply #66 on: January 26, 2012, 12:29:42 am »

You're like me. I was killed so many times. So many loot i lost. But... I never cried. I said to myself: "I will grow up, and show them who I am" . Finally i found faction and join them. This is fonline.
Re: Quiting game forever cause was killed for no reason numerous times
« Reply #67 on: January 26, 2012, 10:43:22 am »

You realise the reason noob bluesuits shot you right?

They had probably been killed a few times by other players who said

"No I dont want to fight" and went to the maximum distance their perception and weapon reaches and then bursted the unsuspecting noobs.

In general the FONLINE way is to play this game as single player... if you can run away from players inside a city do it. If you cant, treat them like NPCs ie shoot on sight in case of encounter in the wasteland.
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Re: Quiting game forever cause was killed for no reason numerous times
« Reply #68 on: January 27, 2012, 06:21:32 pm »

Basically what I've gathered from this is that the game should stay pretty close to what it is now (on the topic situation of course). I see GN13, a newbie friendly gang that is out to help and defend from/destroy PKs. There. That's it. Without "abusive" PK this gang may not exist in the way that it does. Or any other gang of the same kind, I'm using GN13 as an example. On the other hand, you have sadistic, sociopath gangs that love to e4t teh n00bs for breakfast. Two completely opposing forces! HOW CAN ANYONE NOT SEE HOW AWESOME THIS REALLY IS? I can't think of another game, like this game, where there is such a strong hate between factions. WoW MAYBE because of the fanbase, but it's nowhere near the brutality of this situation. The cool thing is that the devs put factions in for players to use them how they want, and players have made some crazy-ass gangs. Some for PKing, some for protecting PKees, and some that just mind their own damn business, trying to make it in the wastes.

If "fixing"  the harsh PK mechanic is what the devs want, or more importantly what the players want, then so be it. I just think the whole faction vs faction/PVP thing will be fucked. My brother the other day was playing. Low-level, bad guns, leather jacket. He ran into four guys that were trying to PK him, taunting him and starting to shoot. He whipped out is .44 and blew all those fuckers away, looted their shit, and left with,"Death...what do you all know about death..." (Platoon I know, haha) and it was damn near the most epic thing I have ever seen. Ever...

Without those guys trying to abuse the "poor gameplay mechanic," that moment would have never happened. Granted my bro did get lucky I suppose. But that's what made it so cooooool...


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Re: Quiting game forever cause was killed for no reason numerous times
« Reply #69 on: January 27, 2012, 06:26:27 pm »

Don't be loser, join gang, or suck. This is faction mode, not single player.
Anti-pk, protector of the law in wasteland.


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Re: Quiting game forever cause was killed for no reason numerous times
« Reply #70 on: January 27, 2012, 08:13:42 pm »

Don't be loser, join gang, or suck. This is faction mode, not single player.
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
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Re: Quiting game forever cause was killed for no reason numerous times
« Reply #71 on: February 20, 2012, 08:40:11 am »

I'm in this game for about 50 days and still didn't make tent because can't collect 10 brahmin hides without been killed by some stupid idiot. We have players who play this game for years now and new ones are not match for them so it's  a shame cause fallout online is a great game.
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Re: Quiting game forever cause was killed for no reason numerous times
« Reply #72 on: February 20, 2012, 09:20:44 am »

I'd be glad to help but you'll need to stop being your own personal Jesus first.
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
Re: Quiting game forever cause was killed for no reason numerous times
« Reply #73 on: February 20, 2012, 03:24:13 pm »

I'm in this game for about 50 days and still didn't make tent because can't collect 10 brahmin hides without been killed by some stupid idiot. We have players who play this game for years now and new ones are not match for them so it's  a shame cause fallout online is a great game.

If you have some Charisma or a radio, I could help you gather some hides.
But I warn you: it's less satisfying making a tent if you didn't gather the hides yourself ;)

PM me if you need help
Re: Quiting game forever cause was killed for no reason numerous times
« Reply #74 on: February 20, 2012, 04:26:19 pm »

I'm in this game for about 50 days and still didn't make tent because can't collect 10 brahmin hides without been killed by some stupid idiot. We have players who play this game for years now and new ones are not match for them so it's  a shame cause fallout online is a great game.

I can add you as a friend of faction so you have a safe base to stay in and equipment as long as you contribute to the base and leave at least scorpion tails so I can make antidote
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