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Author Topic: Is this it?  (Read 7855 times)

Re: Is this it?
« Reply #45 on: February 20, 2010, 09:38:49 pm »

10mm pistol - 0.06 hours
100 10mm JHP Ammo - 0.333 hours
Leather Jacket - 0.0833 hours

Total = 0.4766 hours.

Its then possible to gather enough for twice this amount in half an hour and craft it without starting the crafting timeout at all. Without a profession.

Leather Jacket needs:
Gecko Skin
Brahmin Skin

To get any of that you need a Knife...  and the ability to kill both a Brahmin and Gecko to get the skins.  Sure, you can buy the materials... if you can find them at a shop or from someone else.  You could gather enough junk from barrels and shovel enough shit to get enough money to buy the materials and then make the item.  This will take quite some time on average.  Also, due to prices, you actually will suffer a loss of value from construction of the item in question.  You actually lose worth by crafting.

10mm Pistol needs:

Wood you need at least Primitive tool to harvest.  So you have to wander around to find Flint and make a tool.

100x 10mm JHP needs:
Metal parts
Gun Powder

Metal parts needs ore, which means you need a primitive tool and to find flint.  Gun Powder needs minerals, so again you need a primitive tool and to find flint.  Both crafting metal parts and gunpowder has crafting timeouts attached to it.  Also, there's time in finding the materials to begin with and loss from death.  Of course, you could always buy materials, but that's some time spent in front a junk barrel or shoveling shit hoping to either find a shop stocking them or a player selling them in an area you won't get shamelessly killed at.  Speaking of pointless activities...

This can total up well over an hour or two, even with the best player taking every optimized step and not wasting a single moment.

Anyway, it's a lot of time spent trying to get the basics which you somewhat need to get the basics...  to have it easily taken away... then forced to start over again.


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Re: Is this it?
« Reply #46 on: February 20, 2010, 10:23:47 pm »

Leather Jacket needs:
Gecko Skin
Brahmin Skin

To get any of that you need a Knife...  and the ability to kill both a Brahmin and Gecko to get the skins.  Sure, you can buy the materials... if you can find them at a shop or from someone else.  You could gather enough junk from barrels and shovel enough shit to get enough money to buy the materials and then make the item.  This will take quite some time on average.  Also, due to prices, you actually will suffer a loss of value from construction of the item in question.  You actually lose worth by crafting.

10mm Pistol needs:

Wood you need at least Primitive tool to harvest.  So you have to wander around to find Flint and make a tool.

100x 10mm JHP needs:
Metal parts
Gun Powder

Metal parts needs ore, which means you need a primitive tool and to find flint.  Gun Powder needs minerals, so again you need a primitive tool and to find flint.  Both crafting metal parts and gunpowder has crafting timeouts attached to it.  Also, there's time in finding the materials to begin with and loss from death.  Of course, you could always buy materials, but that's some time spent in front a junk barrel or shoveling shit hoping to either find a shop stocking them or a player selling them in an area you won't get shamelessly killed at.  Speaking of pointless activities...

This can total up well over an hour or two, even with the best player taking every optimized step and not wasting a single moment.

Anyway, it's a lot of time spent trying to get the basics which you somewhat need to get the basics...  to have it easily taken away... then forced to start over again.

If u guys are still stuck on crafting 9mms but know by hearth how much seconds and milli seconds u need do to this and that, then your not for this game, your either very dumb, or not able to "get out of the box" try different approaches. the main thing i reliized is most important is to make freinds, i used to be alone now have over 40 friends playing with me crafting for me, buying and selling for me. The problem is i dont want the game to get boring and by the looks of it, it will sooner or later. CD is needed maybe not so much but it is needed.

Gms have to put new stuff in games, not slaving or thiefing not quests, maybe weapons towns (if possible). not work 5 weeks on a event that lags like ass and ends with no 1 happy
2kis ........


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Re: Is this it?
« Reply #47 on: February 21, 2010, 12:31:32 am »

OK, knife (*10) + 2 Primitive Tools (for the wood and the ore to make a sledge) + Axe + Sledge = + 0.067 + 0.02 + 0.0233 + 0.0233 = + 0.133 Hours + 0.4677 + 0.4677 = 1.0687. I guess that second Leather Jacket must wait.

Of course, you can do this without the leather jacket at all, most critters don't really require a LJ to kill and level on, but I included it just to complete the load-out.

If they do some of the simple quests to boost their XP further then its an even easier start, it allows you to gain a quick level to pump the crafting essentials if you don't want to tag sci or get 10 int, but all this is possible without actually hitting a crafting timeout and gives enough XP to make the first level or half the second (in about 30 mins).

Then if you wander aimlessly into an unguarded town and lose this stuff twice over and still don't learn your lesson ... its your fault.

Now I don't claim its an easy start, but I will have to claim that crafting is only a small part of the problem, since its actually a reasonably easy start to being a crafter.

Both crafting metal parts and gunpowder has crafting timeouts attached to it.

This shouldn't be the case. Can anyone confirm this is so?

