Other > Suggestions
Behold: scout (or scouting) profession
--- Quote from: Badger on February 18, 2010, 07:13:18 pm ---How about a new type of encounter is added. RADIATION ENCOUNTERS. Just entering them gets you radiated, the more dangerous the area the more dangerous the radiation. If you have a geiger counter, your chance of avoiding it is massively reduced. Outdoorsman does not affect your chance to avoid radiation, only having a geiger counter does. Then it'll become an interesting piece of survival gear.
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I remember this encounter from fallout 2 - radioactive wastes - hell a lot of fire and golden geckos, instant high rad level + growing over time and acid everywhere. Now this should teach people to have their gaiger counters with them.
So Nyan told me one good thing, you allready need 80% repair to gather el parts, so you cant be noob in that skill :>
Blower? Like a supercharger? Put into a car with an electric engine? Crafted from gecko pelts? By a scout? WTF, man?
It's a hell of an incoherent profession. Besides, scout is already planned, I think, and its main feature is supposed to be tracking. Making cars should be a job for a car mechanic...
--- Quote from: Archvile on February 18, 2010, 07:52:09 pm ---Blower? Like a supercharger? Put into a car with an electric engine? Crafted from gecko pelts? By a scout? WTF, man?
It's a hell of an incoherent profession. Besides, scout is already planned, I think, and its main feature is supposed to be tracking. Making cars should be a job for a car mechanic...
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Blower like in f2, and same guys puts it in like in f2 so i dont see a problem. I imagine scout as traveling dude, and if his life is traveling and he doesnt separate from his car very often then he knows where is what part and what that part does so i dont see a problem here neither, and according to the votes similar others think. And about those gecko pelts: i dont think you would craft a gun from alloys or metal parts neither but they are in, just chill out and enjoy the game like we all do :>
And i dont believe that tracking thing could be available, people complains would not stop because of that. Why you think admins nerfed stealing? And tracking would be even worse.
Looks nice. Building you own cars sounds......... interesting.
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