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Author Topic: (Perk) In Your Face  (Read 6338 times)

Re: (Perk) In Your Face
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2012, 01:06:00 pm »

have you ever seen any PvP Bgunner or sniper char with in your face perk ?
Sacrifice something to defend yourself... You can have easier time pwning other characters, while being pwned by HtH, OR defend yourself from HtH and have harder time pwning others. This game is full of compromises. Maybe you wanted a 10/10/10/10/10/10/10 build with all the perks and skills on 300%? Sorry.
Re: (Perk) In Your Face
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2012, 01:06:39 pm »

have you ever seen any PvP Bgunner or sniper char with in your face perk ?
its ridiculous how guy in CA with avenger  is doomed laying on ground in front of some bluesuit who just came from respawn.

It's his fault he let an unarmed bluesuit get so close to him in the first place.
Re: (Perk) In Your Face
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2012, 01:15:13 pm »

How do you nerf a blue suit? There is a thread where An smg does >1000 dmg. I think you busters are mad, because you thought you would be invincible to cheap shots, since you are the cheap shot. If some one with a gun lets me touch them without shooting me. I can break his wrist and throw him on the ground in less than 2 seconds. Oh wait, some of you guys don't want to play a realistic game.
Re: (Perk) In Your Face
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2012, 01:16:50 pm »

I think it's the coolest new perk.
see you in the boneyard
shoot me an infallible kiss
Re: (Perk) In Your Face
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2012, 01:19:34 pm »

It looks like some of you still don't understand that if guy nr1 got BA and gun like avenger and he can be pwned by bluesuit who back from respawn because of neverending knockdowns so  nigga's please... stop post anything on this forum... and about smg's ghosts - yes they are also so overpowered but its not a topic about them.
Re: (Perk) In Your Face
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2012, 01:28:08 pm »

this topic is about the In Your Face perk.
see you in the boneyard
shoot me an infallible kiss


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Re: (Perk) In Your Face
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2012, 01:31:32 pm »

Yes, HH will not be as effective. SD won't be working with bursts. IYF! won't be changed.

Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: (Perk) In Your Face
« Reply #22 on: February 03, 2012, 01:34:39 pm »

great news.
see you in the boneyard
shoot me an infallible kiss
Re: (Perk) In Your Face
« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2012, 02:27:18 pm »

Oh no, everything isn't being nerfed. That mean everyone's going to pwn me.

I thought this was a MMO. If you want to play as a loner then you must learn to face the consequences. Team work is the only way to beat this game. IMO this game is set around the idea of Tactics the squad based game where you work together as a team and conquer everything.

If you have a good enough squad to back you up then no-one is going to pwn you on their own.

In an ideal world you would have a squad layout similar to this IMO;

1- HtH heavy handed- Mega Power Fist
1- HtH crippler- Mega Power Fist
1- Melee Ripper
1- Plasma Pistol (Ext. Cap.) crippler
1- Melee Super Sledge
1- sniper
1- .223 pistol crippler
1- sniper crippler
1- medic
1- team leader/outdoorsman

1- Assult rifle burster (ext cap)
1- Avenger
1- FN FAL burster
1- M60
1- LSW
1- Bozar (if you can get 1)
1- Rocket
1- Grenade (Plasma)
1- medic
1-team leader/outdoorsman

2- P90 burster
2- Improved Flamer
1- Laser Rifle (Ext. Cap.) crippler
1- Turbo Plasma Rifle crippler
1- Laser Rifle (Ext. Cap.)
1- Turbo Plasma Rifle
1- medic
1- team leader/outdoorsman

Everyone has radios to group up

Each of these teams with experience should be able to hold their own ground on their own IMV.

Of course I could be completely wrong on that.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 02:29:09 pm by ThePhoenix77 »


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Re: (Perk) In Your Face
« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2012, 02:39:45 pm »

Yes, HH will not be as effective. (...)

So everybody with ranged weapon will be pawning pugilists again? You'll take away only tool that let's pugilists to fight the PKs back...

craft, Craft, CRAFT! (armors)
sometimes repair dismantle stuff
...and most of all; DEATH TO NERFING!!!


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Re: (Perk) In Your Face
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2012, 03:03:02 pm »

I suppose a more accurate thing to say would be, it won't be as effective for bluesuits.

If you have a PF it'll still be like now.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.


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Re: (Perk) In Your Face
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2012, 04:06:26 pm »

its ridiculous how guy in CA with avenger  is doomed laying on ground in front of some bluesuit who just came from respawn.

C'mon did this ever happen? Combat armor has what 40/5? With toughness and even tougher that would be 55/10. how much can a unarmed boxer do? 20? Maybe 30.  30-10=20, 20x0.45=9 That's 9 damage per hit, when the CA guy has ~200 hp we would have to be hit 23 times. Hitting 23 times in a row is slightly improbable even with just 5% chance to miss. 


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Re: (Perk) In Your Face
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2012, 04:42:13 pm »

C'mon did this ever happen?

I think that MeganFox experienced this :D.
Currently retired.
Re: (Perk) In Your Face
« Reply #28 on: February 03, 2012, 06:10:08 pm »

Town minigun controllers in CAs whining about overpowered bluesuits?

I think Heavy Handed trait is the best thing that ever happened to the HtH this season. Combined with In Your Face perk, it finally makes HtH fighter a formidable treat to minigunners.

Want to kill this bluesuit? Don't get him close.
Didn't killed him with one burst? Get your teammate to fend him off.
And even the most formidable HtH fighter will deal 4-20 HP per hit a 2 seconds, so even if you hadn't taken Stonewall, your mate will be able to save you.

Actually, it works pretty well just by two players. I was once bursted by a random guy in a encounter and charged him - he just ran away, kept his distance from me and probably sent a help signal via teamspeak, so his mate entered the encounter and neutralized me while i pummeled his agressive friend red.
Now that's teamwork.
If it were just a rogue PK harassing bluesuits, he wouldn't stand a chance. And the mural of the story in 2238 is - never fight alone.
And the devs made a impressive deal out of it.
Wasteland is a tricky business.


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Re: (Perk) In Your Face
« Reply #29 on: February 03, 2012, 06:28:23 pm »

Actually, it works pretty well just by two players. I was once bursted by a random guy in a encounter and charged him - he just ran away, kept his distance from me and probably sent a help signal via teamspeak, so his mate entered the encounter and neutralized me while i pummeled his agressive friend red.

Wow, indeed, great mechanic, a CA avenger guy have to call for help against an unarmed bluesuit, no imbalance here.
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