Gms have to put new stuff in games, not slaving or thiefing not quests, maybe weapons towns (if possible). not work 5 weeks on a event that lags like ass and ends with no 1 happy

GMs aren't Devs, so no one wasted any time on that who is working on anything else. GMs are there to help players that need help and do events (if they feel like it). No Dev was involved in its planning.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Is this it?
« Reply #48 on: February 21, 2010, 05:18:23 am »

metal parts don't have carfting timeout last time i crafted
as for gunpowder dosen't ether i think    :-\

thought i belive they both add a count down to the crafting timer in the pip boy but you can still craft 
Wasteland radio phone number: 52822
Re: Is this it?
« Reply #49 on: February 21, 2010, 08:38:56 am »

thought i belive they both add a count down to the crafting timer in the pip boy but you can still craft 

No. I doing it everyday, you can make metal parts and gunpowder even if you have 180 minutes CD on crafting. And, of couse, metal parts and gunpowder don't add any seconds and minutes to your CD. That's easy to explain, because it's totally proportied by XP. Than more XP gives you crafted item, than more seconds added to your CD. Metal parts and gunpowder gives 0 XP and 0 seconds to crafting CD. 420 XP = 27 (may be 28) minutes. So, 420/27=15.5, 420/28=15, looks like it's 28 minutes. So 15 XP per item = 1 minutes CD. 1 XP = 4 seconds.

Time added to your cooldown = XP*4,
where XP=how much XP gives you crafted item.

If item gives you 0 XP, you can craft it anytime and in any number.
If item gives you at least 1 XP, you can craft it, only if your crafting CD < 60 minutes.
Changed nickname. This acc not in use anymore. Please, devs/mods/gms/ whoever, you can delete it.


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Re: Is this it?
« Reply #50 on: February 21, 2010, 09:05:44 am »

Metal parts needs ore, which means you need a primitive tool and to find flint.  Gun Powder needs minerals, so again you need a primitive tool and to find flint.  Both crafting metal parts and gunpowder has crafting timeouts attached to it.  Also, there's time in finding the materials to begin with and loss from death.  Of course, you could always buy materials, but that's some time spent in front a junk barrel or shoveling shit hoping to either find a shop stocking them or a player selling them in an area you won't get shamelessly killed at.  Speaking of pointless activities...

This is kinda true. Gathering is pretty much running from location from location and trying to cope up with cooldowns. Things that are still problematic are finding a good spot to gather, and coping with the short gathering cooldowns. Finding a good spot can be very boring. Sometimes even obvious spot doesn't provide you the mats 100%. There's not any surprise or interactive element there, you just find or don't find the spot. It could be fixed by having fixed locations for mats. I liked it somewhat when the world was filled with caravan cars on material locations. You always got what you needed and there was a slight excitement of meeting someone there. The only flaw was that it didnt make any sense that there's dozens of caravan cars just lying around.

As for gathering times, the times are probably ok but the way players are forced to deal with them is unfair. You have to be seated for hours to perform simple tasks every 5 min or so. Crafting cooldowns are much better. You make weapon or many weapons and you got one hour of free time to do whatever you want.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Is this it?
« Reply #51 on: February 21, 2010, 12:12:23 pm »

It could be fixed by having fixed locations for mats

Thats the hope, at least. I too liked the empty caravan maps that we had. Imagine those, but you gather materials for level 2+3 items, with the occasional NPC spawned there and then scattered throughout the wastes. With crafting speed for those levels taken from $3600/$3900 an hour to the region of $4000/$5000 or $5000/$6000 or so (and a corresponding increase in the price of those professions)

« Last Edit: February 21, 2010, 12:23:37 pm by Solar »
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.


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Re: Is this it?
« Reply #52 on: February 21, 2010, 03:38:06 pm »

OK, knife (*10) + 2 Primitive Tools (for the wood and the ore to make a sledge) + Axe + Sledge = + 0.067 + 0.02 + 0.0233 + 0.0233 = + 0.133 Hours + 0.4677 + 0.4677 = 1.0687. I guess that second Leather Jacket must wait.

Of course, you can do this without the leather jacket at all, most critters don't really require a LJ to kill and level on, but I included it just to complete the load-out.

If they do some of the simple quests to boost their XP further then its an even easier start, it allows you to gain a quick level to pump the crafting essentials if you don't want to tag sci or get 10 int, but all this is possible without actually hitting a crafting timeout and gives enough XP to make the first level or half the second (in about 30 mins).

Then if you wander aimlessly into an unguarded town and lose this stuff twice over and still don't learn your lesson ... its your fault.

Now I don't claim its an easy start, but I will have to claim that crafting is only a small part of the problem, since its actually a reasonably easy start to being a crafter.

This shouldn't be the case. Can anyone confirm this is so?

GMs aren't Devs, so no one wasted any time on that who is working on anything else. GMs are there to help players that need help and do events (if they feel like it). No Dev was involved in its planning.

I am sorry as my english is not so good, i have ment devs, not gms.
2kis ........
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